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** In ''Morocco'', Hope's character gets his hands on a magic ring...
** Hope's magic flute in ''Bali'', which backfires horribly when Crosby tries his hand at it.
* [[Book Ends]]: ''Road to Morocco''.
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]]: Bob Hope addressed remarks directly to the audience several times per movie.
** [[Aside Glance]]
* [[The Cameo]]: Several, particularly in the last two films.
* [[Captured by Cannibals]]: In ''Road to Zanzibar'', with the cannibals thinking Hope and Crosby are [[Mighty Whitey|white gods]]... until, that is, the cannibals decide to test their divinity by having Hope get into a sidesplittinglyside splittingly hilarious wrestling match with a gorilla.
* [[The Cavalry]]: They arrive ''juustjust'' after the fact in ''Rio'', although it's not for lack of trying.
* [[Cymbal-Banging Monkey]]
* [[Darkest Africa]]: Once again, from ''Road to Zanzibar''. It uses all the standard Pulp Africa tropes and [[Subverted Trope|subverts the heck out of them]].
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* [[Identical Grandson]]: Used to hilarious effect at the end of ''Road to Utopia''. ("We adopted him.")
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Incredibly Lame Puns]]
{{quote|''"Like Webster's dictionary, we're Morocco bound"''}}.
* [[Invisible Backup Band]]
* [[Large Ham]]
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* [[Medicine Show]]
* [[No Party Like a Donner Party]]
* [[Oscar Bait]]: Lampshaded and spoofed in many of the movies, notably in ''Road to Morocco.''.
* [[Overly Polite Pals]]
* [[Pardon My Klingon]]
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* [[Running Gag]]: "Pattycake, pattycake.."
* [[Setting-Off Song]]
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]: Lamour.
* [[Sneeze of Doom]]
* [[Thirsty Desert]]