Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey: Difference between revisions

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The (under construction) character sheet can be found '''[[Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey/Characters|here]]'''.
* [[Adult Fear]]: This game is designed to strike fear in those who are concerned about the Earth's many issues, from overpopulation to the dastardly results it has on the global environment.
* [[Advancing Wall of Doom]]: The Schwarzwelt's earthly boundaries are delimited by a wall of plasma that destroys anything it touches. The Schwarzwelt is constantly ''expanding''. So don't worry too much about all the people being swallowed up by the Schwarzwelt if the mission fails --everyonefails—everyone will be vaporized before it happens.
** The role of the wall is to "disassemble" everything at the molecular level so it can be properly reconstituted as whatever the Schwarzwelt thinks it would best fit as. The outside world is the "crime," the plasma wall the verdict, the Schwarzwelt the sentence.
* [[Affably Evil]]: Mitra and {{spoiler|Captain Jack}}.
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* [[Dark World]]: What Schwarzwelt means in German!<ref>actually, it's ''Black'' World</ref>
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]/[[Light Is Not Good]]: Technically, Light and Dark aren't even fighting in this game; a "Light" demon is one that can't be encountered or obtained except through Fusion, and a "Dark" demon can be encountered and fought but can't be negotiated with (so to get them, you also need to create them via Fusion). Light and Dark demons can be either Chaos or Law-based, too. That said, most of the Light demons tend to be based off of more benevolent deities and mythological critters.
** There's also the signature Hama and Mudo skills; instant death attacks with a varying probability of success. Most demons that use one will be weak to the other, as "Hama" (''"exorcism"'') is a "Light" attack and "Mudo" (''"cursing"'') is a Dark attack. Humans are inherently immune to Hama skills because they are the children of {{spoiler|The Great Will and the Mother of Creation, both normally Light-aligned Gods}}, and are traditionally the friends of Light demons (hence why Light demons never appear to attack you). However, [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|humans aren't particularly very nice]] so [[Light Is Not Good|Light Is DEFINITELY not always Good]].
* [[Death World]]: If the demon-filled hell gate doesn't kill you, maybe the thousand-meter-tall plasma storm surrounding the gate will. And make sure you have your helmet on at all times. And don't eat the food! And mind the demons!
* [[Degraded Boss]]: Orias. Normally, he should be around level 27. When you first encounter him, he's level 7.
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* [[Disc One Nuke]]: The Frost Cannon has great power and can hit 3 elements and can be obtained from an easy EX mission early in the third sector. It can last you until very late game, even up to the {{spoiler|7th}} sector.
** Black Frost and Frost Ace are level 30 and 34 respectively, and both come with Bufudyne (and Black Frost has Agidyne); few other demons around those levels have high-level -dyne spells. In addition, neither one has any weaknesses and both have several resists and immunities.
** The Jackal gun is also greatly overpowered, mostly due to its insanely accurate Stone Bullet skill --andskill—and very, very few enemies (most of them bosses or Fiends) are immune to Petrification.
** Dominion has Mazionga VERY early (level 14). Nothing else at this point has second-tier spells that hit all enemies. Bootes becomes far easier if you fuse one. Around this time you can also fuse Morax with a source to cover up his weakness, and the special fusion and source leave the possibilty of him having ''all four elements''.
** The Uber-Pixie you can get through a Password provided by [[Atlus]] themselves starts at Lv 1, but has a magic stat of 10 (normally, Pixies have a 3) and a luck stat of ''99'' (compared to the usual 5). On top of this, it has the spells Megidolaon and Mediarahan for heavy damage on every enemy and full HP Recovery for every ally respectively! Granted, you have to pay a very huge ammount of Macca to summon it from your Demon Compendium, but once you can afford it and level it up accordingly, hooooo boy... {{spoiler|The password itself is: Madoka Ueno}}
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** {{spoiler|Jimenez does one with Bugaboo to save its life.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Future Badass]]}}: {{spoiler|''The Protagonist''}} in the conclusion of the {{spoiler|Madness of Yggdrasil}} EX Mission.
* [[Gaia's Vengeance]]: This is what the Schwarzwelt is initially assumed to be--anbe—an onslaught of (later-proven-to-be-demonic) antibodies to protect Earth from human corruption. Although, considering how the Schwarzwelt, in the process, absorbs the very Earth as it expands, you get the feeling this Vengeance overshot its purpose somehow...
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: {{spoiler|Averted in one instance with Jimenez and Bugaboo. After defeating Horkos, you search the remains of the Elve for parts. Jimenez manages to recover Bugaboo's forma/D Source, and uses it with the data registered in his Compendium to resurrect Bugaboo offscreen. He even mentions that because he's using the Compendium data, he has to teach Bugaboo English again.}}
** Played straight when {{spoiler|you fight Jack's Squad members}}. The game treats {{spoiler|Soldiers}} as separate demons for combat purposes, meaning that you can still talk to their demons. All of the demons {{spoiler|Jack's Squad}} uses are Dark, so you can't negotiate with them, but "friendly demon" reactions still occur...
