• Fridge Logic - all the strange things aside, why was civilian submarine carrying torpedoes? Are torpedoes just a part of standard submarine equipment? One would think military would keep weapons of this caliber to itself.
  • Ho Yay: When we're first introduced to Ben Carpenter and his buddies, though that could be mere Role Association until this line:

Esai: Why do I let you convince me to do these things?
Carpenter: Cause you're my bitch.

  • Narm: Oh god, so much narm. Mostly in the form of bad acting and bad line-delivery. But Special Effects Failure helps, too.
    • The scene where the titular shark attacks a yacht, where the filmmakers show just how versatile stock footage can be.
    • Bad acting of the Dull Surprise kind is justified in one scene where it's revealed the characters are smoking dope.
  • So Bad It's Good
  • Special Effects Failure: ALL of the movie.
    • And prior to Momma Meg showing up, the cast was menaced by the same shot of an ordinary great white swimming. Just swimming. Not even eating people. Just swimming.