Sherlock/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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** [[Benedict Cumberbatch]] had been acting for many years prior, but ''Sherlock'' was what made him break out into stardom, earning him BAFTA and Golden Globe nominations and an Emmy win, as well as a massive online fanbase. It also launched a successful movie career for him; 2013 alone had five movies with him.
** Though not quite to Benedict's level, Andrew Scott's portrayal of Moriarty has received similar critical and fan acclaim and a BAFTA win.
* [[Throw It In]]: Moriarty wasn't scripted as dancing as he breaks into the glass chamber with the royal jewels, but the music was actually playing on set and Andrew Scott decided to dance anyway.
* [[What Could Have Been]]
** When Sherlock and John are drunk in "The Sign of Three", Sherlock says "I apologize for my... my... him," seemingly unable to come up with the word he wanted to use to describe John (who had fallen asleep when their client was talking). Benedict Cumberbatch had forgotten his line, but they thought it was hilarious and left it in.
* [[What Could Have Been]]:
** [[Matt Smith]] auditioned to play John, but was turned down for being more of a Sherlock.
*** [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]: That same audition was what led Matt to playing [[Doctor Who|the Eleve]][[The Nth Doctor|nth Doctor]].