Sailor Moon/WMG: Difference between revisions

(Updated the Pluto=Time Lord)
(→‎Sailor Venus is Korean: spelling fixes)
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The other Sailor Senshi's real identities follow [[Theme Naming]]: their family names start with the kanji that is used in the name of the corresponding celestial body. For instance, the "tsuki" in Sailor Moon's "Tsukino" means "moon". Sailor Venus is the one exception. The kanji used in the name of the planet Venus is the kanji for the most common Korean family name, Kim. Koreans are discriminated against in Japan, dating back to the pre-World-War-II Japanese occupation of Korea, giving Minako's family a motivation to change their name.
* Actually, had Venus followed the [[Theme Naming]], her surname would likely be Kaneno or Kinzokuno ("of metal"), similar to how the other Senshi are named after elements associated with their planets (Mizuno - "of water", Hino - "of fire", Kino - "of wood"). The reason is simple: Minako was created for the ''Sailor V'' manga before ''Sailor Moon'' was even conceived.
** Actually it would have been Kinno (Similar as Makoto's but spelled with diffrentdifferent Kanji (It would be 金野 instead of 木野 (read Kino) the Element in the planet Venus's name is actullyactually Gold, not Metal.(Thus Venus is Kinsei in Japanese) That first Kanji is where their powers come from. They weren't randomly assginedassigned. Mizusei, Hisei Kinsei and Kisei are the Japanese words for Mercury Venus Mars and Jupiter. For extra fun the Names for the Outer senshi's Planets are Meiohsei (Pluto) Tenohsei (Uranus) and Keiohsei (Neptune) and Dosei (Saturn. The kanji is the same one used in Hotaru's surname, 土 but is read as To not Do there.) All this name information is actullyactually on The other Wiki (both Wikimoon and Wikipedia (don't go to Sailor Moon wiki that one is total crap and is written by people who've only seen the dub and thus has no information on the orignsorigins of the names)
*** You've used the wrong readings of the kanji. The Japanese names for Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter are Suisei, Kinsei, Kasei and Mokusei respectively. Point stands that the Senshi's names are derived from the kanji of the planet names though.
** Conversely, her surname might be a pun to the Goddess Venus herself, as "ai" also means love, and Minako is something around the lines of "Beauty Child".
== Minako subconsciously altered reality while disguising herself as Princess Serenity ==
When Minako was Sailor V her compact was powered by moonlight, and when she she looked at her reflection in it the moon symbol appeared on her forehead rather then the symbol for Venus. Furthermore, the only other Senshi with an unusual surname is Hotaru who is the Messiah of Silence who is the counterpart of Princess Serenity.