• I was once testing out my admin commands at my place (which is a bunch of little platforms scattered about, and it needs to be navigated a bit like an obstacle course.), and granted my two friends the commands, too. Anyway, I put a backflip tool and did a backflip without thinking. My friend, not knowing what I was doing and a bunch of studs away, typed "sit/[myusername]" into the chatbox. It made me sit down on the very edge of the platform I was sliding on, and saved my life :U
  • Just about every game that doesn't have "zombie", "tycoon", or "obby (n00bspeak for 'obstacle course')" in the title or says "Who killed _____?".
    • More specifically, games with advanced scripting, or just are simply awesome.
  • Use the Gravity hammer gear on anything unanchored. Watch as it EXPLODES from awesomeness.