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* [[Advancing Boss of Doom]]: Satan/The Creature in R3 becomes this during a short mine cart section.
* [[After the End]]: Near the end of R2, pretty much the entire United States (if not the world) has been wiped out by the Chimera, while the setting of R3 focuses on the few survivors trying to stay alive. The multiplayer of R3 focuses on areas where humans have managed to stick together to form coherent armies, such as Africa.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: Most of the game's back story and character development is explained altogether in the comic series and the [[Alternate Reality Game|Project Abraham]], and events between the first and the second game are expanded upon in the novels.
* [[Alien Invasion]]
* [[Alien Sky]]: Done in the ending of ''R2'', to show that {{spoiler|a wormhole has opened up above Earth.}}
* [[Allohistorical Allusion]]: It's mentioned in R2 that Douglas MacArthur eventually became President of the United States, after the whole government crashed down when the Chimera overran the Liberty Defense Perimeter.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: Most of the game's back story and character development is explained altogether in the comic series and the [[Alternate Reality Game|Project Abraham]], and events between the first and the second game are expanded upon in the novels.
* [[Alternate Reality Game]]: Project Abraham.
* [[Alternate Universe]]: See above, though the cultural implications aren't explored. (The technological ones, however, are - tilt-rotor aircraft and assault rifles similar to modern-day ones were active in the 1940s. [[Word of God]] says technology went pretty far when the Chimera showed up.)
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* [[Super Drowning Skills]]: You actually can swim in ''Resistance 2,'' but the waters are almost all invariably filled with "Furies," who kill you instantly the moment they swim up to you and cannot be harmed in any way. Therefore, avoiding water like it's lava is essential, and a few times you have to hop onto cars or whatever else is in a flooded area to proceed. ''Resistance: Retribution,'' conversely, has lots of watery areas for you to traverse and if you're in Infected Mode you can even hold your breath indefinitely.
* [[Thanatos Gambit]]: {{spoiler|Daedalus engineered the events of the second game.}}
* [[The Unfought]]: And the unseen, for the most part. The Cloven are only directly seen in ''Resistance: Retribution'', so far, but they prove to be a hugely important part of the backstory. As a bonus, they also act as a sort of [[Metal Slime]] because some of the Skill Point challenges in ''Retribution'' are sniping the distant Cloven you see sneaking around in the background.
** The [[Eldritch Abomination|Pure Chimera]] also fail to show up, despite being hinted at several times throughout the series as the true enemy.
* [[The Virus]]: The Chimerans use this to kill humans, then convert the dead to soldiers and a working force.
* [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill]]: See [[Half the Man He Used To Be]] examples.
* [[Tsarist Russia]]: The opponents of the West in the post-WWI Cold War and the first victims of the Chimera.
* [[The Unfought]]: And the unseen, for the most part. The Cloven are only directly seen in ''Resistance: Retribution'', so far, but they prove to be a hugely important part of the backstory. As a bonus, they also act as a sort of [[Metal Slime]] because some of the Skill Point challenges in ''Retribution'' are sniping the distant Cloven you see sneaking around in the background.
** The [[Eldritch Abomination|Pure Chimera]] also fail to show up, despite being hinted at several times throughout the series as the true enemy.
* [[Unwitting Instigator of Doom]]: The American Government's propaganda machine, which covered up the Chimeran invasion of Europe as an influenza pandemic, and dismissed all warnings that the Chimeran invasion was only a matter of time. This doomed the continental U.S. to retreating to the "Liberty Defense Perimeter" (which got overran anyway).
* [[Viewer-Friendly Interface]]: The Chimera computer just shows an attack plan of the Chimera, which... consists of a map and a line.
* [[The Virus]]: The Chimerans use this to kill humans, then convert the dead to soldiers and a working force.
* [[Was Once a Man]]: All the Chimera, but special mention goes to Daedalus, whose former identity ({{spoiler|Jordan Shepard}}) is a major plot point.
* [[We Have Reserves]]: The foot soldiers are more-or-less things to be thrown at humans until the humans died, and dead humans are collected and formed into new Chimera.