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* [[Annoying Younger Sibling]]: Declan Porter, probably just as much for the [[The Scrappy|viewers]] as for his brother [[Nice Guy|Jack]].
** Averted with Charlotte, who gets along great with Daniel and even has [[Big Brother Worship]].
* [[Anti -Hero]]: Emily's a Type IV; she goes after [[Asshole Victim|Asshole Victims]] but isn't exactly concerned about the innocent people who get hurt along the way, like the employees of an investment firm that she bankrupts.
* [[Arbitrarily -Large Bank Account]]: While we're never given a definitive number on the size of Nolan's fortune, we are told that the combined wealth of the Hampton's elite is worth approximately the same as a week's worth of interest on his money. It's big enough that he can {{spoiler|buy Emily's house out from under Victoria, and then give it away.}} Since Emily owns the other 49% of Nolan's company it seems safe to say that she has this as well.
* [[Arch Enemy]]: Victoria Grayson is Emily's, although the former doesn't know about it yet.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: {{spoiler|Tyler becomes even more unhinged when he stops taking his medication. He stabs Nolan and threatens the people at Danie's party with a gun. }}
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* [[Beta Couple]]: Declan and Charlotte, Tyler and Ashley.
* [[Big Brother Worship]]: Charlotte seems to adore Daniel, turning to him rather than her parents when she gets in trouble.
* [[Big Screwed -Up Family]]: The Graysons, although not a big family, otherwise fit the definition pretty well.
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: Emily can seem really nice to people she wants to win over, but her real persona is very different. Also [[Poisonous Friend|Tyler]], who takes great pains to appear wholesome and impress the Graysons.
** As the series goes along, the previously comparatively sweet-tempered Ashley is revealed to be something of a naked opportunist who views with contempt the rich people she works for/befriends
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* [[Cowardly Sidekick]]: Nolan to Emily.
* [[Crap Saccharine World]]: The Hamptons might seem like a sunny world of parties and pretty, rich people but underneath it is built on lies and betrayal.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: {{spoiler|Mason Treadwell. He comes off, at first, as a smug dandy, who enjoys the fruits of his betrayal to Emily and David. After Emily burns down his house, however, we see him destroy Victoria's chance at defending Daniel and said he would take her down. When threatened with his corruption being exposed, he merely stated that it would be a small price to pay for restoring his soul.}}
* [[DaddysDaddy's Girl]]: Amanda was definitely this, before he was arrested for treason. After discovering his innocence, she's now this again.
** Charlotte Grayson is considerably closer to her father than her mother.
*** {{spoiler|Until it's revealed that she's actually David Clarke's daughter, and their relationship falls apart.}}
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* [[Dawson Casting]]: 21-year-old Connor Paolo as Declan, who is 17 (at most).
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Nolan also Conrad as of late.
* [[Deal Withwith the Devil]]:
** Many of the people who helped convict David Clarke did so because the Graysons bribed them.
** Conrad Grayson framed David Clarke in order to cover up the deal he made with a terrorist group.
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* [[The Dog Bites Back]]: Mason's second appearance has shades of this -- Victoria recruits his help in {{spoiler|proving Daniel's innocence}}, but when he's led to believe that she's been deceiving him, he goes in the exact opposite direction, {{spoiler|more or less destroying the defense's case}}.
* [[Dogged Nice Guy]]: Declan towards Charlotte.
* [[Doomed Byby Canon]]: This looks to be where Daniel is headed given the [[How We Got Here]] set up in the beginning of the pilot.
** {{spoiler|Subverted. Daniel's death was a [[Red Herring]] -- it was Tyler who was shot, not him.}}
* [[Downer Ending]]: {{spoiler|the Season one finale.}}
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* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: The one redeeming quality both Conrad and Victoria have is that they genuinely love their children -- well, at least Daniel.
** Conrad also seems to genuinely love Lydia {{spoiler|and is visibly upset when he realizes she's turned on him.}}
* [[Evil -Detecting Dog]]: Sammy does not like real-Emily. At first, anyway; he seems to warm up to her quickly.
* [[Evil Matriarch]]: "Queen" Victoria Grayson.
* [[Family Business]]: The bar Jack works at: owned by his Dad, run by the two of them plus his brother.
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* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: Victoria is the poster girl for this trope.
