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** Also minor Spidey antagonists Armada and Future Max.
* Bolivar Trask, creator of the [[X-Men]]'s robot nemeses, the Sentinels.
* The (possible) [[Trope Namer]] from Marvel's ''[[The Transformers (ComicMarvel BookComics)||The Transformers]]'' comic is actually an [[Invoked Trope|invocation of this trope]]: failing comic-book writer Donny Finkelberg is enlisted by the government to pose as the "Robot Master" and make threatening speeches on TV taking responsibility for the Decepticons' actions, [[Step Three: Profit|to keep the population from panicking]]. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
** This takes place when the Marvel TF series was considered by the writers to be part of the greater [[Marvel Universe]]. One more nut with [[Mecha-Mooks]] and [[Evil Gloating|cornball speeches]] was considered to be less scary than the truth. It seemed to work fine for humans, but then the 'cons found out that some dumb squishy was pretending to be their master. They were... displeased.
* Despite being a robot himself, Ultron would certainly count. He built the Vision, Jocasta, [[Runaways|Victorius,]]and Alkhema, as well as countless duplicates of himself—usually just replacement bodies for when he inevitably gets destroyed at the end of each appearance, but he has built armies of these duplicates on a couple of occasions (with the predicatable [[Conservation of Ninjitsu]] in full effect).
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* Dr. Franklin from ''The [[Six Million Dollar Man]]'' and ''The [[Bionic Woman]],'' who created an army of [[FemBot|fembots.]]
* Dr. Noonian Soong, creator of [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Data, Lore, and B4.]]
* Grant Imahara on ''[[Myth BustersMythBusters]]''.
* The [[Mad Scientist]] in "Cybernauts" episode of ''[[The Avengers (TV series)|The Avengers]]'' builds two robots, which Steed foils by getting them to destroy each other.
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''. Warren built the April-bot, the Buffy-bot, and finally a robot of himself.
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* ''[[Transformers Animated]]'''s Isaac Sumdac.
* Dr. Von Richter from ''[[Cybersix]]'' specialized in biological androids.
* ''[[DuckTales]]'': [[Bungling Inventor|Gyro Gearloose]]. Scrooge McDuck has [[Genre Savvy|specifically forbidden Gyro from making robots]], because [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]] and his robots always seem to [[Crush! Kill! Destroy!|go berserk.]]
** That said, Gyro often goes ahead and makes robots anyway for one reason or another, with [[Hilarity Ensues|predictable results]]. This may be a moot point anyway, as at least once he attempted to get around this by building [[Giant Mecha|piloted robots]] to get around the restriction, and rather than causing mayhem on it's own, the Beagle Boys simply stole them and caused mayhem anyway.
*** But when your greatest invention is [[Powered Armor|Gizmoduck]], erstwhile protector of Duckburg and oft times ally of [[Darkwing Duck (animation)|Darkwing Duck]], you get some cred.