Rick and Morty/Awesome

Revision as of 12:59, 5 November 2018 by HighComs (talk | contribs) (+ titanic ref)
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Breaking the Fourth Wall: Broken twice and lampshaded in S2E11 "Ricksy Business" when the captain of the Titanic ride says:

Captain: Sorry for the inconvenience folks, we should resume sinking shortly. In the meantime, please stay on the ship and enjoy a complementary plate of James Camer-onion rings."
Jerry: Great. Not only is the ship not sinking, now the fourth wall has been broken."

This is particular awesome, although YMMV, in that Jerry, being the simpleton that he is, is saddened that the fourth wall has been broken. He wanted to enjoy the simple pleasure of being able to escape into the fantasy of the Titanic movie, only for the illusion to be shattered by the captain reminding him that it was a film, directed by James Cameron. This break (no.1) also reminds us in the audience that we are watching a show - though not directed by Cameron - and thus our simple desire to be immersed in a show is similarly shattered (no.2). Great work guys! That's post-modernism for you, and Why We Can't Have Nice Things.