Ring X Mama/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass]]: All of them are very good wrestlers.
** [[Action Girlfriend]]: To Ryoma.
* [[Bi Thethe Way]]: More than a few will have sex with each other, though most are primarily heterosexual.
* [[Loveable Sex Maniac]]: Most of them to varying degrees.
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* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: Goes from being a female wrestling fanboy to managing his favorite female wrestlers.
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: Is pretty weak to feminine wiles, but truly cares for the women he has slept with. On the other hand, he proposed both Rio and Sanae settle their differences with a perverse suggestion so lewd once that both of them were stunned and [[Luminescent Blush|very beet red]] in response.
* [[Non -Action Guy]]: Is mostly around to provide moral and other support to the other female characters.
* [[Harem Hero]]: Well, when you're the manager of an entire team [[Hot Amazon]] wrestlers who all willingly sleep with you and are all [[Action Girlfriend]]s, this trope is rather impossible to avoid.
* [[Nice Guy]]: Not only does he honestly care about the female wrestlers he winds up managing, he even breaks down and weeps over the fact {{spoiler|he couldn't have been there to save Aoi for her horrible past, even wishing he could have been there to help here}}.
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The main female protagonist of Ring X Mama.
* [[Big Breasts, Big Deal]]: Rather proud of hers, to Rio's chagrin.
* [[Happily Divorced]]: From her first husband, who is still friends with. They broke up due to him not being all that great in the bedroom, but they have no other outstanding resentments with each other.
* [[First Girl Wins]]: First girl to sleep with Ryoma, ultimately winds up with him in the end.
* [[Gag Boobs]]: Lampshaded, though she hardly the most endowed woman in the story.
* [[Green -Eyed Monster]]: PRONE TO THIS. However, she's pretty chill about it most of the time concerning Ryoma, conceding the fact he seems to be a walking sex magnet, though it continues to irritate her to no end off and on throughout the story.
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[[File:Rio Katsura.jpg|right]]
* [[A -Cup Angst]]: While not "small" by any means, she feels outclassed by Sanae {{spoiler|to the point she believes Sanae won Kaoru thanks to her [[Gag Boobs]].}}
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]: She's Japanese, but the dark skin could just be a tan, but either way, it isn't really explained.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: [[Captain Obvious|Tigers]].
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: Her wrestling outfit.
* [[Green -Eyed Monster]]: Has a serious case of this, and is why Gigamax broke up three years before the start of the story, due to both Sanae and Rio having the hots for Kaoru (Sanae won). {{spoiler|And it flares up again over Ryoma, and Aoi keeps egging her on.}}
* [[Hard -Drinking Party Girl]]: When Linda presents some really strong booze to Rio as a present, this immediately changes Rio's opinion of her for the better.
* [[Rose -Haired Girl]]: More of a purplish-pink, but close enough.
* [[The Rival]]: To Sanae. {{spoiler|Aoi exploits this for all it's worth to drive a wedge between her and Sanae.}}
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* [[Commanding Coolness]]: Is referred to as a "Commander" by her naval colleagues despite being a second lieutenant, though since she seems to be leader of a spec ops squad, this seems to be a reference to her leading the squad.
* [[Eagle Land]]: Type 2 for the most part.
* [[Expy]]: Flag patterned outfit, well endowed female blonde wrestler that stands out in a largely Japanese cast. [[Dead or Alive (Video Game)|Sounds familiar.......]]
* [[Gag Boobs]]: True to the stereotype she's drawn as, she has the largest drawn breasts in the entire manga, though this dooms her to more than on [[Wardrobe Malfunction]].
* [[Gamer Chick]]: Very good at arcade games.
* [[Good -Looking Privates]]: She's a second Lieutenant in the US Naval Reserves and a Navy SEAL.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Don't let the broken English and bimboish attitude fool you, she's a lot smarter than she appears.
* [[Hulk Speak]]; Speaks slightly broken sounding Japanese, which is translated to imperfect English for the reader.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]: Pulls some strings with the US Navy to let Gigamax train on a US naval carrier. Kinda helps that the captain [[Nepotism|is her uncle]].
