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* [[Shout-Out]]: Many to [[Aliens]], most obviously the assault rifle being called a "Pulse Rifle" and looking a lot like one, too. There's also a big one to [[Independence Day]] in the form of {{spoiler|A small alien ship being researched by humans for a lengthy period of time and then being used to infiltrate a mothership.}}
* [[Short-Range Shotgun]]: [[Averted Trope|Averted]], it has full range like other bullet weapons, but could still miss by being aimed short (via free camera mode)
* [[Sniper Rifle]]: The [[Magnetic Weapons|Railgun]] functions as one, with the added benefit of {{penetrating multiple targets.}} It can be upgraded to have [[Pinball Projectile|rebounding shots.]]
* [[Standard FPS Guns]]: Pistol, [[Aliens|Pulse Rifle,]] Shotgun, [[Grenade Launcher]], [[Fire-Breathing Weapon|Flamethrower]], [[Gatling Good|minigun,]] [[Stuff Blowing Up|Rocket Launcher]], [[Magnetic Weapons|Railgun,]] [[Energy Weapon|Laser Rifle,]] [[Lightning Gun]].
* [[Suspicious Videogame Generosity]]: Rampant.