Reed Richards Is Useless: Difference between revisions

(Insurance actuaries have calculated that in the absence of all natural causes of death, the leading cause of death will become accident and humans will live only several centuries longer on average. Malthus was an idiot.)
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* In the case of [[Storm]] and other characters with weather-manipulation powers, it's been suggested that continual use of their powers would destabilize weather patterns (as demonstrated in one battle between the X-Men and Alpha Flight where one members self-generated blizzard wrecked havoc on the weather cycle). Most weather controllers aren't creating weather out of nothingness, they're manipulating the existing environment, and drawing resources such as airborne moisture towards one location simply draws those resources away from other areas in need.
* Project Pegasus, a division of the US Department of Energy devoted to discovering alternative energy resources, has a method of converting solid radioactive waste into harmless material. This invention alone should revolutionize nuclear power and earn billions of dollars. The ramifications of such technology among the world has yet to be explored.
** Although we do see nuclear power plants somewhat more often in Marvel Comics than we see them in the contemporary United States, and also see somewhat less plots involving resource scarcity, so the ramifications of that technology (more widespread use of commercial nuclear power) might actually be occurring in-setting.
* One Spider-Man issue had Doctor Octopus hijacking a shipment of HIV-infected blood, so he can try out a possible cure. He manages to steal the blood, get to his lab, fight off Spidey (who thought he was making a bioweapon) multiple times, and run the test...and it fails. Doc Ock is too depressed to put up a fight anymore and surrenders, and Spider-Man never learns what he was actually trying to do: {{spoiler|save his ex-girlfriend, who died from AIDS a few days afterwards.}}
* Unlike Oracle, no one wonders why the [[X-Men]]'s Professor X is still in a wheelchair. This is because he doesn't seem to really ''care''. He was moved to a healthy clone body under highly unusual circumstances, but his spine was broken later.