Ships That Pass in the Night: Difference between revisions

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** In keeping with that, there are also a number of Faith/Doyle fanfics. To point out the absurdity: Doyle is now dead. When he was alive - for the whole time ( {{spoiler|the whole nine episodes}}) he was on ''Angel'' - Faith was in a coma, far far away.
** And let's not even start on Spike/Tara, who traded words maybe once, and Spike/Willow, who had maybe three onscreen conversations over the course of the show (though to be fair, one of those conversations was full of [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]).
*** However, those couples are not quite this trope - while Spike & Tara and Spike & Willow have few on-camera scenes ''together'' they can reasonably be presumed to run into each other frequently off-camera, given that they are all part of the same immediate [[Ensemble Cast]], are all co-workers and friends-of-friends who live in the same small town, and routinely hang out in the same few locations, such as the Magic Box and the Bronze.
** Connor/Drusilla showed up occasionally post-Season 4; despite them never having met this one actually made some sense. Her psychic/prophetic abilities might enable her to become aware of his existence, and he was the only surviving person she could consider "family" who hadn't turned on her already. Plus without his memories he wouldn't immediately try to kill her.
* In [[NCIS]] there is a ship called Kiva - Kate/Ziva. They lived in completely different countries, and never met. And {{spoiler|Kate dies before Ziva arrives on the show}}. This does not seem to deter fans of [[Les Yay]].