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* In the episode "Waiting for God", Lister -- who has discovered that the race of Cat-people who evolved from his pet cat worshipped him as their God 'Cloister the Stupid', has discovered a dying, blind cat-priest who has lost his faith and succumbed to bitterness. Making a grand entrance as Cloister, Lister ensures that the man goes to his grave happy that his God has finally validated his faith:
{{quote| '''Priest''': ''[Despairing]'' You tested me, Cloister, and I failed...<br />
'''Lister''': No, you didn't fail, old man. You passed. I'm giving you an A-plus Distinction.<br />
'''Priest''': You mean... there's a place for me on Fuchal?<br />
'''Lister''': A place? You got your own bathroom ensuite. Corked floors. Your own barbeque on the patio, double-glazing. A phone, everything. }}
* ''Beyond a Joke'', when Kryten realises that he's been able to make something of himself {{spoiler|and do so even though his jilted creator had invented him as a [[Take That]] at her ex}}.
* In ''Holoship'', when Rimmer lists all the reasons he considers himself a failure, but Lister actually tells him there was nothing wrong with his job or the way he lived his life.
* In ''Thanks for the Memories'', the crew celebrate Rimmer's deathday. Afterwards, a drunken Rimmer tells Lister that he only ever made love once in his entire life. Lister decides to fix things, and adjusts Rimmer's hologrammatic memory...
{{quote| '''Rimmer''': You gave me eight months of your life... as a present?}}
* ''Stoke me a Clipper''. There are quite a few little moments in this one, but to my mind the best is at the end, when {{spoiler|the crew are having a funeral for "Rimmer" (actually Ace)}} and Lister awards him a {{spoiler|posthumous}} First Officership. Then all the crew perform a [[Strange Salute|Rimmer-salute]].
** Even better, when Rimmer leaves, he shakes hands with Kryten and Cat. But he and Lister ''hug''.