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* In Jane Langton's ''The Diamond in the Window'', Edward Hall speaks backwards fluently and daydreams about an alter-ego named Trebor Nosnibor. It's stated that he wishes his name were Robert Robinson specifically because he thinks it sounds much cooler backwards than "Drawde Llah" would.
* This is how Wizards dealing with the Darke hide themselves in ''[[Septimus Heap]]'': By spelling their name backwards. [[Played With]] in Septimus's case, as he takes only the last letters S-u-m on Marcellus Pye's advice.
* In [[Brian Aldiss]]'s illustrated poem "Pile", (subtitle "Petals from St. Klaed's Computer") the hero escapes from Pile and it's computer "St. Klaed" to find the alternate world of Elip run by St. Dealk.
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* In one episde of ''[[Phineas and Ferb]]'', Dr. Doofenshmirtz invented a substance he named "Eulg" that works opposite to glue.
* ''[[Pinky and The Brain]]'' had one episode where Pinky started saying "Troz", which, as Pinky explained, is "Zort" backwards.
* ''Ruff and Reddy'' was a [[Hanna-Barbera]] show in the late Fifties. The very first story arc involved "the dreaded planet Muni-Mula," which the narrator went out of his way to inform viewers is "aluminum spelled backwards." Muni-Mula actually looked more like the [[Star Wars|Death Star]] (almost twenty years early) than a planet.