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* [[Star Wars|Star Wars:]]
**The prequel trilogy is a pretty big step down from the beloved original trilogy.
***''[[The Phantom Menace]]'', the first installment of the prequel trilogy, gets a lot of flak from fans for the introduction of the infamous Jar Jar Binks, overuse of CGI and Jake Lloyd's performance as Anakin Skywalker.
***''[[Attack of the Clones]]'', the second installment, isn'tis muchdivisive betteramong fans, ifwith notsome worseconsidering thanit itsto predecessorbe a slight improvement over the first prequel, withwhile others consider it to be even worse. The main criticismcriticisms goinggo towards the weak and forced Anakin/Padme love story, Anakin's general emo-ness in that film in particular and the perceived stiffness of Hayden Christensen's performance. However, some consider to be a slight improvement over the first prequel.
***''However, [[Revenge of the Sith]]'', the third and final installment, is a significant improvement over the first two prequels for being more on par with the original trilogy, better visuals and Hayden Christensen improving on his performance from the last prequel.
**PriorWhen it comes to the prequeloriginal trilogy, most fans considered ''[[Return of the Jedi]]'' to beis theconsidered weakestto film ofbe the originalweakest trilogyinstallment, though it is still well liked.
**The sequel trilogy, consisting of ''[[The Force Awakens]], [[The Last Jedi]]'' and ''The Rise of Skywalker'' have [[Broken Base|widely varying opinions among fans.]] Some consider it to be an improvement from the prequel trilogy, some consider it to be just as problematic, and others even consider the prequels to be superior.
* While ''[[Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull]]'' is the weakest ''[[Indiana Jones]]'' film critically (although the strongest commercially) there is a heavy debate among fans as to whether it is better or worse than the series' previous worst film ''[[Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom|Temple of Doom]]'' (which was the weakest commercially, for whatever that's worth). Fans of ''Doom'' claim that the fourth film was too campy and over-the-top, even by ''[[Indiana Jones]]'' standards, and that too much the series was altered in this film ({{spoiler|having aliens instead of mysticism powering the object, Jones marrying Marion at the end, him having a son}} etc.). However, the equally vocal ''Skull'' fans claim that ''Doom'' was too [[Darker and Edgier|dark and gritty]] compared to the other movies' lighter tone, it had copious amounts of [[Squick]] for no real reason other than to be edgy, and [[Replacement Scrappy|replaced the beloved characters Marion and Sallah with the more despised Willie and Short-Round.]]