* [[Gray and Black Morality]]: Emily versus her victims.
* [[Have You Told Anyone Else?]]: {{spoiler|Frank, of all people, falls for this. Considering he used to be the one to silence inconvenient witnesses, he should have been more [[Genre Savvy]].}}
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard|Hoist By Her Own Petard]]: Victoria tries to buy Declan off to get him to break up with Charlotte. He responds by {{spoiler|faking breaking up with her in order to get the money, then putting that money towards getting his own place where he and Charlotte can go. And then the two of them have sex}}. Great parenting there, Victoria.
* [[Hollywood Hacking]]: Nolan can casually hack into other people's laptops and computer tablets. It takes him only a few minutes to hack into Adam's laptop and activate its webcam even though he does not know Adam or what kind of computer the guy owns. Nolan is a computer genius and has access to enormous resources but it is still way too easy.
* [[Honey Trap]]: Emily is actively working on seducing Daniel Grayson (and judging by the opening flashforward, she'll succeed), although her exact plans are unknown.
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* [[Jerkass]]: Tyler. His motives for trying to break Daniel and Emily up and appear like he's protecting Daniel to his family aren't clear, but his methods certainly are asshole-ish.
** Apparently he was merely doing it for the evulz... until his psychotic break, that is.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: How Emily dealt with the corrupt biographer.
** Specifically, the biographer's {{spoiler|house, which contained his research and manuscript.}}
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: {{spoiler|Frank.}}
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* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Original Emily/Fake Amanda. Her first appearance is as a stripper, and it pretty much goes downhill (or uphill, depending on your perspective) from there.
* [[My Beloved Smother]]: Victoria to Daniel.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Nolan has this reaction after watching the video of {{spoiler|Frank attack Lydia, an event that he inadvertently helped set in motion.}}
* [[Nakama]]: Despite Amanda's manipulations, and her constantly keeping Emily in the dark and getting her in a lot of dangerous situations, it's clear that she really does love her like a sister, and will follow her to Hell itself.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: {{spoiler|Emily ultimately decides not to kill the White Haired Man (the man who killed her father), because she knows her father wouldn't want her to be a killer -- but since he's still alive, he's able to blow up the plane carrying Victoria and all the evidence that could incriminate Conrad and clear David's name.}}
* [[No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup]]: A writer keeps all copies of the manuscript for his new book and all his research material in his home. {{spoiler|Emily sets fire to the house}}
** Inverted in the case of the psychologist who was not supposed to record her sessions and keep copies of the recordings.
* [[Once an Episode]]: Emily destroys the life of someone related to her father's conviction. Hinted at during a news report she was watching in the second episode that described the person testifying as "one of many" former friends now testifying. Looks like she has her work cut out for her. This gets dropped after a few episodes, though.
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* [[Poisonous Friend]]: Nolan is an inversion of this: while he is fanatically loyal to Emily/Amanda and assists her in her revenge scheme, he also frequently points out that she would probably be happier if she just dropped the whole thing and went off somewhere to enjoy her wealth.
* [[Promotion to Parent]]: When their father dies from a heart attack, the adult Jack becomes Declan's guardian.
* [[Put Onon a Bus]]: {{spoiler|Tyler.}}
** {{spoiler|[[The Bus Came Back]]: Until he's [[Killed Off for Real]].}}
*** {{spoiler|Which would make it [[Back for Thethe Dead]] .}}
* [[Rage Breaking Point]]: At one point, Emily is considering taking a break from her quest for vengeance due to {{spoiler|fallout from her latest power play to destroy the Grayson's divorce proceedings, and even considers leaving Daniel}}. Then, she learns {{spoiler|instead of admitting that she had affair, Victoria claims that Emily's father raped her}}, she smiles, and instantly recommits to annihilating Victoria, {{spoiler|all thoughts of collateral damage and remorse forgotten}}. The last shot of the episode is of her staring at Victoria in the distance with [[Tranquil Fury|cold, chilling rage.]]
* [[The Reveal]]: Several episodes have flashbacks revealing how Emily managed to ruin her target's life.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Emily gave Tyler a major one in episode 11 also count as [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch]] for {{spoiler|framing him for Frank's murder which he didn't commit, but [[Smug Snake|he deserved it though.]]}}
* [[Revenge]]: What were you expecting, a story about forgiveness?