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** Lampshaded by the game itself as {{spoiler|each and every time the crew member reveals a new crush, even the music stops to show the Protagonist's mute horror}}. [[It Got Worse|It gets worse]] for the crewmate when he tries to invoke tropes such as [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]] and [[Defrosting Ice Queen]], much to his intended's disgust.
* [[Improbable Species Compatibility]]: The Myrmecolion is "the result of a lion and ant mating". Wrap your mind around that one.
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]: Many demons will be quick to point this out, and the Schwartzwelt itself is essentially a hell on earth, with half of it being a mockery of modern human society and the other half being a tribute to the power of the demons. The more wild/bloodthirsty demons clearly state how awed they are by the bloodshed and destruction humans produce with a grudging respect/obvious distaste, though of course, demons are just as big as hypocrites as humans are. It's still possible to convince some demons that mankind isn't so bad, though. {{spoiler|Jack's Squad plays this trope straight; Negotiation with them in battle will only earn you insults, even though you're a human just like them, and they experiment on demons for profit and personal gain, not to mention how they kidnap and successfully fuse Jimenez with Bugaboo.}}
* [[Humans Through Alien Eyes|Humans Through Demon Eyes]]: And like the above, this is particularly evident in the Negotiation sequences.
* [[Humans Are Warriors]]: Quite a few demons will end up being impressed by the strength the humans hold, particularly yours, as the main character. Also, [ Morale] is a song mostly attributed to the humans, and it's a triumphant military theme.
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** Subverted. Demonee-ho is by NO means a joke character. His mix of skills are there to mimic that of the main character but his level, statistics and resistances all add up to an effective beatstick. While Demonee-ho is not broken, it is still in the same vein as Black Frost and it proves it by having no outstanding weakness. By this game's standards, there really are no lethal joke characters because the characters obviously meant to be jokes (Slime) do not ever graduate from that role.
* [[Liberty Over Prosperity]]: This is the demon's path; not to be confused with the "bad" path, the game makes it fairly clear there is no bad or good path, the demons want everyone to be free in all things, which would result in a dystopian planet with no society because everyone would do what they damn well want, and the angel's path leads to a world were everyone is happy, because they have no other choice but to be happy, and are brainwashed into so. {{spoiler|You can also [[Take a Third Option]]}}.
* [[Line in the Sand]]: The [[Point of No Return]] between the various [[Multiple Endings]]. At a certain point, a character forces the Protagonist to decide which faction he will support --earningsupport—earning enmities and alliances depending on his choices.
** A lesser version occurs earlier, when {{spoiler|the half-demon Jimenez and the angelic Zelenin state their ultimate positions before leaving the ''Red Sprite'' for good, convincing several crewmen to follow them along their respective paths}}.
* [[Louis Cypher]]: {{spoiler|This time taking the appearance of a young ''[[Hot as Hell|woman]]'', disturbingly similar to a [[Alice in Wonderland|certain famous young girl]] from a previous game in the franchise. The name she actually goes by is Louisa Ferre.}}
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* [[Marked Change]]: After {{spoiler|fusing with a demon and becoming half-demonic, Jimenez' strange tattoos stand out visibly through the pitch-black substance that flows over his body. Notable in that he already had them ''before'' the fusion, but they were hidden discreetly under his clothes and were easily overlooked}}.
* [[The Masquerade]]: To prevent the populace from falling prey to panic, the world's governments, acting through the [[Government Conspiracy|Schwarzwelt Joint Project]], cover up the existence of the Schwarzwelt as "a ferro-magnetic blizzard" that forced the "withdrawal of nearby bases." This doesn't last too long, though, since the Schwartzwelt is too huge to hide forever and is ''growing''. Eventually, the demons begin invading Australia and South America through the ocean while the humans back on Earth fail to close the Schwartzwelt with an endless rain of nuclear weapons.
* [[The Maze]]: Naturally, since it's a [[Dungeon Crawling|Dungeon Crawler]]. Also contains some nasty [[Mobile Maze|Mobile Mazes]]s.
* [[The Messiah]]: {{spoiler|Mastema fancies you and Zelenin as this for Law. In many ways, the restored Gore ''is'' this for Neutrality.}}
* [[Money Spider]]: Minibosses found through "Enemy Search" always drop extremely valuable Forma. You will need to save a few of these to [[Item Crafting|assemble new equipment]], but you'll probably need to build that particular item only once, and random encounters yield so little money that Enemy Search Forma becomes your best, and primary, source of income.
