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Shin Hyakuji High School/Characters: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|Role Played by: Fin}}
A [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]] [[Our Ghosts Are Different|half-phantom]], for the longest amount of time in her existence Youma had been feared for her reputation as a [[Ax Crazy|demonic killer]] [[Omnicidal Maniac|with no regard for human life]]. All that changed when a powerful priestess subdued the half-phantom and [[Sealed Evil in a Can|imprisoned her within a scroll]], which eventually ended up in the Hyakuji shrine somewhere in the present and subsequently freed by [[Magic Knight|Meglumar]], [[Battle Butler|Seth]] and [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|the]] [[Doctor Who|Doctor]]. With some tutelage from [[The Ojou|Selene]] [[Functional Magic|on the basics of magic]], Youma ended up being bound to Seth by means of a [[Fate/stay night|Servant-Master Contract as a Saber class servant]].
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* [[Cycle of Revenge]]: In her backstory this was what essentially culminated in [[Everything Trying to Kill You|Everything Trying To Kill Her]]. Youma kills those hunting her down in self-defense; but loved ones of the ones killed by Youma continue to hunt her down out of vengeance, the more people Youma kills, the more revenge seekers she ended up with.
* [[The Combat Pragmatist]]: Her standard approach is to simply go straight for the kill; no [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner]], [[In the Name of the Moon]] speeches, or fancy pose-downs. But then again, when you've spent a good part of your existence putting up with [[Everything Trying to Kill You]], rules of engagement and anything regarding honor in combat is probably something you quickly learn to toss out through the window.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: More of "Crouching Cloud Cuckoo Lander, Hidden Badass".
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: [[Berserk Button|Upset her or her friends in any way]], and you're ''dead''. See [[Murder Is the Best Solution]] below.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]
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* [[Fish Out of Water]]: Having been an assassin her whole life, she's never attended an actual school. She probably thinks Hyakuji is normal.
* [[I Do Not Speak Nonverbal]]
* [[Literal -Minded]]: ''Very''.
** In one instance, Oliver attempted to explain her relationship to one of her competing [[Love Interest|love interests]], Youma, by using an analogy, comparing Gail to coffee and Youma to soda. Gail thought that Youma had literally been polymorphed into a soda bottle.
* [[Love Dodecahedron]]: Part of one. Seth has a LOT of potential [[Love Interest|love interests.]]
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Self proclaimed as the fastest boy alive, and hailing from the United Kingdom. Jonny sticks out a bit from other characters in that the weird and fantastic was not a daily part of his life before turning up in Hyakuji, and was the only superpowered being he was even aware of before then.
He's transitioned into life at Hyakuji fairly well, and an open mind means he isn't completely caught off guard by things as might typical of someone with his origins (or lack thereof). Typically a [[Nice Guy]], his manners have actually saved his life on a few occasions.
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* [[Action Girl]]: Recently she's overcome most of her issues, and gained a good deal of control over her powers, and for all intents and purposes has [[Took a Level In Badass|taken levels in badass]]
* [[Battle Couple]]: With her boyfriend Meglumar, forming a [[Sword and Sorcery]] duo.
* [[Broken Ace]]: Beautiful, intelligent, and good with people, but often suffers from [[Heroic Self-Deprecation|self-worth issues]] due to her [[Power Incontinence|inability to control]] the more potent aspects of her powers, which sometimes lead to her being [[The Load|more of a burden]] [[Faux Action Girl|than a help]]. But she [[Stepford Smiler|hides all of these issues behind her smiles]] [[Genki Girl|and cheerful, energetic demeanor]].
* [[Cursed with Awesome]]: Being one-quarter Light Aeon makes her a natural prodigy compared to other photomancers, however all that power also [[Power At a Price|comes at a price]], namely a [[Power Incontinence|lack of control]], and when overtaxed [[Superpower Meltdown|her own powers can literally consume her]].
* [[Eyes of Gold]]: A telltale sign that her elemental side is in control.
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* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Is the red Oni to her boyfriend Meglumar's blue.
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Star isn't really one for trading blows with an enemy, and her favored tactic in battle is to engage from a distance.
* [[Sugar and Ice Personality]]: In 'sugar' mode most of the time, but drifts into 'ice' mode when sufficiently angered or when her elemental side comes into play (usually both).
* [[Superpowered Neutral Side]]: When her elemental side takes over.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: The girly girl to Jen's tomboy.
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* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: One of the main two for the site. If something can happen that ends up with Fuu's undergarments on show, it ''will''.
* [[Joshikousei]]: A job she took up essentially had her dressing as one.
* [[One-Note Cook]]: More like 'One Note Pallette...' Fuu only favors foods that have cucumber as an ingredient.
* [[Panty Shot]]: [[Innocent Fanservice Girl|'Princess Fanservice.']] ... You just can't take the flash out of Fuu.
* [[Plucky Girl]]
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The [[Nice Guy]]. Born and raised in the city of Hyakuji itself making him one of the few established native in-game and sort of a [[Farm Boy]]. Started out as the city’s self-proclaimed [[Part-Time Hero]], dispensing justice under the secret guise of Kamen Senshi Denshi, with technology thanks to his missing [[Mad Scientist]] grandpa.
At the same time, he attends the only high school in the city which just so happens to be a school for the gifted… as an [[Ordinary High School Student]]. The façade didn’t last long however as one event after another, his not-so-secret identity is exposed and nothing seems to have change much.
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* [[The Pollyanna]]: Despite the fact that she lost her entire family in a single night, she remains strangely optimistic. It's left to be seen whether or not there's something beneath her [[Beneath the Mask|perpetually-smiling facade]], or if she's so wound up in denial that she has actually [[Becoming the Mask|become the mask she's hiding behind]].
