Scion: Difference between revisions

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Not to be confused with the [[Tomb Raider]] artifact or the Toyota car.
=== This game features examples of: ===
* [[All Japanese Swords Are Katanas]]: Averted. One of the template characters is a daughter of Susano-o who fights with the legendary sword Kusanagi, which is ''not'' a katana.
* [[All Myths Are True]]: literally--inliterally—in fact characters get to meet just about every mythical figure out there.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Out of the six sample "evil" Scions, only two - [[Big Bad|Kane Taoka]] and [[Complete Monster|Seth Farrow]] - are truly nasty. Sly's a pawn, Orlandu's a victim of [[Love Makes You Evil]], Marie's just egotistical (and pulls a [[Heel Face Turn]] in ''God''), and Victor's just following orders (he ''is'' a soldier).
** ''God'' also offers another group of antagonists, the "Keepers of The World", the group of gods who pissed at their pantheons and want to seperate the mortal world from other realms. None of them are truly evil, and considering their background story, their goal is rather justified.
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** [[The Brute]]: Victor Fingers, Scion of Ares. What more need be said?
** [[Dark Chick]]: [[Dark Magical Girl|Orlanda]] [[Love Makes You Evil|Elliot]] and [[Femme Fatale|Marie]] [[Rich Bitch|Glapion]] both fit this in spades.
*** Is not a perfect example though: They're stated outright to be mostly [[Worthy Opponent|Worthy Opponents]]s, and most of them perform a collective [[Heel Face Turn]] in ''God'' when Kane's actions come to light.
** The Keepers of The World fit here as well.
*** [[Big Bad]]: Imhotep, the mastermind behind the Great Working.
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* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: The Aztláni are described this way in the introduction to their section in the core book:
{{quote|[Even] if the other Gods deplore [[Human Sacrifice|the Aztec Gods' methods]], they cannot deny that [[The Trains Run On Time|at least the calendar proceeds in its usual and expected way]].}}
* [[Hollywood Voodoo]]: The line takes great pains to avert it as far as the Loa are presented. Sure, there's a bit on Baron Samedi and zombies -- butzombies—but then, there's also quite a bit on Damballah, Erzulie, Ogoun, Legba...
* [[Homosexual Reproduction]]: The sample Scion of Kali, Annie X, is revealed to have been created when Kali took on a male form and impregnated her mortal mother. This was the first and last time the possibility Gods could do that was raised in the setting.
** Actually, ''Scion: God'' introduced the Epic Appearance Knack Undeniable Resemblance, which lets a [[Gender Bender|character switch genders]] while retaining full functionality and fertility.
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: The Collossi. Also the "true form" of Surtr's fortress in Muspelheim.
* [[Jerkass Gods]]: Given the base material, it's not surprising Scion has a lot of these -- orthese—or that a player can become one of these. Special notation must go to Poseidon, who actually gets a new level of [[Jerkass]] given to him by the revelation of how the Minotaur'''s''' were made in this setting.
** The Atzlanti are the only pantheon to still require human sacrifices, to the point that their pantheon purview is fuelled best by it. The Aztec Death God is also the biggest jerk of all the canonical death gods, even compared to Hel or The Morrigan.
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Akhetaten, full stop.
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** As if that weren't enough, ''God'' adds '''Coyote'''.
*** And the Scion Companion adds Manannan mac Lir, Nezha, [[Journey to the West|Sun Wukong]], and Br'er Rabbit to the mix. In fact, it's heavily implied that Br'er Rabbit ''is'' Coyote, under an alias.
* [[True Companions]]: A Band can be these. The signature-character "protagonist" Band in the core trilogy seems to be -- inbe—in ''God's'' opening fiction, when they are settling into godhood in their pantheon's homelands, most of them genuinely miss each other.
* [[Two-Faced]]: Hel. She's stunningly beautiful on one side, and very obviously a corpse on the other.
** Hel is described that way in several Norse Eddas.
*** Most of the time. They were all agreeing upon that half her body was dead. Now, there was argument if the split was vertical, leaving her left side dead, or horizontal, leaving her dead from the waist down.
* [[Values Dissonance]]: In-universe, it's noted that gods of one pantheon often don't get on with another pantheon because of their very different views of the world (the highly law and discipline-focused Pesedjet or Amatsukami compared to the wilder, more chaotic Aesir or Tuatha, for example). Even individual gods can have values dissonance from their fellows depending on how they prioritize their Virtues.
** The best example is the Atzlanti; whereas even the many other pantheons who practiced animal sacrifice have given it up, the Aztec gods still practice -- indeedpractice—indeed, ''demand'' -- human—human sacrifice. This makes the other pantheons leery of them at best. The viewpoint Atzlanti character is noted repeatedly to find it hard to balance his modern 20th century human views with the views of his pantheon.
* [[Weaponized Landmark]]: Some believe the Statue Of Liberty, Christ the Redeemer and other large statues could be a giant war automaton if the right key is found. The statue of Vulcan in Birmingham, Alabama is ''confirmed'' to be one, but the key's still missing.
* [[Weirdness Magnet]]: Thanks to Fate, a Scion's life is never boring.
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