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*** A note on the demons though, not all of them are complete monsters. Most of the guys you can recruit are just there and while you have the genuinely disgusting folks like Basilisk and Seth who would love nothing else than to tear you apart, you also have folks like Heimdall who is good, just not on your team.
* [[Order Versus Chaos]]: An important part of the basic gameplay; demons are either Lawful, Chaotic, or Neutral and this affects how well they co-operate with you and each other. Order and Chaos have battled in many previous [[Mega Ten]] games (there's even a [[Shout-Out]] to it in ''[[Digital Devil Saga]] 2'' with the division of the Karma Society) but it's been a long time since it had such an overt impact on the gameplay.
* [[Organ Drops]]: Quite a vast variety of Forma obtained ([[Randomly Drops|randomly]]) from demons consists of body parts, from the mundane ("Oh, a feather!") to the [[Squick|squickysquick]]y ("Is that an angel's ''heart''?") When found in the field, on the other hand, most of the illustrations of Forma appear to be crystals, which possibly lessens the squick factor.
* [[Our Demons Are Different]]: In this franchise, "Demon" is actually a catch-all term for any supernatural being ranging from goblins and fairies to gods; even angels are technically one specific type of demon (though they'd probably be very angry at you if you called them that). Demons in general are still very bad news for unwary humans, despite not all being horned monstrosities straight out of a Doom game.
** Well, that's what the word "demon" (or, if you want to be picky, "daemon") originally meant: "spiritual being". The negative connotations were mostly Constantine-onwards Christianity apologists trying to explain away outside religions.
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* [[Petting Zoo People]]: A few of the demons are like this (e.g. Nekomata, Halphas), but it rarely reflects to their personality.
* [[Playing with Syringes]]: In an exceptionally creepy part of the early game, you can find reports on demon experiments done to your crewmates. All of them died [[Squick|quite terribly,]] but the demons don't mind. They're just [[Stepford Smiler|happy to have removed humans of their ability to suffer.]] Then, when you confront Mitra, you find out why Fomorian was so gleeful about his experiments. {{spoiler|As far as Mitra and his goons are concerned, everything they were removing--blood, organic thought (q.v. brain), air, sane diet, protection from the Schwarzwelt--was pointless. Were they trying to strip humans down to their "proper" essence? One wonders if the demons have ''any'' respect for physical matter...}}
** This gets turned around later when you find out what {{spoiler|Captain Jack and his men}} are ''really'' doing in the Schwarzwelt. {{spoiler|Let's just say that the demons are actually portrayed in a sympathetic light for once even as they [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|curse humans]] for being mutilated, torn apart, and put back together. It actually tugs at your heart when you turn off the cultivation tank they're in and put them out of their misery.}}
* [[Pokémon-Speak]]: Bugaboo.
* [[Power Limiter]] / [[Power Nullifier]]: {{spoiler|Alilat.}}
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{{quote|''A monster snake said to be sighted around the Song dynasty.
It is about three feet long, has four legs, is covered in fur, and squeals like a pig. Because there is no animal that remotely fits the description, it is believed to be a completely unknown creature.'' }}
* [[Science Is Bad]]: [[Averted Trope|Averted]], [[Subverted Trope|subverted]], [[Inverted Trope|inverted]], and kicked until it runs screaming. With the smörgåsbord of human sins that is the Schwartzwelt, technology is a major exception, and indeed, many demons seem to like it. In less common instances, demons will complain that science allows humans to play god, but such complaints seem to be directed to the [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|humans using the technology]], not technology itself.
* [[Secret AI Moves]]: No [[Bandit Mook|Macca Beam]] or [[That One Attack|Bite the Dust]] for you!
* [[Sequence Breaking]]: Gate Search E is unlockable through a sidequest that can be completed before you even begin the sixth sector. By this time you won't have Gate Search D available just yet.
* [[Serial Romeo]]: Anthony.
* [[Seven Deadly Sins]]: It's not immediately obvious or pointed out, but the different areas of the Schwarzwelt follow this theme (it should click by the time you get the demonic shopping mall, though).
* [[Shout-Out]]: The translation team, [ stuck at what exactly Makurein was meant to be] (as it could have been "[[Spell My Name with an "S"|McClain, MacClane, MacLaine or any of several other Scottish surnames"]]) went with the assumption is was a shout out to ''[[Die Hard]]''. Two [[AI|AIs]]s are named [[Arthur C. Clarke|Arthur]] and [[Jules Verne|Verne]].
** Crewmen Blair and Norris are references to ''[[The Thing (film)|The Thing]]'', as is one of the EX Missions where you have to weed out which of the fellow crewmen are "normal". Dent possibly refers to [[Hitch Hikers Guide to The Galaxy|the other Arthur]].
** Among the guns available to you is the [[Persona 3|Reaper Colt]].