Rightful King Returns: Difference between revisions

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* Invoked during the 1868 Meiji Restoration in which the Japanese Emperor usurped political power from the Shoguns who had been running the country for the past 700 years.
* King Michael of Romania was a figurehead ruler during most of his reign in the 1930s and 1940s. A fascist dictator came to power in Romania, who allied his country with the Nazis. In 1944 Michael, along with several generals loyal to him, organized a coup against the fascists and became allied with the West and the Soviets. Romania's communist government forced the king into exile in 1947. He eventually returned in 1992 and on a more permanent basis in 1997 although Romania does not recognize him as their monarch.
* Keeping other countries pretenders under protection is an old political gambit. In the past the theory was that it costs nothing to give him a suitable resemblance to a court, that he provided leverage to bargain with, could be made a flag to wave if an invasion was launched and could be disavowed if he was to obnoxious or politics made him undesirable. Nowadays there is a similar practice of harboring the heirs of monarchs or untraditional despots abroad. This is usually less a means to hold a hammer over the new regime's head and more a means of mediation by giving the old ruler a chance to escape with his life and sparing the new regime the expense of hunting him down and executing him. As there can be several motives for this practice it qualifies as a [[Zig-Zagging Trope]].