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[[File:CCprayingstainedGlass.jpg|link=Code Geass|rightframe]]
A character is stressed or scared, and is confused at what to do. Things have gotten rough, and their faith is close to breaking. Or they could just be lonely and seeking a place to feel at home, and there's nothing like God's house to help them there. They often sit in a pew by themselves, thinking, or even praying to [[God]] about their situation. Sometimes a pastor comes in to talk to them, or another character from the series does.
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[[Seeking Sanctuary]] is a different trope in which the heroes of the story are being pursued by evil forces and they run into a church for protection.
[[Truth in Television]], obviously,. particularlyParticularly in the case of the hospital chapel. I mean,- that's why they're ''there''.
== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ==
* In ''[[Code Geass]],'' CC [[media:CCprayingstainedGlass.jpg|does this]] in the final episode.
* Hinako's attempt at this [[Confessional|is the event]] that kicks off ''[[Bitter Virgin]]'s'' plot. Daisuke's sister also sees Sanctuary towards the end of the story.
* Much of the world does this after news of the Tokyo blast in ''[[Future War 198X]]''.
* [[Tear Jerker|Played for tears]] in ''[[Trigun]]'' -- {{spoiler|Wolfwood is shot}} and goes into the church, bleeding, begging forgiveness for his life by himself and begging to live only awhilea while longer. {{spoiler|He doesn't.}}
== [[Comic Books]] ==
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* Sarah Miles often seeks refuge in a church after the, well, [[The End of the Affair|end of her affair]].
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* Happens several times in ''[[Criminal Minds]]'':
** At the end of "Lucky", Morgan, who's been dealing with a crisis of faith, goes to church for the first time in years. Ironically, at that very moment, {{spoiler|his [[Most Important Person|'baby girl']] Garcia is shot by her date for the evening, who Morgan had tried to warn her away from. The team can't get a hold of him to tell him because he's turned his phone off in the church. Morgan even [[lampshade]]s it in the next episode by saying "What are the odds? The first time I step in a church in twenty years, she ends up on the table."}}
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[[Category:Religion Tropes]]
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[[Category:Alliterative Trope Titles]]
[[Category:Religion Tropes]]