Ships That Pass in the Night: Difference between revisions

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** So has Loki/Jane.
*** Mind you, he did allude to be willing to do nasty things to her in order to [[Berserk Button|get a rise out of Thor]].
** Meanwhile, Darcy is frequently paired with either Loki or Hawkeye, despite never sharing a single scene with either character. Although her and Hawkeye were both at least working the same case in the same place at the same time during the New Mexico incident, even if they never met on-screen.
*** Which is nothing compared to her being frequently shipped with [[Captain America: The First Avenger|Steve Rogers]].
**** Darcy has been shipped with pretty much every Avenger save Natasha and Tony. Including the Norse demigod that her best gal pal is dating. As well as supporting cast members, OCs, and threesomes. None of which, save Thor and Coulson, that she's ever actually met. There is a reason that one of the meta tags at AO3 is "Darcy Is The Fandom Bicycle".