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: She can be surprisingly serious and resourceful when she wants to be, and she is an officer in the US Navy, implying she has a degree of some sort.
* [[Occidental Otaku]]: Of all things Japanese, though since she seems to adapt pretty well, this is mostly [[Played for Laughs]].
* [[Token Minority]]: The only obvious American on the Gigamax promotion team.
* [[Wardrobe Malfunction]]: In an entire cast of [[Gag Boobs|really well endowed women]], hers are so large they [[Funny Moments|have caused skin tight wetsuits to rip apart from the pressure.]]
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* [[Megaton Punch]]: Gives one to Ryoma early on back when she didn't like him.
* [[Sempai -Kohai]]: Refers to Sanae as [[Onee-Sama]] and clearly regards her as her senior.
* [[Tsundere]]: Almost a textbook example, especially to Ryoma.
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* [[Badass]]: Regarded as one of the best female wrestlers in Japan.
** [[Submissive Badass]] - [[Played for Drama]].
* [[Bi Thethe Way]]:
* [[Broken Bird]]: See the [[Dark and Troubled Past|below trope]] as to why.
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: {{spoiler|Has slept with Rio, Ryoma, and presumably Kaoru. The first one was for manipulation purposes, the second both manipulation and genuine attraction, and the last she wound up settling with. For the most part, sex seems to be a form of control and manipulation for her, which is understandable given how she was taken advantage of several before the story began.}}
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: {{spoiler|She was forced to have sex with the former sponsors of Jipang during the past when the economy tanked, and basically being able to use her a sex toy was part of the price of them keeping Jipang financed. Even though the former chairwoman of Jipang was guilt ridden over letting it happen, Aoi sacrificed herself willingly to keep the company going. Eventually, things got better and Aoi no longer had to put herself through that, but it broke her pretty badly inside, making her bitter, cynical, and made her obsessed with being the dominant party in relationships.}}
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: {{spoiler|She eventually gets over her dark and troubled past and winds up with Sanae's former husband.}}
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: {{spoiler|Being more or less raped by men treating you as expendable if you don't put out made Aoi extremely broken inside to the point she always wants to be the one in control.}}
* [[Heel]]: The role of her wrestling persona.
* [[Hot Amazon]]: Ryoma definitely thinks so.
* [[Kuudere]]: Once you get past the icy exterior, there is a surprisingly warm hearted person inside, she's just reluctant to show it thanks to her [[Broken Bird|horrible past.]]
* [[Manipulative Bitch]]: She has her reasons, see [[Dark and Troubled Past]] for the details.
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]: Both her wrestling persona and the way she comes off to people.
* [[The Dog Bites Back]]: {{spoiler|Aoi finally can't take being forced to put out for sleazy assholes anymore and beats the ever loving shit out of them. Kaoru thankfully shows ups around that time and helps make sure she doesn't have to worry about any fallout for doing so later on.}}
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* [[Internal Reformist]]: Helps clean out the corruption of {{spoiler|Jipang}} once he gets back from being in America in his backstory and realizes how bad it has gotten.
* [[Rescue Romance]]: Winds up initiating one with {{spoiler|Aoi, which later graduates to them becoming an [[Official Couple]] at the end.}}
* [[Working Withwith the Ex]]: To a degree. {{spoiler|He is technically working against her by virtue of his association with Jipang and the fact he's in a secret relationship with his ex-wife's rival, but it's nothing personal, and in the long run everyone benefits.}}
* [[The Loins Sleep Tonight]]: The other half of why his and Sanae's marriage crashed and burned. {{spoiler|And even though he ends up with Aoi, who is rather sexually active, she obviously fell for him for other reasons.}}
* [[Two Girls and Aa Guy]]: Both Rio and Sanae had the hots for him, Sanae won, Rio was bitter. Then, he and Sanae divorced. {{spoiler|Later, history repeats, except he's in a secret relationship with her current wrestling rival Aoi, though their rivalry dynamic doesn't involve him the second time round.}}