Ships That Pass in the Night: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''I got this feeling at like three am while watching Netflix.''
''I drew some porny Fanart[[Fan Art]] and I wrote some [[Lemon|smutty]] [[fanfic]].''
''Can't help it, I just think that they would make such a good pair.''
''In canon they have never met—''
'''''I don't care.'''''
''I don't care.''|'''Not Literally, ''[{{=}}LCDgJiPBxfI I Ship It]'''''}}
So you like to ship Bob and Alice. The only problem you have is the fact that Bob and Alice have exchanged little more than a few lines with one another and there seems to be little to no interaction between the two.
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== Comic Books ==
* You would probably be surprised at how many people ship [[Blue Beetle|Ted Kord]] with Michelle Carter, his [[Booster Gold|best friend's]] twin sister. Despite the fact that they've never met, because [[Death Is Cheap|one of them was usually dead at the time]].
== Film ==
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*** Which is nothing compared to her being frequently shipped with [[Captain America: The First Avenger|Steve Rogers]].
**** Darcy has been shipped with pretty much every Avenger save Natasha and Tony. Including the Norse demigod that her best gal pal is dating. As well as supporting cast members, OCs, and threesomes. None of which, save Thor and Coulson, that she's ever actually met. There is a reason that one of the meta tags at AO3 is "Darcy Is The Fandom Bicycle".
* [[Billionaire Playboy|Howard Stark]] and [[Lady of War|Peggy Carter]] from ''[[Captain America: The First Avenger]]'' are frequently shipped as having hooked up afterwards to sire [[Iron Man|Tony Stark]]. Though they do share the screen a few times, they are usually in group scenes and they share TWO''two'' lines of dialogue set about twenty minutes apart and in different countries.
** Although the ''[[Agent Carter]]'' spin-off TV series does show that they became and remained good friends even after World War II, so, not quite as implausible as some.
* ''[[Camp Rock]]'' has the pairing of Nate and Caitlyn which seems to be so for the sole of Caitlyn being straight and not alone. It still goes on even after Nate was given a love interest (and a bigger role) in the second film
== Literature ==
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** One possible factor is Carlos having expressed his appreciation of Molly's looks to Harry and goes on about what he'd like to do with her. Though bear in mind that Carlos [[Casanova Wannabe|fancies himself a ladies' man]] and Molly [[Hello, Nurse!|is just that hot]].
** We never see them interact, sure, but we do see Harry's inner monologue, in which ''he'' suspects that they have a thing for each other. It's just as likely that Harry is only trying to believe this so he can believe that Molly's [[squick]]ey crush on him is over, but it ''is'' there.
* ''[[Atlanta Nights]]'' does this to itself. One chapter features two characters who have never spoken before or since running away to get married, and another has a character contemplating suicide over his unrequited love for a character he has never shared a scene with.
== Live Action TV ==
* Quite a few ''[[Law and& Order: SVUSpecial Victims Unit]]'' fans like to pair up [[John Munch]] and Casey Novak. Again, they haven't said much to each other, but one reporter does refer to them as [[The X-Files|"Mulder and Scully"]]. Now, we all know what happened there.
** Speaking of ''[[The X-Files]]'', one popular fanfic pairing is Skinner with Scully's mother.
* On ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'', Sylar and Heidi make for an interesting ship. They've never been seen to meet in the series, but the ship bears a [[Unfortunate Implications|dubiously canon odor]] due to two timelines in which Sylar murdered and impersonated Heidi's husband.
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* ''[[The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee]]'''s fandom ships Leaf/Logainne and Chip/Marcy, despite the fact that they don't really talk.
** [ one fic] has the characters recognising each other in later events.
== Video Games ==
* ''[[Pokémon Colosseum]]'' has Afroshipping, Flint from Diamond and Pearl x Mirror B. These two characters have not and will never meet. [[Crack Pairing|They both have afros, though.]]
* ''[[Fire Emblem]]: Rekka no Ken'' fandom was quite fond of Wil/Florina for a while.
* ''[[Star Ocean: Till the End of Time]]'' has Albel and Nel, two soldiers from warring kingdoms. Plenty of opportunities for [[Foe Yay]], but they mostly ignore each other in the script. Doesn't stop the shippers from using Albel as the [[Gay Option|Straight Option]] for Nel.