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First off, they're equally useless and end up as the damsel in distress more often than not. That'd also explain why she'd rather go by K-Mart since she doesn't want people to know her true identity as the president's daughter. Though that's pretty pointless by now, it's probably a habit that has stuck to her. If anything, she could be using the alias to show that she's equal to them and doesn't want to be treated as the pampered daughter of a powerful man.
* [[Jossed]] The Resident evil movie series and the video game series have absolutely nothing to do with each other canoncially. K-Mart is just K-Mart.
== Wesker's sunglasses are more than [[Cool Shades]]. ==
In [[Until Death Do Us Part|another series I read]], the main character has a pair of special sunglasses designed to make up for his lost eyesight. Aside from that, they also have a program that can analyze the data of whatever guns and weapons his enemies are using. In addition to that, someone can even look up information on things via the internet, and send him the data in the midst of battle. They can also give him a possible trajectory of the bullets based on the data it's analyzed. My theory is that as of Resident Evil 5 (specifically as of the Spencer mansion incident), Wesker's sunglasses do the same thing: pop up information on his HUD during battle and show pathways of bullets. That's the only way I can make sense of how he can dodge fire from automatic weapons and not get hit; I get that he has super human reflexes and all that, but still. The time it would take for him to look at someone's gun, guess how they're going to fire it, and dodge would still be long enough that he should get hit every now and then. Especially when you have some people who just fire blindly. But if he has someone on [[Mission Control]] feeding him info via his glasses, then he can avoid all that and just focus on dodging the attacks and in turn kicking the shit out of people. It would also explain why he ALWAYS HAS THEM ON regardless unless someone actually forces them off his face. Granted, anything before maybe [[RE 4]] and [[RE 5]] is mostly [[Rule of Cool]] still.
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In conclusion, right up until G5, Birkin had been steadily evolving into a perfect killing machine. He's still intelligent, but he's so insane after the transformation that he's lashing out at or impregnating anything that moves. However, with each transformation, he becomes more efficient, more deadly, and more of the perfect creation Birkin may have envisioned. Wesker's theory may have some credit after all.
== The merchant in [[RE 4]] is {{[[Castlevania |Renon}}]]. ==
He's that demon from the early Castlevania games or at least a cheap knock off of him. He's a money demon that sells much needed supplies to hereos in conquest. Similar to Renon in [Castlevania castlevania] he seems to be of foriegn english descent,I don't know what Renon's voice sounds like but if they sound the same or at least similar that merchant is Renon. He has the ability to transport himself to any location just like Renon and he chooses places with no monsters in them just like Renon. Renon being a demon despite being a salesmen, might very like have demon eyes evidenced by him always wearing shades just like Wesker, so we never get to see what his eyes look like in there human form, but the merchants sinisterly glowing beading eyes might be what they look like. He's not wearing shades so you know this time he doesn't have normal human eyes.