* [[Rich Suitor, Poor Suitor]]:
** Charlotte, Victoria's daughter, has both - Declan Porter as the poor, and her ex-boyfriend Adam as the rich.
** Emily herself has [[Nice Guy|Jack]] and [[The Atoner|Daniel]].
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{{spoiler|'''Victoria'''}}: Then I guess I'll see you in Hell! }}
* [[Setting Update]]
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** One neighborhood fixture is the [[Dallas|South Fork]] Inn, quite appropriate for a soapy revenge tale.
** Emily's therapist has a copy of [[The Count of Monte Cristo]] on her bookshelf.
** Nolan refers to Emily as his "girl with the infinity tatoo," recognizing her similarity with Lisbet Salander, [[The Millennium Trilogy|the girl with the dragon tatoo]].
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]]: Nolan seems to be shipping Jack/Emily, although his motives remain unclear. It's possible he just wants to anchor her to her happy past and not lose herself in the revenge. The two are also the closest things he has to actual friends/relationships.
** And Sammy, the suspiciously long living Labrador.
* [[Sins of Our Fathers]]: Emily definitely views Daniel as fair game in her revenge schemes, despite the fact that he would have been in elementary school at the time her father was betrayed. Though she has stated that while Daniel is part of the plan, he is not a target.
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** And now, Ashley.
** Mason before his [[Heel Face Turn]].
* [[Spanner in Thethe Works]]: Lydia ''tries'' to be one, and is {{spoiler|thrown off a roof}} for her trouble.
** "Amanda" (the real Emily) is threatening to become one as well.
** Tyler's been steadily increasing as one since he first showed up. {{spoiler|And it gets him killed.}}
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* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: Just about everyone is this to Emily, except for her mentors and Nolan (who's more of a ''witting'' pawn than anything else)
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: {{spoiler|Between running out of his medication and losing all his blackmail material, Tyler has a rather impressive one.}}
* [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity]]: So far, all of Emily's victims.
** Actually, there's a bit of logic behind this; if their life has been ruined already, there's no need for her to do so.
* [[Violently Protective Girlfriend]]: In "Doubt" Emily beats the crap out of the guy Victoria hired to steal the tapes from Jack and who also arranged for Daniel to be beaten severely in prison so that he could be transferred to house arrest. [[And This Is For|"This is for Jack." "That was for Daniel!"]]
* [[Wham! Episode]]: "Chaos". {{spoiler|The person killed in the series-opening flashforward was ''Tyler'', not Daniel, who appears to be the one who killed him.}}
** The first season finale, "Reckoning". See [[Cliff Hanger]].
* [[Wham! Line]]: {{spoiler|"Six months after the trial, Victoria gave birth to a baby girl. Ask her who the father is."}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Subverted. While Nolan does point out to Emily that her revenge is hurting innocent people, he himself doesn't seem too concerned about it. In fact, he almost seems ''impressed'' by her conviction. {{spoiler|Until recently, anyway.}}
** On the other hand, he does call her out when he finds out that the real Emily {{spoiler|killed Frank}}, but it's somewhat unclear if he's upset about {{spoiler|Frank's murder}} or just the fact that Emily got him involved.
** He really lets her have it after her actions lead to {{spoiler|Jack getting beat by one of Victoria's goons}}, and he hasn't stop calling her out on it since.
* [[Whole -Episode Flashback]]: "Legacy" takes us back to late 2002 and the infamous Grayson New Year's Eve party of 2003.
* [[Woman Scorned]]: When Victoria finds out about Lydia and Conrad's affair, she ''crushes'' Lydia, and effectively exiles her from the Hamptons.
** Of course, then it's Lydia's turn to be scorned, and she threatens to expose the truth about David Clarke if Victoria doesn't take her back -- Frank actually refers to her as this at one point (though he was referring to {{spoiler|Emily's actions, which she had been framed for and}} which she was innocent of).
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** Charlotte's rich prick boyfriend.
** The senator who was the DA who convicted Amanda's father had a mistress who got pregnant.
** {{spoiler|Tyler is cheating on Ashley with Nolan. Tyler says he's just doing it to ([[Out -Gambitted|unsuccessfully]], unbeknownst to him) manipulate Nolan, but how true that is remains to be seen.}}