Self-Deprecation/Quotes: Difference between revisions

cutting down apostrophe cancer, misc.
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{{quote|''"Don't applaud that! Applaud my idiocy."''|'''Conan O'Brien'''}}
|'''Conan O'Brien'''}}
{{quote|''"Comedy is the second-lowest form of entertainment, next to animation."''|'''Trixie Tang''', ''[[The Fairly Odd Parents]]''}}
|'''Trixie Tang''', ''[[The Fairly Odd Parents]]''}}
{{quote|''"Sorry. I apologize to any of the parents of the kids who bought this album, and to the kids [[Even the Dog Is Ashamed|and their pets]], for having to listen to this. Especially this song. It's terrible."''|'''[[Five Iron Frenzy]]''', "Kingdom of the Dinosaurs", ''Quantity is Job 1''}}
|'''[[Five Iron Frenzy]]''', "Kingdom of the Dinosaurs", ''Quantity is Job 1''}}
{{quote|''"We must never stop reminding the reader what little value they get for their money!"''|'''William Gaines''', on the philosophy of ''[[Mad Magazine]]''}}
|'''William Gaines''', on the philosophy of ''[[Mad Magazine]]''}}
{{quote|'''Why Do People Write "Considered Harmful" Essays?'''
There are those cases where such essays are written because the author enjoys grandstanding, and knows that use of the "considered harmful" format will get them noticed. A piece of this type is usually so over the top that it is easy to spot. For example, a piece titled "'Considered Harmful' Essays Considered Harmful" would very likely be a case of using the "considered harmful" format to draw attention for its own sake. We will ignore such essays in this commentary.|'''Eric A. Meyer''', in the essay ''[ "Considered Harmful" Essays Considered Harmful]''}}
|'''Eric A. Meyer''', in the essay ''[ "Considered Harmful" Essays Considered Harmful]''}}
{{quote|'''Diabeetus''': You know what would be sadder than reviewing this game? [[Game Mod|...if someone went and [[Game Mod|hacked the damn thing.]]<br />
'''Slowbeef''': I'll sa-- fuck you.
'''Slowbeef''': I'll sa-- fuck you.|'''[[Retsupurae]]''', [{{=}}DabhbpZG6_E in their RP of Policenauts] (Slowbeef worked on the translation patch for it.)}}
{{quote|''"Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.'"''|'''Charles Schulz'''}}
|'''Charles Schulz'''}}
{{quote|''I get no respect.''|'''Rodney Dangerfield'''}}
|'''Rodney Dangerfield'''}}
{{quote|''"There is no [[Greedy Jew|Jewish conspiracy to control the banks]]. You know why? Because ''[[Jews Love to Argue|we can't agree on a place to go for dinner]]''! We couldn't even get the meeting started! ''(in an authoritative voice)'' 'All right, the Jewish meeting to control the banks will now commence.' ''(in a grouchy voice)'' 'Hey, who died and made ''you'' king? Never mind me. I'm no one here. I have no opinions.'"''|'''[[Jon Stewart]]'''}}
|'''[[Jon Stewart]]'''}}
{{quote|''"Your [[Little Kuriboh]] was fun for a while, but now he's worn out his welcome."''|'''Gansley''', ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series]]'' episode 48}}
|'''Gansley''', ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series]]'' episode 48}}
{{quote|'''Peejee:''' Every day it's more obvious to me how Davan takes after you.
'''Fred:''' Now just a second. I can insult him 'cuz he's my son!|''[[Something Positive]]'', [ "A Few Changes"]}}
|''[[Something Positive]]'', [ "A Few Changes"]}}
{{quote|''We don't know about reverb,
We may not be good looking.
This is the only song we know,
These are the chords for us.''|'''[[Korpiklaani]]''', "Bring Us Pints of Beer"}}
|'''[[Korpiklaani]]''', "Bring Us Pints of Beer"}}
{{quote|''[[Shazam|Captain Marvel]] is to [[Superman]] what [[Go Bots]] are to [[Transformers]], what [[Power Rangers]] are to [[Voltron]], or what [[Cracked]] magazine is to [[Mad]] magazine.|'''[[]]''', [ "5 upcoming comic book movies that must be stopped, p. 2]}}
|'''[[]]''', [ "5 upcoming comic book movies that must be stopped, p. 2]}}
{{quote|''"I laugh in the face of danger! Then I hide until it goes away."''|'''Xander''', ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''}}
|'''Xander''', ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''}}
{{quote|We won't sell to a major for a couple of bucks
No doubt about it, KMFDM sucks!
|''''[[KMFDM]]''', ''Sucks''}}