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* [[Asshole Victim]]: When you and your team storm the Diamond Wholesaler's Meeting Room, you will find a slide show that shows what they were discussing before the bank robbers came; how their outsources in central Africa [[Blood Diamond|will suffer a dramatic decrease in efficiency due to the "local enforcement of human rights"]]. ''Ouch''.
* [[Awesome Yet Practical]] : Your non-lethal weapons and special equipment :
** A modified paintball gun that uses pellets filled with tear gas instead of the usual food colouringcoloring used in paintball tournaments.
** The simple, yet invaluable Taser pistol and Pepper spray.
** A special "opti-wand" fiber optic camera device with a small LCD display. Used for peeking around corners and under doors, in order to spy a potentially hostile area ahead from safe cover.
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* [[Blatant Lies]]: The suspects on some missions, particularly those featuring drug dealers, come up with some pretty amusing excuses as to why they're there while you and your team arrest them. Take this soundbite from a mobster in the mission where you raid a Stetchkov-controlled drug lab as an example:
{{quote| '''Bulgarian Mobster''' : [[Not What It Looks Like|It's not what you think]]...we're baking cookies!}}
* [[Bomb Disposal]] / [[Time Bomb]] : An objective in the penultimate mission set in a hotel taken over by [[Right-Wing Militia Fanatic|an extremist group]]. In The Stetchkov Syndicate, the mission wherein a Department of Agriculture office is besieged by a union of disgruntled farmers has this as well . Also a multiplayermulti-player mode.
* [[Brand X]] / [[Bland-Name Product]] : Virtually every product you see in the game is of this variety (even company ads and promotional posters for movies and games), [[Played for Laughs|but with obvious nods to the brand it's parodying]].
* [[City Noir]] : Quite a lot of it, especially in the more darker missions taking place in various crumbling urban hellholes.
* [[Continuity Nod]] : Sonny Bonds, the protagonist of SWAT's predeccessorpredecessor series, ''[[Police Quest]]'', is the chief of Fairview's SWAT training facility and your instructor in the game's tutorial.
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]: See the [[Asshole Victim]]-example above.
* [[Cowboy Cop]] or [[By-The-Book Cop]]: Depending on your style, you can choose to go in gunning down every suspect without calling for compliance. But, as already mentioned, the game only rewards you for playing by the book.
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: Suspects react pretty appropriately to getting shot, [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|tazed, gassed, sprayed with mace, beaten, or hit with stinger grenades.]]
* [[Creator Provincialism]] : The architecture and skyline of Fairview is very similar to Boston and your squadmates and most of the other characters have various forms of the Bostonian or New England accent. Hardly surprising, since [[Irrational Games]] are Bostonians to the bone.
* [[Cult]] / [[Church of Happyology]] : {{spoiler|The Tarronians, led by a certain [[Sinister Minister]] from Iowa named Andrew Tarrone.}} You visit their eerie half-abandoned appartmentapartment building in mission 8.
* [[Deconstruction]] : This is an FPS which greatly discourages (and outright punishes at harder levels) killing, even directed to bad guys, since the game expects you to become a police officer. However, you are given an array of nonlethal weaponry as your loadout choice.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: In the fifth mission, set in an office building taken over by armed suspects, when you're taking care of the rescued civilians' safety, Girard looks around the cubicles and quips :
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* [[Dronejam]]: Inverted, where it's ''you'' who's in the way of the AI characters. And they will ''never'' let you hear the end of it.
* [[Expansion Pack]] : Released a few months later and called ''The Stetchkov Syndicate''. It adds seven new missions connected by a more overarching crime story, various useful new weapons (including a cool tear gas grenade launcher and a more modern tazer pistol, which can double as a melee [[Emergency Weapon]]), the option to issue a whole string of various "to do" commands to your squadmates, and numerous bug and AI fixes (criminals become even more cunning, ruthless and resistant to arrest and your squadmates are also brighter in general).
