Servant Race: Difference between revisions

→‎Tabletop Games: fixed paragraphing, added Slave Mentality disad to GUIRPS entry
(→‎Tabletop Games: fixed paragraphing, added Slave Mentality disad to GUIRPS entry)
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* The [[Meaningful Name|Helot]] genetic upgrade from ''[[GURPS]]: Bio-Tech'' produces people that are humble, docile and non-aggressive. [[Blatant Lies|The designers claim this is just to help them function in urban societies.]]
:''GURPS Aliens'' contained a species of, well, aliens who had been genetically-engineered this way some time in the distant past. They are, if anything, more extreme than the Helot upgrades; they can't do much of anything without a master—and the setting makes slavery illegal. (Using servants of this species is tolerated by most governments, but it's considered a major dilemma, and all normal labor laws apply.) The species was abandoned by its masters long ago; the masters left complex instructions for maintaining a society, but eventually changing conditions made the orders inapplicable and many of them simply starved.
:And finally there's the "Slave Mentality" disadvantage, which can be applied to a racial package to create a Servant Race.
GURPS Aliens contained a species of, well, aliens who had been genetically-engineered this way some time in the distant past. They are, if anything, more extreme than the Helot upgrades; they can't do much of anything without a master—and the setting makes slavery illegal. (Using servants of this species is tolerated by most governments, but it's considered a major dilemma, and all normal labor laws apply.) The species was abandoned by its masters long ago; the masters left complex instructions for maintaining a society, but eventually changing conditions made the orders inapplicable and many of them simply starved.
* The Slann of ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'', who created their own Servant Race. The Lizardmen, like the Slann themselves, were made by the Old Ones. They're both Servant Races, butt he Slann are far more intelligent, and ever since the Old Ones left have been in charge.
* In ''[[Exalted]]'', First Age Solars created quite a few of these. Some were better-treated than others, with corresponding variance in loyalty now that the Solars are returning and the now-free races are once again coming into contact with their former masters...
* ''[[New Horizon]]'': The Wafans (Wave Form Androids) were created as this. Being sapient and capable of independent thought, this didn't last very long.
== Video Games ==