Revolutionary Girl Utena/Characters: Difference between revisions

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Kanae's mother, the chairman's wife, and {{spoiler|yet another person in the series sleeping with Akio}}.
* [[Christmas Cake]]: (a ''harsh'' deconstruction of one).
* [[Fallen Princess]]: (in a series that loves playing with princess tropes, she represents what happens when the princess grows up, gets older {{spoiler|and is still unfulfilled}}).
* [[Hidden Eyes]]: (we never see her eyes while she's on screen).
* [[Mrs. Robinson]]: (an almost textbook version of this trope, since she's an older woman trying to reclaim what's left of her girlhood in the worst possible way).
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: (and how! Despite having around a minute and a half ''total'' screentime, we're told everything we need to know about her in that time. There's even a [ fanlisting] for her that analyzes her appearance).
* [[Ready for Lovemaking]]: (it's very subtle, but a close look at what she's wearing shows this).
* [[Wicked Stepmother]]: (She acts in this fashion, {{spoiler|cavorting with Akio}} and caring very little about her ill husband's health or Kanae's well-being).
* [[Your Cheating Heart]]: (something Akio passive-aggressively reminds her of constantly when they're on screen together).
=== '''Ruka Tsuchiya''' ===
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* {{spoiler|[[Back for the Dead]]: He's terminally ill when he returns to the school}}.
* [[The Casanova]]
* [[Hands-On Approach]]: He corrects the fencing students in a very suggestive way.
* {{spoiler|[[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]}}: To Juri, even if it means making her hate him}}.
* [[Incompatible Orientation]]: He loves Juri. Juri is a lesbian. Do the maths.
* {{spoiler|[[Jerkass Facade]]}}: ''Maybe.'' In retrospect, every action he took was to {{spoiler|free Juri from her unhealthy bond to Shiori}}, and there's a good chance he was {{spoiler|making Juri hate him on purpose}}; however, not all fans feel that the ends justified the means, especially given that his actions include {{spoiler|''sexually assaulting Juri''}}.
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* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Subverted. At first we're led to believe he's another manipulative prick just like all the other male leads, but by the end of Juri's duel it's revealed that {{spoiler|everything he did was to discredit Shiori and free Juri from her self-destructive obsession with the girl}}.
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]
* {{spoiler|[[Thanatos Gambit]]}}: {{spoiler|Knew that he'd die and had his days numbered, but he still used this to his advantage to force Juri out of her vicious cycle}}.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
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* [[Huge Schoolgirl]]: Based on her height next to Touga, Chigusa is at least 6'1".
* [[Informed Attribute]]: Chigusa is supposed to [[Bifauxnen|look very masculine]], to the point where she feels the need to specify her gender when she introduces herself to the class, but it doesn't show at all in her character design.
* [[Lady of War]]: In contrast to her masculinity she's an elegant fencer.
* [[Manipulative Bitch]]
* [[No Guy Wants an Amazon]]: {{spoiler|The fencing team's sponsor, Masaomi, chose girly Koto over cold, powerful Chigusa. She never recovered from that rejection, and thus hates all girls who act passive and feminine - especially the player character, who is Masaomi and Koto's daughter.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Our Ghosts Are Different]]: In a way similar to Mikage}}.
* [[Spikes of Villainy]]: On her duelling outfit and the pommel of her sword.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You]]: GottaHas Haveteal-colored Teal Hair]]hair.
=== '''Shadow Play Girls''' ===
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* [[Canon Immigrant]]: C-Ko is the only one of the Shadow Girls to be transplanted into the movie, with A-Ko and B-Ko being replaced by E-Ko and F-Ko.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: ("I wonder, I wonder, do you know what I wonder?") [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] in that their school group is the "Kashira Playhouse", a pun on their catchphrase.
** ([[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] in that their school group is the "Kashira Playhouse", a pun on their catchphrase.)
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Their leitmotif is even named "Aliens from the Planet [[Catch Phrase|Kashira]]".
* [[Combat Commentator]]: In the movie, the Shadow Girls broadcast live footage of Anthy's car chase to the outside world, providing commentary on "who's in the lead", and actually being able to communicate to her through the car radio.
* [[Even Nerds Have Standards]]: They're not actually nerds, but A-Ko and B-Ko have the nerve to say that C-Ko is "a little strange" compared to them, and that she has no friends. In C-Ko's words, "you guys are ones to talk".
* [[Extra! Extra! Read All About It!]]: (In the Black Rose arc: "Gogai! Gogai! Gogai!" aka "Newflash, newsflash! Newsflash!")
* [[The Faceless]]: When they finally appear in person, they're only shown from behind.
* [[Faux Symbolism]]: Invoked. Several of their plays are perfect allegories of the events of the episode. Then there are the plays that involve a monkey-catching robot and a wife who thinks you can eat tires for dinner.
* [[Funny Background Event]]: (either this or [[Meaningful Background Event]]).
* [[Genki Girl]]: What they're trying to say [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic|is sometimes ambiguous]], but they're always very enthusiastic about it.
* [[Girl Posse]]
* [[Greek Chorus]]: They comment on the duels and/or act out allegorical plays that reference events in the episode.
* [[Greek Chorus]]
* [[The Hecate Sisters]]
* [[Leitmotif]]: "Aliens from the Planet [[Catch Phrase|Kashira]]".
* [[Once an Episode]]: Their shows.
* [[Painting the Fourth Wall]]
* [[Planet of Hats]]: If [[Word of God]] and fan interpretation is to be believed, the Shadow Girls come from a planet called Kashira. The movie supports this, somewhat, with the reveal of an entire news studio of shadow girls.