Relatively Absent: Difference between revisions

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* [[Fiery Coverup]]: Accidentally invoked during the [[Great Escape|<s>jail break</s> rescue]] of Soun, Akane and Nabiki from the police by the JNID in chapter 11.
* [[First Law of Gender Bending]]: Subverted -- although Ranma never returns to male in the extant material, the Gate assures her that with sufficient experience she will be able to toggle her gender-switch curse at will. And even if she doesn't, the lock on it will eventually wear off on its own over the course of Ranma's now [[The Ageless|immensely-prolonged lifespan]].
** When Ranma douses herself in chapter 4 with water sneaked from the Chisuiton by Harukichi during the fight on Mount Horai, it's too degraded to completely break the curse, but it still erodes the lock, decreasing the time needed for it to decay on its own.
** Naturally, Nodoka buys into this trope full-force, even when expressly told that the lock on Ranma's curse will be broken one way or another.