Romanticism Versus Enlightenment: Difference between revisions

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** Ironically, the technological advance was the exact inverse - the Nazis explored ever newer technology and systems to kill while the Allies and Soviets mostly expanded on what they had, leading to the situation of Nazi Germany being outnumbered by stuff that actually worked.
** You can twist that around to be the opposite too. the Nazis wanted the world to conform to their rules and be under their rule for (what the party thought) was the best future for humanity which is pretty firmly on the enlightenment side. On the other hand the allies could be seen as people who were defending their individualism from an expanding empire, defending diversity is firmly romantic, for example.
**To some degree ''everybody'' was fighting for nationalism: nationalism was the spirit of the time. Even Communists went as far as metaphorically exhumating Czarist heroes for propaganda purposes. However there were great differences in what any given nation thought it's nationalism implied.
* In a similar sense, the Spanish Civil War between the Republicans (liberals/anarchists/socialists) and the Nationalists (conservatives/monarchists/fascists) could be considered a conflict of Romanticism versus Enlightenment.
* Both Representative Democracy and Communism are different spins on the same Enlightenment ideas, equality for the masses. The result being that the Cold War was an uncommon case of Enlightenment vs. Enlightenment.