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A character (male or female) possesses [[In-Universe]] extraordinary prowess in giving physical sexual pleasure to his/her partner(s). A soft caress on the cheek from such a person can leave the subject a flustered bundle of sexual excitement, a body massage under their hands would be a heavenly experience, while the luckier ones who get to bed this character would most probably be in for the most intensely multi-orgasmic night they've ever had in their lives.
The reasons behind said prowess varies. Sometimes it's simply due to knowing "how to touch them right", sometimes it's through special sex techniques, sometimes it's by knowing how to make the best out of [[Bigger Is Better in Bed|a larger than average tool]], sometimes it's having so much stamina or having such a high recovery rate that they can last for hours, a whole day or night, or even longer with little to no rest periods, sometimes it's being so [[WomenMuscles PreferAre Strong MenMeaningful|strong and muscular, they can perform faster and more powerful thrusts without tiring out]] or [[Women Prefer Strong Men|perform sex techniques a weaker character would be unable to]], maybe it's a [[All Your Powers Combined|combination of a bigger tool, strength, stamina and staminatechnique]], and sometimes it might be actual [[Magic]]. The [[Power Perversion Potential]] for this ability should be very obvious, assuming that it isn't itself a result of [[Power Perversion Potential]]. This an almost mandatory part of a [[Horny Devil]]'s inventory of abilities. Many pornographic works tend to depict their male characters as this; for live-action ones, this would be an [[Informed Ability]], given that they don't actually do anything "special" on-screen.
'''Note:''' This trope is [[Unisex Trope|neither tied to a specific gender]] nor tied to a specific sexual orientation. Also, being able to do one or two "tricks" to get one's partner hit the O-zone '''does not qualify''' for this trope. The character is supposed to be (hailed as) a veritable ''expert'' in carnal delights, not a "one-trick pony".