Romance of the Three Kingdoms (anime): Difference between revisions

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* [[Battle Aura]]
* [[The Big Guy]] (Guan Yu)
* [[Blood Brothers]] (Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei)
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]] (Zhang Fei)
* [[Diagonal Cut]] (Although these tends to not be so gory since most of the soldier extras, as stated before, look like cardboard cutouts.)
* [[Doing in the Wizard]] (Some of Zhuge Liang's moments of "omniscience," plus the "summoning" of the southeastern wind, from the novel are shown to instead be due to him and his sister secretly observing affairs.)
* [[PowerFreudian Trio]] (Liu Bei - Ego, Guan Yu - Superego, and Zhang Fei - Id )
* [[Gentle Giant]] (Guan Yu. He's the most even-tempered and diplomatic of the Three Sworn Brothers.)
* [[Heel Face Turn]] and [[Face Heel Turn]] (These occur often as power shifts, causing most of the characters to switch loyalties at some point or other.)
** Cao Cao toys with this trope by ending up somewhere in the middle, giving his advisor Cheng Yu hell when his scheme to force Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei succeeds but causes Xu Shu's mother to hang herself out of shame. On the one hand he may have called it despicable to have used a forged letter, on the other hand he probably realized that Xu Shu would refuse to advise him (thus negating the point somewhat), and at least Liu Bei's deprived too. too bad Xu Shu first told Liu Bei who "Sleeping Dragon" was...
* [[Kid Hero]] (Liu Bei, at the beginning.)
* [[Power Trio]] (Liu Bei - Ego, Guan Yu - Superego, and Zhang Fei - Id )
* [[The Big Guy]] (Guan Yu)
* [[The Messiah]] (Liu Bei)
* [[The Stoic]] (Guan Yu}