Sailor Moon/Anime-Only Tropes: Difference between revisions

→‎A-E: added new trope
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* [[Berserk Button]]: It was established in the 13th episode that anyone who [[Stay in the Kitchen|makes sexist remarks]] within earshot of a Sailor Senshi is in for a world of hurt, as Jadeite learned the hard way when the then-[[Trio]] of the Sailor Senshi used [[Car Fu|Plane Fu]] on him for that offense.
** Queen Nehellenia's berserk button is [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!|people giving her pity]] for her miserable, ugly life.
* [[Betty, Veronica and Archie Switcheroo]]:
** The second episode has Umino crushing on Usagi, and the [[Monster of the Week]] turns him into a [[Jerkass]] brainwashed Veronica, just as she sees her crush Motoki at the arcade, a [[Nice Guy]] that feeds Luna. Umino flips their teacher's skirt, joins the boys in throwing rocks at windows, and harasses Usagi to the point that she cries. Except... it was a spell. When Usagi becomes Sailor Moon and frees the boys, Umino is mortified on hearing what he did.
** Rei starts dating Mamoru in season one. While she's portrayed as the Veronica to Usagi's Betty, in truth both of the girls bicker a lot, with Usagi sometimes having unprovoked jabs at Rei, and at this point Usagi has eyes only for arcade manager and [[Nice Guy]] Motoki. {{spoiler|And in the end, Rei steps aside because she realizes that while she liked Mamoru, she didn't love him the way that Usagi does to the point of having a breakdown after learning the Dark Kingdom captured and brainwashed him. Plus, by then, a drifter named Yuiichiro catches her eye, to the point they become a couple in later seasons.}}
** Makoto gets jealous when finding out that Motoki has a girlfriend, a [[Nice Girl]] named Reika who would be the Betty. Makoto would normally be the Veronica and prepares to sabotage the relationship, only to find out that she can't do it. When Reika is hesitant about accepting a job abroad that would separate her from her boyfriend, Makoto says that long-distance relationships work all the time, and encourages her that she and Motoki can still be happy, returning to their relationship when Reika's job is over. And indeed, when Motoki sees off Reika at the airport, both Makoto and Usagi are touched at how much the two care about each other.
* [[Bicep-Polishing Gesture]]
* [[Big-Budget Beef-Up]]: The animation quality takes a noticeable jump about midway through R and again for S onwards.
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* [[Cats Are Snarkers]]: Luna and Artemis constantly rip on the antics of their charges throughout the series.
* [[Chained Heat]]: Sailors Moon and Uranus in episode 98 of ''Sailor Moon S''. This also starts to clue Usagi in to Uranus' identity as Uranus holds her the same way Haruka does earlier in the episode.
* [[Chaos Entity]]: Galaxia attempted to purify the universe by gathering all of its Chaos into her body, believing she could control it. That ended up not working; if you try to eliminate all Chaos, it will corrupt you from the inside out for its goals. When Galaxia realized she was becoming corrupted, she sent out her Star-seed, the Light of Hope, to find help before she destroyed the entire universe. This Star-seed would take the form of {{spoiler|Chibi-Chibi}} after locating Sailor Moon. While Sailor Moon is urged to destroy Galaxia and Chaos with it, she certainly tries at first with her wand and then the Sword of Sealing. She realizes you can't destroy an inert force of evil without destroying its source: the sapient minds of humans and aliens. Instead, Sailor Moon uses her powers to purify Galaxia and dissipate Chaos and the Light of Hope. As she explains, humans need Chaos and hope in their hearts to share the burden rather than center it on one person.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: There are many, but a particularly interesting one - because it's also a [[Red Herring]] - is when Luna and Artemis explain that Uranus, Neptune and Pluto "were not supposed to be reborn" and only would have if their cause was "an emergency." In reality, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto's rebirth was an accident; when they gathered to witness the destruction of the Moon Kingdom, they didn't know that the combination of their talismans would mean the summoning of [[Apocalypse Maiden|Sailor Saturn]] and with her [[The End of the World as We Know It]]. So Luna and Artemis were wrong about the Outer Sailors' rebirth meaning something new/significant about the nature of that arc's mission. But the explanation ''does'' provide [[The Reveal]] for something else: {{spoiler|Hotaru being Sailor Saturn}}.
* [[Chosen Family]]:
** Each season shows numerous times that the Inner Senshi, along with Mamoru and the cats, have become a true family. Mamoru and Makoto are orphans, Ami rarely sees her mother due to the latter being a busy doctor, Minako ran away from home in the manga to become a Senshi on realizing she had to fulfill her duties while in the anime they ''never'' show up, and Rei is estranged from her father and she keeps her grandfather at an arm's length in the manga due to her trauma while being overprotective of him in the anime. Usagi is the only one whose [[Good Parents]] are together and alive, but it's confirmed she needs her friends as her trauma accumulates over the seasons. Indeed, it's {{spoiler|her friends nearly dying again that causes her to have her R upgrade, as it snaps her out of her [[Heroic BSOD]] about being forcibly reawakened.}}
** The Outer Senshi also become this in the manga and the anime when they adopt Hotaru, who has reverted to baby form. Haruka and Michiru have taken over raising her, as it's unexplained in the anime what happened to {{spoiler|Professor Tomoe who survived the events of the story and was confirmed to be brainwashed by the ''real'' Big Bads, Pharaoh 90 and Mistress Nine.}} What makes this an eventual tearjerker is that in ''Stars'', {{spoiler|Haruka and Michiru attempt to become [[Fake Defector]]s in an attempt to stop Galaxia, and "prove" their loyalty by killing Setsuna and Hotaru.}}
* [[Circle of Friendship]]: The Sailor Planet Attack.
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]
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** Season 4 finale provides one on epic scale. [[Big Bad|Nehellenia]] gloats that the Golden Crystal that could defeat her was powerless because humans stopped having good dreams... Cue ''all'' of that season's [[Victim of the Week|Victims Of The Week]], targeted specifically because each of them had a good dream, recharging it.
* [[Costume Test Montage]]: Minako, in the opening of the S movie.
* [[Crane Game Gag]]:
** Crane Game Joe has one as his [[Establishing Character Moment]]. He uses telekinesis to win toys from crane arcade games, so as to bypass the established rigging. The DiC dub tries to handwave that he donates the toys to charity, but in the original anime and Viz dub, he keeps it for himself.
** During episode 109 of ''S'' where Minako gets her heart stolen, she's playing a crane game while talking to Usagi about making herself worthy. Usagi, flashing back to when Minako and the Senshi died in season one as well as everyone getting their hearts stolen, starts banging her against the machine, begging her not to risk her life. As a result, Minako wins ''twenty'' toys, which she proceeds to give to everyone. When her heart gets removed and she runs off with it, the Senshi toss the toys at the daimon to distract it.
* [[Crash Into Hello]]: Subverted in one episode where Rei goes [[Wrong Genre Savvy]] and tries to deliberately engineer this to meet Mamoru. She ends up falling flat on her face and he '''steps on her head'''.
** It still works.
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** The anime has the Starlights changing gender when they transform into Senshi. One could interpret them as genderfluid, while in the manga it's mentioned they only dress as boys to hide their identity from whoever kidnapped their leader Kakyuu.
* [[Interim Villain]]: The Makaiju aliens Al and En, the filler arc villains in ''Sailor Moon R''.
* [[Is That Cute Kid Yours?]]: Chibi-usa, who ''is'' Usagi's kid, and Chibi-Chibi, who isn't... [[Epileptic Trees|Probably.]]
* [[It Has Only Just Begun]]: Episode 111. (Ep 21 of Sailor Moon S)