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=== The American series provides examples of: ===
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Frank's mother. And FRANK - headbutting Ian, general neglect...
* [[The Alcoholic]]: Frank Gallagher (yep, still a drunk). {{spoiler|Lip}} also seems to be following this route during season 2. Like father, like son.
* [[Anything That Moves]]: {{spoiler|Lloyd, the father of Steve/Jimmy}}.
* [[Armor-Piercing Slap]]: Happens to Lip from Karen in ''Can I Have A Mother''.
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* [[Couch Gag]]: The show opens up on a cast member, as their character telling you what you missed last week.
* [[Downer Ending]]: Rarely if used, but ''Just Like The Pilgrims Intended'' ended with a very high downer note.
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]]: Eddie in the Season One finale}}.
** {{spoiler|Monica at the end of Season Two, but her attempt is unsuccessful.}}
* [[Dumb Blonde]]: Monica, Jasmine, Holly Hickemer.
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: Peggy Gallagher genuinely cared about her children and grandchildren. Except for [[The Unfavorite|Frank]].
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* [[Killed Off for Real]]: {{spoiler|The two characters that are closest to being considered as their season's respective main antagonists, Eddie Jackson and Peggy Gallagher, have both been killed off.}}
* [[Law of Inverse Paternity]]: {{spoiler|Liam}} turns out to be Frank's son even though everyone assumed that he was not. Similarly {{spoiler|Lip}} hoped that he was not Frank's son but turned out to be his. However, {{spoiler|Ian is not actually Frank's son but his nephew.}}
* [[Mafia Princess]]: Estafania, though she isn't exactly part of the mob as her father is a high ranking Cartel member or leader, or at least someone with ties to the Cartel.
* [[Mistaken for Cheating]]: Veronica thinks that Kevin is cheating on her with another woman and follows him to her apartment. After Kevin leaves she confronts the woman but {{spoiler|realizes that the woman is just teaching Kevin to read}}
* [[Mistaken for Murderer]]: When {{spoiler|Eddie}} is found dead, people assume that Frank did it.
* [[Mafia Princess]]: Estafania, though she isn't exactly part of the mob as her father is a high ranking Cartel member or leader, or at least someone with ties to the Cartel.
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: Heavily used and ''how''. One moment the show is all dramatic, then the next moment something greatly funny happens.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Steve/Jimmy, Lip, and Ian.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Fiona, Karen, Veronica, Mandy, and Estafania.
* [[Never Learned to Read]]: Kevin has severe dyslexia and since he spent his childhood being shuffled from foster home to foster home, it was never addressed. He can read enough to get by in his job as a bartender but has problems with more complicated writing. He's been attending special tutoring sessions so he can finally learn to read and write properly.
* [[Never Mess with Granny]]: Frank's mother, big time.
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* [[Oh Canada]]: After his usual drinking session, Frank wakes up the next morning in Toronto. The scene features a gratuitous use of a Mounty on a horse wearing full ceremonial uniform in downtown Toronto.
* [[Out of Focus]]: Ian in season two for sure, ''especially'' in comparison to the rest of the Gallaghers.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Steve/Jimmy, Lip, and Ian.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Fiona, Karen, Veronica, Mandy, and Estafania.
* [[Pair the Spares]]: {{spoiler|Shelia and Jody, after Karen ends her relationship with Jody and Frank goes back to Monica}}.
** {{spoiler|Seems that it will happen with either Lip and Estefania, or Lip and Mandy, at the end of Season 2}}.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Monica Gallagher [[Missing Mom|left her husband and six children]] almost two years ago. Frank stuck around but has been completely useless most of the time. When he actually moves out, it actually makes things easier for the kids.
* [[Perpetual Poverty]]: Frank gets his money by abusing the worker compensation system but he spends it all on alcohol and paying for the damage he causes while drunk. As Lip points out they could easily pay their bills with that money. Instead Fiona, Lip and Ian have to work and steal enough to cover the bills and pay for food. Whenever the kids manage to save up money for the future, Frank finds it, steals it and spends it on booze.
