Santa Claus is Comin' to Town: Difference between revisions

added trope, copyedits
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{{tropelist|This [[Christmas Special]] provides examples of:}}
* [[Adaptation Distillation]]: Pretty much every trope associated with Santa is put into the plot. Whoda thunk that the first Christmas trees were the ones Kris and Jessica decorated for their outlaw wedding in the wild?
* [[Aerith and Bob]]: Freeze-frame on the list of kids in Sombertown that Kris writes up. Along with more familiar first names like "Jacky" and "Frank", you'll see things like "Irean", "Daian", "Fread", "Crenon", "Feiber" and "Heace".
* [[Alliteration]]: Apart from the obvious Kris Kringle, there's also the Winter Warlock and his tree monsters, Willy Willow and Peter Pine.
* [[Amusing Injuries]]: Happens to Burgermeister Meisterburger at least twice, including once in the form of an [[Ass Shove]].
* [[Anachronism Stew]]: Although the story allegedly takes place several centuries ago in a medieval walled city, the clothing is mostly Victorian (and Jessica seems dressed for 1910); later scenes mix Victorian adultwear and kids inwearing jeans and bomber jackets. A character is seen at a desk with a touch-tone telephone from the 1960s and Kris is seen giving a child in Sombertown a toy train. Also, a toy automobile is visible in one of the piles of confiscated playthings in the Burgermeister's home. This could've been done intentionally to give it a timeless feeling, though.
* [[Applied Phlebotinum]]: Magic feed corn that makes reindeer fly!
** and apparently, the effect is permanent.