Shin Hyakuji High School/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Dog Bites Back]]: Though she didn't kill her father directly, she stood by and allowed him to die.
* [[The Stoic]]
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: At the hands of an Ex-Spetznaz, starting from age 4
* [[Tyke Bomb]]: The only reason her father even allowed her to be born was so that she could be raised to kill. She became an infamous child assassin, taking out targets as early as 9 years old.
* [[Violently Protective Girlfriend]]: Hana, one of Seth's [[Love Interests]], heavily intoxicated, jokingly said she would kill Seth if he cheated on her. Gail threatened to kill her. And meant it.
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=== Tropes (still a work in progress): ===
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Hinata after the Kingdom Hearts arc.
* [[Breath Weapon]]: Hinata's SHOOP DA WHOOP attack, which is mostly just used for comedic effect. Just recently though, she seems to have given it more [[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|practical applications]].
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]: Hinata will actively fight those who might try to harass other girls. In the meantime, she has cameras everywhere in the neighbor's room downstairs, and even trap doors with premise of protecting her boyfriend's little sister.<ref>And yes, even to watch over her two [[Schoolgirl Lesbians|friends]] when they get close. ESPECIALLY when they get close.</ref>
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=== Tropes ===
* [[Action Girl]]: Recently she's overcome most of her issues, and gained a good deal of control over her powers, and for all intents and purposes has [[Took a Level Inin Badass|taken levels in badass]]
* [[Battle Couple]]: With her boyfriend Meglumar, forming a [[Sword and Sorcery]] duo.
* [[Broken Ace]]: Beautiful, intelligent, and good with people, but often suffers from [[Heroic Self-Deprecation|self-worth issues]] due to her [[Power Incontinence|inability to control]] the more potent aspects of her powers, which sometimes lead to her being [[The Load|more of a burden]] [[Faux Action Girl|than a help]]. But she [[Stepford Smiler|hides all of these issues behind her smiles]] [[Genki Girl|and cheerful, energetic demeanor]].
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* [[Superpowered Neutral Side]]: When her elemental side takes over.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: The girly girl to Jen's tomboy.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: [ This topic]. That is all.
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: When her elemental side takes over her mind Star's [[Super Mode|destructive potential rises geometrically]], but at the price of not being able to tell apart friend from foe and a near-complete [[The Unfettered|lack of inhibitions]], lashing out on sheer instinct and posing a danger to both friend and foe alike. She's getting better, though...
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* [[Teen Genius]]: Due to private research being a hobby of hers, and the vast amount of information on the supernatural housed within the Scryptorium, Erin has extensive knowledge in many supernatural fields of study - to the point where she can explain the inner workings of [[Functional Magic]] despite not actually being a Magus.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: With Chizu
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: What Erin desired when she began [[Hero Worshipper|idolizing]] Chizu, trying to train herself to become more like the person she worships. Then came the [[Artifact of Doom|Orange Materia]] and everything goes wrong. [[Gone Horribly Wrong|Horribly wrong]]. After the resulting storm from the aftermath of inVERsion calmed down, she eventually comes to accept that [[Be Careful What You Wish For|this path wasn't quite meant for her afterall]].
* [[Wind Is Green]]: When she uses her powers, the air that she is controlling turns a greenish hue. It's actually just a coincidence, though - green was a color that reflected her personality, and also happens to be her favorite color.
* [[You Are Better Than You Think You Are]]: "Your only weakness is your lack of confidence in yourself." -Jameson B. Willicott
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* [[Fragile Speedster]]: Chizu actually can't take too many hits. The reason she fights so well is because it's [[Flash Step|a little hard to hit her.]]
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: This is how Chizu and Damon started their friendship.
* [[Important Haircut]]: Chizu's hair was cut short in her [[Heroic Second Wind|defining]] [[Took a Level Inin Badass|fight with Kinclex.]]
* [[Like Brother and Sister]]: Chizu and Damon, to the point where [[Squick|they're grossed out]] by anyone suggesting they're involved romantically because [[Brother-Sister Incest|it feels like incest.]]
* [[Nakama]]: Damon and Kaede, Nickle.
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* [[Super Speed]]
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Chizu and Kaede, respectively.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: [ This topic.]
* [[Tsundere]]: Has matured over the years, but is still this way to Nickle.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]
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[[Category:Shin Hyakuji High School]]