* [[Promotion to Parent]]: Fiona, without a doubt.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: {{spoiler|Ethel, Malik, and their children. They literally did leave on a bus.}}
** {{spoiler|Karen leaves the Jackson household at the end of Season 2, but it's possible that she will be back for Season 3}}.
* [[Promotion to Parent]]: Fiona, without a doubt.
* [[Rape Is Okay When Its Female On Male]]: The show's treatment of Karen raping Frank. It even comes back in Season 2's ''Father's Day'', when Sheila had found out and consoled Frank after Karen told the "truth" to a detective who was {{spoiler|looking into Eddie's death and found the video of Karen and Frank online, wanting to arrest him for having sex with a minor}}.
** However, it's averted as {{spoiler|Sheila is upset and apologizes to Frank for what Karen did.}}
*** Though zigzagged since {{spoiler|Sheila is the only one who considers it rape}}.
* [[Really Gets Around]]: Karen, Lip. Fiona in the first half of season 2.
* [[Reality Ensues]]: And how.
* [[Really Gets Around]]: Karen, Lip. Fiona in the first half of season 2.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: When Karen calls the cops because Sheilla and Jody {{spoiler|took the baby from the hospital}}, the officers who arrive listen to the story, realize what a jerkass Karen is and then decide that {{spoiler|the baby is going to be much better off with her loving grandmother than being left in the hospital and ultimately ending up in the foster care system}}. They refuse to arrest Sheilla, ignore Karen's protests and decide to go get some Thai food.
* [[Running Gag]]: '''"CARL!!!"''' Or rather Carl's antics.
* [[Sibling Rivalry]]: One begins between Lip and Ian in season 2; Lip has an inside for Ian to get into [[Military Academy|Westpoint]], but his plan backfires, and ''Lip'' is the one who is offered recruitment instead. Ian becomes so furious because of this that he even refuses to speak to him afterward, not after a [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] between the two.
** Though they did have a round two and Ian did win, and they're back on speaking terms.
* [[Tangled Family Tree]]: The Gallaghers, especially with the reveal that Ian is one of Frank's brother's sons.
* [[The Sociopath]]: Frank's mother definitely, she really didn't care at all about those 2 college kids that died in the meth lab explosion that got her jailtime.
** {{spoiler|Karen}} seems to be falling under this route.
* [[Tangled Family Tree]]: The Gallaghers, especially with the reveal that Ian is one of Frank's brother's sons.
* [[The Alcoholic]]: Frank Gallagher (yep, still a drunk). {{spoiler|Lip}} also seems to be following this route during season 2. Like father, like son.
* [[Took a Level in Jerkass]]: Lip and Karen in season 2.
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Frank is not a nice person, but when shit goes down that has him in it, he starts to really lose it.
* [[We Want Our Jerk Back]]: When Frank signs up for a medical study and has to stay sober for two weeks in order to get paid he becomes much nicer. However, he also becomes hyperactive and his attention span starts getting shorter. This starts out as endearing, then becomes disruptive and ends up as destructive. When he starts to break down walls with a sledgehammer and wants to cut a hole in the roof for a skylight, the kids have enough and {{spoiler|knock him out with a stun gun and pour liquor into him}}. They don't actually want their abusive father back but know that he is not actually serious about staying sober and prefer to end this before he causes a disaster.
* [[The Windy City]]: Takes place in the south side of Chicago.
* [[Wham! Episode]]:
** Season 1 ended with {{spoiler|Eddie Jackson's suicide and the fact that Fiona wasn't going to run away with Steve}}.
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** Now played with Karen's child, as it could be {{spoiler|Lip's}} or someone else's. Though in her own words, its [[Parental Substitute|Jody's]] because [[Bumbling Dad|real dads are overrated]].
** It turns out that {{spoiler|neither Lip nor Jody is the father of her baby, but rather an Asian guy Karen was having sex with on the side}}.
* [[The Windy City]]: Takes place in the south side of Chicago.
[[Category:British Series]]