* [[Fackler Scale of FPS Realism]] / [[Nintendo Hard]] : Very, very, very far towards the hard end of realism. Besides the fact that you have to abide by police regulations and protocol (meaning you can't shoot unarmed people and have to deal carefully with armed suspects), your overall movement and gunplay abilities feel really believable. Characters can't take much damage before they die, even if they're wearing body armor and helmets. No one can jump and you and your squad mates can only run at a reasonable pace, being careful in the potentially dangerous enviromentenvironment of the hostile area you're clearing. Getting shot in the leg will slow you down and make you limp a bit, while getting shot in both legs will disable your ability to run. Getting shot in the hands will slightly diminish your ability to take precise aim. And since we mentioned it, the accuracy of your aim and fire can be increased by : 1.) Crouching. 2.) Walking more slowly. 3.) Shooting in semi-automatic mode instead of full-auto or burst mode (recoil is a real bitch in this game). None of the firearms have functioning scopes, but you have a context sensitive crosshair for each weapon, even the stun grenades ! The smaller and tighter it gets, the better aim you have. Magazines avert [[One Bullet Clips]] and are reloaded manually by the player, not automatically. A particularly nice touch is that you can even select different types of ammo in your loadout menu : Full-metal jacket bullets are good for taking down well-armouredarmored foes, but have the downside of being able to punch through weaker materials (like wooden doors and walls or even unarmouredunarmored bodies), accidentally injuring anyone standing on the other side. Standard casing bullets are slower and weaker, and while they can't punch through body armor, they're really ideal for fighting unarmouredunarmored suspects.
** One [[Acceptable Break From Reality]] in the game's shooting physics is the complete absence of bullet ricochet.
** Another break from reality is the absence of trigger reflexes or spasms. Those may cause the unplanned emptying of the guns by perps after they themselves were wounded and/or killed (or hit in the correct nerve), or simply out of pure nervousness.
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** It's in New York State for sure. Check the TVs in Mission 3. It's also entirely possible that most of the game does take place in NYC, except for one mission where the team is sent out to the suburb of Fairview (which might be too small and have too little violent crime to justify having its own SWAT team, while still having its own newspaper that primarily covers local news).
*** That mission actually takes place in NYC too. In the briefing, the dispatcher mentions that the address is located in the Bronx. Furthermore, in Mission 3, the gas station is described as being on "Pitkin Ave," which a real street in Brooklyn, and the diamond store in Mission 8 which is located on "Broadway."
* [[Oh Crap]]: All too often in multiplayermulti-player, as you're arresting you hear or see a grenade fall next to you.
* [[One Bullet Clips]]: Averted. You only carry 3 or 4 clips for your main weapon, and your ammo is measured by the amount of bullets in individual clips rather than all your bullets together. You can easily reload a magazine at any time and they'll have the same amount of bullets you left in them the last time you fired.
** As you can go through entire missions without firing a single shot (hint: flashbangs, stingers, and other less-lethals are your friend), the low ammo count makes sense. In fact, if you've fired off an entire magazine, you're probably doing it wrong.
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** To the ''[[Police Quest]]'' series, as already mentioned in the [[Continuity Nod]] entry.
*** Also, during the intro, one of the logos briefly turns into a screen from the ''Police Quest'' games, complete with the [http://obsoletegamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/police_quest_1.png right number of points in the corner].
** To the ''SWAT'' series in general and [[Irrational Games]] themselves : There are penny arcade slot machines in the office of the city garage from the "Victory Auto Imports" mission. One of them is clearly an arcade version of one of the ''[[Freedom Force]]'' games, while the other is apparently based on a previously planned but cancelled installment of SWAT (which was eventualyeventually replaced by ''4''). Both slot machines even play [[The Jimmy Hart Version]] of [[Self Referential Humour|the games']] [[Theme Tune Cameo|theme tunes]].
** Much like the backstory for ''[[Reservoir Dogs]]'', one of the missions is set in a diamond wholesalers specializing in uncut or unpolished diamonds that had just received an uncommon shipment of finished jewels, which attracts the attention of a group of heavily armed robbers.
** One of the objectives in the final mission is the rescue of a research scientist named [[Sturgeon's Law|Theodore Sturgeon]]. The briefing even lampshades it.
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* [[Unwinnable]]: The eleventh mission (The Old Granite Hotel) is apparently impossible to finish if you get shot in the leg before you've diffused all the bombs, because the wound slows you down too much.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Punishment]]: Just shooting suspects instead of convincing them to surrender will lose you points and potentially the game. Killing a hostage, even by accident, will cause an automatic Fail.
** [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: However, once you fail a level the game doesn't autonomously quit to the starting menu. You are free to roam the scenerioscenario gunning down suspects and hostages alike until you click exit.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Civilians give one to you when you order/suppress/cuff them, as they are... you know... ''innocent''. But of course, it is part of any special unit's dogma to detain ''anyone'' they come across during such missions, as anybody may be a hazard source for the SWAT officers. So if you leave anyone un-cuffed in any mission, you will lose plenty of points for your negligence.