* [[Poor Communication Kills]]: Of the [[Cannot Spit It Out]] variety. For someone as [[Genki Girl|outspoken]] as herself, Yuki's ironically reserved when it comes to her innermost feelings, primarily out of empathic consideration towards the feelings of her friends, often choosing to keep her fears and worries bottled up instead of confiding in them with her [[True Companions]], or finding a positive outlet for them. Her treatment for any negative feelings that comes her way is to [[Think Happy Thoughts]], and put on [[Stepford Smiler|a smile]]. It doesn't take an exceptionally [[Genre Savvy]] viewer to anticipate that sooner or later, all of it is going to bounce back at her. With a vengeance. Which could only mean [[Cerebus Syndrome|drama is looming]] [[Break the Cutie|over the horizon...]]
* [[Ship Tease]]: Involving something of a not-quite-launched-yet [[Love Triangle]] which hopefully doesn't end with her punking out and [[Cannot Spit It Out|holding in her (as of yet, underdeveloped) feelings]] due to her overwhelming concerns regarding her friendship and [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy|strictly-platonic love]] for her roommate, Selene.
* [[Sweet Tooth]]: While she's able to stave off the pounds with a rocket-speed metabolism, you wouldn't think the small girl could single-handedly polish off a dozen doughnuts by herself without batting an eyelash. Fried foods and other treats are also devoured by her. Not quite a full-fledged [[Big Eater]].
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: With Selene - but [[Subverted Trope|heavily subverted]], as both girls are girly as they come in their interests and disposition. Yuki however comes across as the girly girl of the two - [[Cannot Spit It Out|generally reserved when it comes to her feelings]], [[The Ditherer|is usually nervous and indecisive when confronted]], and highly [[The Kirk|emotionally-sensitive]]. This stands in contrast to Selene's tendency to [[The McCoy|wear her heart on her sleeve]], [[Plucky Girl|generally assertive and decisive personality]], and ability to be blunt and straightforward when needed.
* [[Touched by Vorlons]]: Yuki had an initial training session with Terado which allowed her to expand her power limit from "essentially useless" to "almost useful."
=== Erin Lynette Oasella ===
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=== Tropes: ===
* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Battle Couple]]: With Nickle.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Don't touch her [[Nakama|friends]] or you'll regret it.
* [[Beauty Is Never Tarnished]]: Subverted. Chizu does bear the scars from the many battles she'd fought in, but at the same time said scars have never detracted from her attractiveness.
* [[Blood Knight]]: Had some tendencies towards this until the [[Kingdom Hearts|Heartless incident]] where the constant fighting [[Be Careful What You Wish For|finally made her sick of it.]]
* [[Blow You Away]]
* [[Close-Call Haircut]]: This used to happen all the time when she had long hair.
* [[Determinator]]: A female example.
* [[Flash Step]]: One of her defining techniques.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: Chizu actually can't take too many hits. The reason she fights so well is because it's [[Flash Step|a little hard to hit her.]]
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: This is how Chizu and Damon started their friendship.
* [[Important Haircut]]: Chizu's hair was cut short in her [[Heroic Second Wind|defining]] [[Took a Level In Badass|fight with Kinclex.]]
* [[Like Brother and Sister]]: Chizu and Damon, to the point where [[Squick|they're grossed out]] by anyone suggesting they're involved romantically because [[Brother-Sister Incest|it feels like incest.]]
* [[Nakama]]: Damon and Kaede, Nickle.
* [[Razor Wind]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Super Speed]]
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Chizu and Kaede, respectively.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: [http://hyakujihigh.net/topic/2658390/1/ This topic.]
* [[Tsundere]]: Has matured over the years, but is still this way to Nickle.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]
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* [[Blade on a Stick]]: Habod o' Babd is one of these
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: Decides that rather than wait, it would be best [http://hyakujihigh.net/single/?p=462182&t=4385499 to stab THROUGH] his ally to get at the enemy
* [[Cool Shades]]: Needs them to protect his yellow eyes
* [[Divine Parentage]]: More like great-grand parentage, but still
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* [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]: Despite being in a town of superhumans, Damon can't just stand by and let others right wrongs if he's there and able to stop it. Teacher brainwashed? Museum being attacked? Old God Rising? He has to stop it!
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Despite his element he's one of the kinder people in the city.
* [[The Fettered]]:
* [[Glass Cannon]]: He can make some very destructive attacks when he wants to, but so much as look at him and he might be knocked down.
* [[Good Is Not Soft]]: See [[Technical Pacifist]] below. Damon comes across as a compassionate, amiable and sociable person - but when crunch time comes he wouldn't hesitate to introduce his offenders to a world of hurt, [[Thou Shalt Not Kill|stopping just short of killing them]].
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* [[Like Brother and Sister]]: Chizu and Damon, to the point where [[Squick|they're grossed out]] by anyone suggesting they're involved romantically because [[Brother-Sister Incest|it feels like incest.]]
* [[Last of His Kind]]: Averted when his cousin Coryn was alive, harshly played straight when [[The Heartless]] promptly removed said cousin.
* [[Moral Myopia]]: Doesn't suffer from this himself, but fears this happening to the city's inhabitants.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: When his powers are active, his eyes become red.
* [[Save the Villain]]: He is FAR more willing to save them than fight them
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* [[Super Speed]]
* [[Sweet Tooth]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: ''Natural'' purple hair. Need I say more?
=== Nicholas Mare ===
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* [[Eye Beams]]: From his Goggles
* [[For Science!]]: His reason for anything he does in class, if not for everything in life
* [[Goggles Do Something Unusual]]: Rather, lots of unusual things.
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: Sometimes uses them in class, for mundane tasks
* [[Jet Pack]]: Owns one that he built...somehow.
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