Revolutionary Girl Utena/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Aloof Big Brother]]: To Anthy.
* {{spoiler|[[Affably Evil]]}}
* [[Aloof Big Brother]]: To Anthy.
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]
* [[Anything That Moves]]: If he can get results from sleeping with you, anything goes, and anything ''will'' go.
* [[Badass]]:
** [[Badass Baritone]]
** [[Badass Long Hair]]
** [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]: Usually in a red button-down shirt.
** [[Badass Long Hair]]
** [[Cultured Badass]]: In the anime.
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]: He's End of the World, the one who's been organizing the duels, forcing Anthy to be a prize in them, for the purpose of gaining her power. He ruthlessly manipulates Utena and his sister}}.
** {{spoiler|Also, [[Big Good]] as Dios}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Bigger Bad]]: Of the two first arcs of the TV series}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Brother-Sister Incest]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Broken Ace]]: He once was the most generous and sweet person as Prince Dios, but his terrible experiences left him completely disenchanted and embittered. Now he's a [[Manipulative Bastard]] who manipulates everyone and everything — including Anthy, his little sister, who is pretty much trapped in a [[Fate Worse than Death]] and ''he'' keeps her there}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Brother-Sister Incest]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Casanova]]: Basically anyone who's female and meets him is soon infatuated with him, which he invariably takes advantage of}}.
* [[Celestial Body]]: Used symbolically at the end of episode 25.
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: ''Very'' deconstructed. {{spoiler|During his seduction sequences appears to be a ''perfect'' gentleman, but turns out to be the [[Enemy Without]] of a prince deity whose little sister Anthy has to suffer for his inability to cope with being divine. His seduction of Utena (including taking her virginity) is presented by him as the gentlemanly thing to do - kissing her feet, making her feel like a lady - it turns out it's all a ruse to make her into a very feminine, yet also completely passive bride for him to use in his cosmic plans, instead of her becoming a prince who could conquer him, and just like he did to Anthy}}.
* {{spoiler|[[The Chessmaster]]: He's been directing the duels for who-knows-how long}}.
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: ''Very'' deconstructed. {{spoiler|During his seduction sequences appears to be a ''perfect'' gentleman, but turns out to be the [[Enemy Without]] of a prince deity whose little sister Anthy has to suffer for his inability to cope with being divine. His seduction of Utena (including taking her virginity) is presented by him as the gentlemanly thing to do - kissing her feet, making her feel like a lady - it turns out it's all a ruse to make her into a very feminine, yet also completely passive bride for him to use in his cosmic plans, instead of her becoming a prince who could conquer him, and just like he did to Anthy}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Complete Monster]]}}
* [[Cool Car]]: Or as fans dub it, the Akio Car.
* {{spoiler|[[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]}}: {{spoiler|as Dios, which led to his downfall as he was unable to live up to the prince ideal}}.