Saturday Night Slam Masters: Difference between revisions

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Following ports for the [[Super Nintendo Entertainment System|SNES]] and [[Sega Genesis|Mega Drive]], an [[Updated Rerelease]] titled ''Muscle Bomber Duo'' was released in arcades, focusing on the tag team mode of the original. Finally, a third game was released under the name ''Ring of Destruction - Slam Masters II'' (''Super Muscle Bomber: The International Blowout'' in Japan), which ditched the wrestling mechanics for a pure [[Fighting Game]] experience (in other words, it featured round-based matches and victory by K.O.), [[Hand Wave|under the excuse]] of Scorpion changing the rules. Outside that, the game follows the same non-plot as before, now with Ortega coming out of retirement to hold the final bout for the championship. 4 new wrestlers are joined by the 10 originals:
* '''Black Widow''': Hailinghailing from Germany, she's the only female wrestler, albeit she's actually hiding that fact (she uses a masculine voice in-game and all, and her ending has her ditching the act).
* '''Rip Saber''': Aa Canadian BWA wrestler and former military, which uses [[Combat Pragmatist|any means necessary to attain victory]].
* '''The Wraith''': Anan Indian wrestler with a ghastly appearances, who fights using his long fingernail and a host of snakes hidden within his clothes.
* '''Victor Ortega''': Legendarylegendary wrestler and the founder of the CWA, he retired after [[Blood Knight|finding no one able to beat him]], and is later invited by Scorpion to participate in the third game, prompting him to return to pro wrestling. He's seen in the first two games in the intro and endings.
* [[All There in the Manual]]
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* [[The Cameo]]: Jumbo Flapjack and Biff Slamkovich appear in Ken's stage in ''[[Street Fighter Alpha]] 2'', along a bunch of other "Capcom universe guests" for his wife (then-girlfriend) Eliza's birthday party.
** At times, [[Final Fight|Jessica]] would appear and enter the ring to cheer with her father in his victory pose.
** Balrog (the boxer, that is) and Zangief each appear in the background of a stage in ''Slam Masters II'': namely, in their hometowns of Las Vegas and Moscow, respectively.
** Chun-Li can be seen in the audience in the first game.
* [[Canada, Eh?]]: Rip Saber.
* [[Captain Ersatz]]: Several. Victor Ortega = [[Hulk Hogan]], El Stingray = Lizmark, The Scorpion = Tinieblas, Alexander the Grater = Big Van Vader, Great Oni = Great Kabuki, etc.
* [[Color-Coded Multiplayer]]: Every player in Team Battle mode. Strangely enough, [[Mirror Match|mirror matches]] were not allowed until the ''Muscle Bomber Duo'' version, even though every character has a different palette for each player in Team Battle mode in addition to the standard palette used in Single Match mode.
** '''{{color|red|Player 1}}'''.
** '''{{color|gold|Player 2}}'''.
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* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Rip Saber, reflected in his movelist in which he employs things such as ''[[Throw Down the Bomblet|hand grenades]]'' to fight.
** Jumbo Flapjack will choke out opponents with his wrist tape and he breathes mist.
** King Rasta Mon and the Wraith both ''bite'' opponents in some of their grapples.
* [[Dub Name Change]]: As seen above, all of the wrestlers in the first game except Haggar.
* [[Dumb Muscle]]: King Rasta Mon, or as his Japanese game puts it, "[[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Missing IQ]]".
* [[Everything's Better with Spinning]]: Several techniques, Haggar being the best known example with his Spinning Clothesline and [[Spinning Piledriver]].
* [[Fan Service]]: Aside from all of the macho men (for the ladies and maybe some guys), there's also [ Black Widow's reveal.] [[Male Gaze|It shouldn't come as a surprise that]] [[The Smurfette Principle|the only female]] [[Foreign Fanservice|of the cast]] [[Flung Clothing|sheds her concealing disguise to reveal]] [[Ms. Fanservice|herself]] [[Stripperiffic|wearing nothing more than a]] [[Leotard of Power]] [[Bare Your Midriff|cut to resemble]] [[Chainmail Bikini|a training bra and thong.]].
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Jumbo Flapjack and Alexander.
* [[Final Boss]]: Scorpion at first, Ortega in the third game.
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* [[Husky Russkie]]: Biff is actually an [[Inverted Trope|inversion]], being a [[Jack of All Stats|more balanced]] character and not even the tallest.
* [[Impossible Hourglass Figure]]: Black Widow.
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: All wrestlers are given nicknames in their bios. Also, certain tag teams in ''Muscle Bomber Duo'' are recognized by the computer and given a specific nickname, like Biff and Gunloc being the "Hyper Cannons".
* [[Inevitable Tournament]]
* [[Jack of All Stats]]: Biff Slamkovich.
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* [[Prequel]]: To ''[[Final Fight]]'' (in the Japanese version at least).
* [[Professional Wrestling]]
* [[Pro Wrestling Is Real]]: Not that it would really matter, you wouldn't want them breaking the fourth wall in the middle of a show would you? And a management sim doesn't scream "put quarters in me".
* [[Pro Wrestling Is Real]]
* [[Raised By Animals|Raised By Monkeys]]: King Rasta Mon.
* [[Rated "M" for Manly]]: Like it even needed to be said.
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* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]]: Most characters.
* [[Wild Samoan]]: Rasta is from an Atlantic island rather than a Pacific one, but otherwise, he's a perfect example of the trope, fighting with bites and headbutts and running around with a monkey.
* [[Wrestling Game]]: Only applies to the original game and ''Muscle Bomber Duo''. ''Slam Masters II'' is really more of a competitive fighting game with wrestling gimmicks.