Reddit/YMMV: Difference between revisions

Adding YMMV example.
(useful notes->website)
(Adding YMMV example.)
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* [[Acceptable Targets]]:
* [[Acceptable Targets]]:* [[The Fundamentalist|Fundamentalists]] (not uncommonly [[Flanderization|extended]] to theists in general), police officers, Republicans (except for Ron Paul), any politician who's not Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich, and Israel.
** The /r/whitepeopletwitter subreddit seems to exist solely to bash white people as idiotic or evil, despite the site claiming to be against racism, making Caucasians an acceptable target.
* [[Discredited Meme]]: Reddit tends to turn memes into these.
* [[Eternal September]]: Reddit longtimers think the site's been in one since it was flooded with Digg refugees.
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** Rage comics tend to agree that the best solution to finding a spider in your house is to not be shy with the gasoline and burn your house down.
** "No, that's [blank]. You're talking about [phrase].": These are long-running threads about a poster mistaking something for something that sounds similar (the [blank]). The [phrase] will be a description of something ''else'' that sounds similar, which the next poster will similarly debunk. [ Example.]
** '''SO BRAVE'''.
** "We did it Reddit": The infamous 2011 Boston bomber witch hunt ended with Reddit finding a man who committed suicide around the same time. This horrible failure that resulted in grieving members of the family being harassed by people who thought their relative was a mass murderer brought the site to mainstream attention. Since then, repeating variations of the same phrase when Redditors commit an horrible error became commonplace inside and outside the site, because an user wrote this on the comment section of the post where the wrong suspect was identified.
* [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]]: What some redditors think about r/shitredditsays.
* [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]]: What some redditors think about r/shitredditsays. By the early 2020s, the subreddit has completely taken over the site and all of its policies, so content is rare anyway because anything that isn't the uttermost left-wing opinions gets banned. By winning, SRS has become redundant.
* [[Ruined FOREVER]]: In June of 2023, Reddit began charging for its API, ''effectively killing off all third-party apps''. In response, many subreddits went private from June 12 to June 14, with some staying private ''permanently''.
* [[The Scrappy]]:
** r/atheism. In part due to [[Flanderization]], in part due to real anti-theistic or more often than not [[Hollywood Atheist|smug sentiments]] by many of its posters.
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* [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]]: The people who complain about reposts.
* [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]: A certain [[Image Board]] ''hates'' what Reddit has done to rage comics.
* [[Unacceptable Targets]]: Reddit has become highly protective of [[Islam]] and any criticism of it on light of the increasing number of muslims in the United Kingdom(to the point the mayor of London is now a muslim), and favour it on the fact the religion allows abortion up to 120 days in comparison with Christianity. [[4chan]] loves to point out the ''massive'' hypocrisy of this considering the other unpalatable elements of it, even if /pol/ users also manifest liking it for allowing massive domestic abuse.