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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* Tau Smart Missile Systems in ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' are said to work like this.
** Several other factions have their own analogues, like the Imperial Hunter-Seeker missiles or Ork Grot [[Funetik Aksent|Bomms]]. That latter is particularly notable since it is actually piloted by a [[Our Goblins Are DifferentWickeder|Grot]], each one is a volunteer that the Ork meks conveniently forget to tell, or just won't bother informing, that it's a one way trip.
* Rare fantasy example: The Egyptian-themed unded Tomb Kings in ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' field archers equipeed with magic arrows that, in the fluff, do exactly this- at some points they even soar past the target entirely, only to change direction in mid-air and hit enemies in the back. In the actual game, this is represented by their having no positive or negative modifiers to hit, ever.
* One of the ''Champions'' rulebooks has statistics for an energy beam that follows the target until it hits. The rules were complex enough to defy even ''Champions'' attack powers, so the designers wrote it up as a summoned creature instead.