Riviera: The Promised Land: Difference between revisions

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* [[Loads and Loads of Loading]]: PSP version.
* [[Magikarp Power]]: Fia has to use a Rosary over fifteen times in order to master them... the highest use-count in the game. The reward is a Level 3 Overdrive that [[One Hit KO|instantly kills all enemy monsters]], at the cost of destroying the Rosary too. The Unleash text for this skill differs from Fia's other Level 3 Overdrives too.
* [[Moral Dissonance]]: {{spoiler|Serene's ending where she and Ein decide to kill all the monsters in the world. ItsIt's shown at several points that the monsters aren't [[Exclusively Evil]], so itsit's quite unnecessary cruel.}}.
* [[More Dakka]]: Certain monsters--and Lina, when she has her most powerful weapons--are capable of projectile attacks that count as the medieval version.
* [[Multiple Endings]]:
** Although, as [[Word of God]] would have it, {{spoiler|Rose's ending is the one that's canon.}}.
* [[Muscles Are Meaningless]]: Serene and that giant scythe. The blade's almost bigger than she is!
* [[Named Weapons]]: Einherjar, Lorelei, and Skadi, as well as the ones that drift into [[Public Domain Artifact]] territory.
* [[Obviously Evil]]: {{spoiler|Hector}} (barely) tries to come off as a good guy at first, but his appearence and theme says otherwise.
* [[Odd Couple]]: Fia and Lina.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: {{spoiler|Lina. The jury is still out on whether she's actually older than Fia, but she's ''definitely'' older than she appears to be (her original character design, in fact, showed her with bigger breasts than Serene!).}}. Hinted at early on in an optional conversation with Coco.
** {{spoiler|Confirmed later, when her age is brought up and she defiantly states, "I'm a year older than Fia!"}}.
* [[Omnicidal Maniac]]: {{spoiler|Hector}}.
* [[The One Guy]]: Unless you count Ledah, Ein is the only male player character.
* [[One Hit KO]]: Fia's Exorcise skill.
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* [[Our Angels Are Different]]
* [[Perpetual Molt]]
* [[Pettanko]]: Lina, Serene, and {{spoiler|Rose}}.
* [[Petting Zoo People]]: Quite a few of the villagers.
** And to answer the question of ''what the HELL is Ladie?!'' where all the other townspeople's Sprite species are clearly stated, [[All There in the Manual|the drama CDs say she's a valkyrie]].
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** And let's not even get started on Hector's weapon, the Tentacle Rod...
* [[Press X to Not Die]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Subverted with Ledah and Malice in every way but elementally--: Ledah is calm, collected, devout, and apathetic {{spoiler|due to the loss of his emotions}}; Malice is temperamental, judgmental, quick to start fights, and {{spoiler|almost mindlessly devoted to Hector's plans}}.
* [[Relationship Values]]
* [[Rie Kugimiya]]: [[Cross-Dressing Voices|Ein's seiyuu]].
* [[Say It with Hearts]]
* [[Shout-Out]] -: [[X-Men|"They don't call me the Scarlet Witch for nothing!"]] Ditto for the Wolvie claw weapons.
* [[Sinister Scythe]]: Serene, although others can use them too.
* [[Skippable Boss]]: Golem ZK-III in Chapter 4-6. You can get past it if you use the code in the Golem Manual.
* [[Spank the Cutie]]:
** The line in question being a [[Bowdlerization]] of a conversation about [[Pettanko|breast size]]. (Thethe original dialogue was uncensored for the PSP rerelease.).
* [[Spanner in the Works]]: Ein, with a little help from Ursula.
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Subverted; Cierra has poor defense, but the most hit points of anyone.
* [[Standard Female Grab Area]]: In the PSP version, Malice does this to any one of the girls save Lina, whom she picks up instead.
* [[Stock Weapon Names]]: Excalibur, Gae Bolg, Longinus... the list goes on.
* [[The Stoic]]: Ledah, who's {{spoiler|literally an [[Emotionless Girl|Emotionless Guy]].}}.
* [[Super Move Portrait Attack]]
* [[Surprisingly Good English]]: The Riviera "calendar discs" [http://blog-imgs-31-origin.fc2.com/j/a/j/jajanote/20061018.jpg featured some].
* [[Talking Animal]]: Rose.
* [[Tarot Motifs]]: Tarot cards are a possible weapon, and each character uses their "favorite"--: The Hermit for Ein, Justice for Fia, The Wheel of Fortune for Lina, The Devil for Serene, and The Magician for Cierra.
* [[A Taste of Power]]: Ledah makes losing the first chapter almost literally impossible.
* [[Third Person Person]]: Lina.
* [[This Is Unforgivable!]]: Ein's reaction to {{spoiler|Hector}}'s actions near the end.
* [[Those Two Guys]]: Randy and Levin, in the dramas. (Theythey're actually characters from Chapter 5 in-game.).
* [[Throw the Book At Them]]: Lina and the male mages do this.
* [[Tomboy]]: Serene. {{spoiler|Although she's secretly extremely feminine.}}.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Fia (girly girl) and Serene (tomboy).
* [[Trauma Inn]]: Subverted.
* [[True Companions]]: Ein's party. [[The Power of Friendship]] is explored in Chapter 6, when Fia gets ''very angry'' with Ein for {{spoiler|keeping to himself in order to [[Wangst]] about having to fight his former ally Ledah}}.
* [[Tsundere]]: Lulu. {{spoiler|Though it seems childhood trauma is as much a part of her attitude as typical ''tsuntsun''.}}.
* [[Unusual Ears]]: Serene and the Arcs.
* [[Victory Quote]]: Each character has one, depending on who landed the final blow on the last enemy and if it was a normal attack or an overskill.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: {{spoiler|Hector gets one after Ein defeats him as Seth-Rah, complete with a '''"WHAT ARE YOU?!"''' also making it a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]].}}.
** He has a slightly less severe one {{spoiler|when Ein and the girls beat him the first time around, too.}}.
* [[Wasted Song]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJowBVj81rg&feature=related "All You Have To Do Is Practice!"] is one of the best songs on the soundtrack. It only plays during - you guessed it - Training battles.
** If you are playing the game as it's meant to be played-- (i.e. doing all the [[Level Grinding]] to make sure you stay on top of things--), you'll hear the track ad nauseum, so be glad it's a good one.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Each party member has one type of weapon they can gain a [[Limit Break|Level 3 Overskill]] for -: swords for Ein, rapiers for Fia, bows for Lina, scythes for Serene, and staves for Cierra. In addition, there are certain items that only one person can use (only Fia can use katanas, only Lina can use bowguns...).
** And nobody but the Grim Angel who owns it can use a Diviner.
** Only Ein himself can use {{spoiler|Longinus}} and the infamous [[Infinity+1 Sword|Fanelia]].