Rebellious Prisoner: Difference between revisions

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** Katara is not impressed when her jealousy that Aang masters a waterbending scroll causes Zuko and the pirates that originally had the scroll to capture her; Zuko attempts to coerce her into revealing Aang's location by offering back her mother's necklace, which she lost on the earthbending prison barge. She tells him to jump in the river. For a long time, even after Zuko switches sides, she holds a grudge with him about this.
** Don't take Sokka prisoner. If you ''do'' take Sokka prisoner, make sure he can't talk his way out of it. He convinces the pirates allied with Zuko that they would earn more if they handed over the Avatar to the Firelord, starting a melee between the two parties that allow him, Aang and Katara to escape. Later, when Azula and her friends stage a coup against the Earth King, only taking the king hostage makes Sokka surrender.
* ''[[The Legend of Korra]]'' follows this up with the new blood; ironically, Korra is the most likely to not be this when captured, usually trying to reason with the people holding her hostage. It's only when they won't listen to reason that she'll use her fists.
** If Asami gets captured, she's usually the first one to try to escape her bonds and find an escape route. She doesn't need powers to be a threat. It's why Korra trusted her to watch her body when the Red Lotus and Earth Queen's goons were after Korra and the latter entered the Spirit World for a truce talk with Zaheer, knowing in the worst-case scenario, Asami would get them out of captivity.
** Lin sacrificed herself to fend off Amon's Equalists and give her ex Tenzin as well as his family time to flee to the South Pole on their sky bison. She knows this means Amon will take away her bending, and spends the last moments up to that point refusing to give up any information about Tenzin or Korra. Fortunately, Korra with Aang's help is able to give her powers back in the season one finale.
** In the season three finale, though Korra surrendered to the Red Lotus, she fights back with everything she has after Zaheer refuses to spare the new Air Nation per their hostage agreement. When Zaheer gives the order to poison her with mercury to bring out the Avatar State and destroy her, and the Avatar Cycle completely, Korra spends a long time fighting the urge to enter the Avatar State. She also lasts ''much'' longer than Zaheer expected, considering how much mercury Aiwei made her body absorb, and uses the last of her strength to kick his ass when the freed Air Nation provides backup support.
** Villainous zigzagged example with Zaheer, both {{spoiler|before and after season three}}. He was never repentant for trying to kidnap a child, the young Korra, and bid his time while waiting for an escape opportunity. Season four shows him slightly more broken, having {{spoiler|lost all his friends in a senseless quest of anarchy which led to a greater dictatorship. The White Lotus also has him chained in a more secure prison, in the middle of a mountain with several doors. If he somehow managed to learn water, fire or earthbending, he's too far out of range to hit a guard and would be more likely to bury himself alive as Toph warned Aang when he was learning to earthbend}}. With that said, when Korra confronts him three years later, in an attempt to face her fear of him and her block, {{spoiler|Zaheer jumpscares her and laughs on seeing she's still terrified. While he doesn't feel guilty for traumatizing her, [[Kick the Dog|saying she's using him as a crutch to avoid her problems]], he does offer to help her fight her block. Korra points out with their past and his attitude, he's not trustworthy. Zaheer agrees. He also points out, however, that if she had other options, she wouldn't have come to visit the man who tried killing her. She admits she doesn't have anything to lose, and accepts his help. Surprisingly, he keeps his word and helps her reenter the Spirit World}}.
** The Beifong family refuses to recognize Kuvira or Baatar Jr.'s authority when they invade Zaofu, complete with Baatar Sr. saying he is disappointed in his oldest son and refuses to bow to them. When the roles reverse at the end of the season and followed up in ''Ruins of the Empire'', {{spoiler|this attitude has not changed; while Suyin has forgiven Baatar Jr. for following Kuvira, no one else has while he's under house arrest in Zaofu. His siblings are hostile towards him, with Opal becoming a [[Deadpan Snarker]] about his and Kuvira's ambitions, and his father refuses to speak to him. While Baatar Jr. started as this trope when first captured, he has since abandoned it after Kuvira opted to kill him rather than negotiate a truce or surrender for his life. He's spending most of his house arrest as [[The Atoner]] and accepting that he has irreparably damaged ties with his family.}}
* ''[[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]''
** "Only Human" has Atlas imprison the Titans as "trophies" within impenetrable orbs, to incentivize Cyborg to fight him in-person. They spend most of their screentime trying to break the orbs, with Beast Boy experimenting by transforming into different strong animals. When Atlas's sidekick tells them to deal with permanent captivity, Robin asks why work for someone that demeans and doesn't respect you. He convinces Mechanic to free them, and stop helping Atlas.
** In "The Prophecy," Slade lures the Titans into a trap and succeeds in capturing them when Raven flees to Azarath. Despite realizing they are under-equipped to handle his [[Super Strength]] and fire powers, they keep fighting, even when bound in fiery ropes. There's a shot of Robin realizing that his friends are going to die, which motivates him to try and get up.
** "The End, Part One" has Trigon mindraping Raven via psychic link when he sends Slade and his army to storm Titans Tower, saying that unless she surrenders to become his [[Apocalypse Maiden]], he will make her watch the Titans die. Her friends told her to stay in the safe room they made because if they [[Hold the Line]] long enough, Trigon's window of opportunity will pass. She surrenders for their sake, while using the last of her power to protect them from the oncoming apocalypse; they later use it to fight Trigon and track her down in the wasteland. Yet while being escorted to the sacrificial altar, she tells Slade that he may think he's powerful, but Trigon will dispose of him when he's no longer useful. He tries to attack her, only for the army to turn on him. Raven snarks that he's become useless to Trigon already.
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