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* [[Power Parasite]]: [[Doctor Doom]] steals Beyonders' ability here.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Spider Man verbally eviscerates [[The Brute|Titania]]. It's brutal to read but well deserved, especially since Titania had just delivered an awful beat down of She-Hulk.
{{quote| '''Spider-Man:''' "You ought to be happy, cuddles! You aspired to be a bully, and, man, you're a classic! You talk tough and nasty when you've got the upper hand--But when you're losing--well, that's when the whining little wimp-''ette'' inside comes spilling out!"<br />
*throws Titania through a wall* }}
* [[Recursive Adaptation]]: It was a comic based on the toys. Now, there are the toys of the comic of the toys. Not sure if the [[Animated Adaptation]] of the comic of the toys count, though.