Revenge of the Sith: Difference between revisions

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** Darth Vader after hearing of his wife's death.
** Bail Organa when a youngling is gunned down right in front of him.
* [[Birth -Death Juxtaposition]]: Padme dies on the table while giving birth to Luke and Leia - while on another operating table, Darth Vader takes his first [[Vader Breath|breath]].
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: Palpatine rules supreme as Emperor, Anakin has long ago been corrupted into Darth Vader, Padme is dead and the Jedi have been systematically exterminated apart from Obi-Wan and Yoda. Yet, the Skywalker children are safe and we know that years later they [[There Is Another|both]] will become [[A New Hope]] to put the Galaxy right.
* [[Black Cloak]]: Palpatine wears one as Darth Sidious. [[Foreshadowing|Anakin also dresses in black for much of the movie.]]
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** Asajj Ventress is also mentioned once or twice; she's a major EU character.
** After the climactic duel, Obi-Wan is seen stopping to pick up Anakin's lightsaber, which he gives to Luke in Episode IV.
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: On Mustafar, both combatants are apparently immune to the heat from the molten lava that they are battling over. In the [[Novelization]], it is stated that both are using the Force to protect themselves... until {{spoiler|Anakin is injured}}.
* [[The Corrupter]]: Palpatine is a ''really'' dedicated Corrupter, who spares no effort and risks his own life in order to bring Anakin to the Dark Side, even though he expects Anakin to eventually become more powerful than himself, and thus very unlikely to remain loyal.
* [[Cosmic Deadline]]: Anakin's fall to [[The Dark Side]] goes ''really'' quickly in this film, since we all know how it has to turn out. The [[Expanded Universe]] and novelization elaborate on this a bit more.
* [[Cranial Processing Unit]]: Subverted. Within the span of a few seconds, Obi-Wan decapitates a Magna-Guard, turns away from it, and is caught off guard when it keeps fighting anyway. This is explained in the movie's visual dictionary that there is a second processing unit and photoreceptor in the chest that it can use.
* [[Critical Failure]]: Near the end of his battle with Grievous, Obi-Wan attempted to knock the cyborg off his feet by kicking his leg. The result: Obi-Wan ends up ''injuring himself'' and giving Grievous the opportunity to throw him off the platform they were on.
* [[Cuffs Off, Rub Wrists]]: Palpatine does this immediately after Anakin frees him from the chair on the command ship.
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: In a deleted scene and the novelization, as well as subtly implied in the movie itself, the Clone Troops, after {{spoiler|betraying Obi-Wan on Sidious' command,}} sent some drones down to search for Obi-Wan's body just to make absolutely sure he had in fact died in the fall.
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: Easily the darkest of the prequel trilogy, or even the entire saga of [[Star Wars]], and the novel is even darker. It has the highest age certificate rating out of all the films.
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* [[Final Solution]]:
{{quote| '''Palpatine/Darth Sidious:''' Execute Order 66.}}
* [[Finish Him!]]: Palpatine gets Anakin to execute Dooku this way.
* [[The Force]]: Stover's known for somewhat [[Purple Prose|flowery philosophical prose]], and this comes into play full force whenever Obi-Wan fights. By letting go of his ''self'', he loses his sense of identity and allows the Force to move through him, allowing him to get through impossible odds. By contrast, The Dark Side requires users to make [[The Force]] to do their bidding.
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: Anakin turning to the Dark Side and becoming Darth Vader.
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* [[La Résistance]]: The Rebellion, but unfortunately most of the scenes depicting its formation were cut. Then again, it's far too early for the Rebellion to be formed, since the movie ends shortly after the first "Empire Day".
* [[Last-Minute Baby-Naming]]: Padmé doesn't name her twins until they are born, and she's dying.
* [[Lethal Lava Land]]: Mustafar. In fact, it's so lethal (and so lava) that it even manages to (partially) avert the [[Convection, Schmonvection]] rule!
* [[Let's Split Up, Gang!]]: Yoda and Obi-Wan decide to tackle the two Sith Lords separately.
* [[Love Cannot Overcome]]: Padmé's breakup with Anakin.
* [[Love Hungry]]: Anakin regarding Padme, to the point that keeping her love (and her alive) is all he wants, and when she gets scared of him...
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* [[Love Triangle]]: Anakin ''[[Imaginary Love Triangle|thought]]'' he, Padmé, and Obi-Wan were in one of these. In reality, it was only his own paranoia that made him think Obi-Wan and Padmé were together, along with a few unhappy coincidences.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Palpatine, to the entire galaxy.
* [[Mini -Mecha]]: Some of the walkers.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Hand in hand with [[Heel Realization]].
** The novelization, when handling the scene where Vader's just been assembled on a slab, leaves out the [[Big No]] and adds a moment of Never My Fault before he realizes that it ''is'' [[Heel Realization|his fault]]. Then he tries to call on the Force to kill Sidious - but he's lost so much of his power that he can only destroy droids and equipment, he can't even touch Sidious - and in the end he doesn't want to, because now this is all he has left. The same person who caused him to kill his wife, their unborn child, and thoroughly alienate everyone he ever thought of as a friend is now the only person who will understand, and forgive, and care. Anakin - or now, ''Darth Vader'' - will spend the [[Fate Worse Than Death|rest of his life]] burning in self-hatred the way he burned on the shores of the river of lava. All alone, with himself.
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* [[Separated At Birth]]: The twins.
* [[Shirtless Scene]]: [[Estrogen Brigade Bait|Anakin]], [[Troubled but Cute|again in bed after having a nightmare.]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: The scene where the [[Elite Mooks|501st Legion]] march up the stairs into the Jedi Temple is a direct allusion to [[The Battleship Potemkin]].
** The scene of Palpatine declaring the formation of the Galactic Empire in the name of peace and security interspersed with scenes of his apprentice Anakin killing the Separatist leaders is very similar to [[The Godfather (Film)|Michael Corleone]] attending the baptism of his nephew whilst his allies eliminate rival Mafia dons ([[My Friends and Zoidberg|and Moe Greene]]) on his command.
** Yoda's departure from Kashyyyk looks much like [[ETE.T. the Extraterrestrial (Film)|E.T.]]'s departure from Earth.
* [[Single Tear]]: Anakin on Mustafar.
* [[Smug Snake]]: General Grievous acts all tough and imposing, but {{spoiler|later ends up getting defeated by Obi-Wan, who doesn't even have a lightsaber. [[Family-Unfriendly Death|Quite messily so]], for that matter.}}
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'''Darth Sidious''': It would [[Exact Words|appear that]] in your anger, you killed her. }}
* [[They Were Holding You Back]]: Obi-Wan and Padme for Anakin. Sidious manipulates Anakin into killing/driving them away ''himself.''
* [[Three -Month -Old Newborn]]: Newborn Luke and Leia are quite robust, especially since they're a) twins (multiple births, due to space limitations, tend to be smaller than average) and b) almost certainly delivered prematurely.
** Possibly [[The Coconut Effect]], since at the birth the twins were CGI.
* [[Tragic Mistake]]: Anakin breaks with the Jedi by {{spoiler|unintentionally aiding Palpatine in killing Mace Windu.}} "What have I done?" indeed. Mace also makes the fatal mistake to focus on Palpatine's "shatterpoint", which was Anakin, while completely ignoring Anakin's "shatterpoint", Padme.