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This page lists [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]] seen in literary works.
== Works with their own sub-pages: ==
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* The Yeerks in ''[[Animorphs (Literature)|Animorphs]]'' take their name from [[JRR Tolkien (Creator)|JRR Tolkien]]'s [[Con Lang|Sindarin]] Elvish word for Orcs, ''yrch''.
* In Paul Robinson's ''[[Instrument of God]]'', which is a story about an Afterlife run inside a computer system, the dead people who go to orientation are given references to movies about their situation, including ''[[The Matrix]]'', ''[[Vanilla Sky]]'', ''[[Total Recall]]'' and ''What Dreams May Come''. The Preface to the book mentions other stories including [[Robert A. Heinlein]]'s ''[[Elsewhen]]'' and ''[[Stranger in A Strange Land]]'', as well as the movie ''[[The Green Mile]]''. Also, when Supervisor 246 is explaining to a character it might not be a good idea to mention that he's from an Afterlife in another world, she agrees with him, realizing people would think she's crazy. 246 then thinks about the scene where Avery Brooks in ''Deep Space Nine'' is trying to convince the men of a mental institution that he's actually a Starbase captain.
* In ''[[The Brothers Karamazov]]'', [[Fyodor Dostoevsky]] has several characters quote passages of ''The Robbers'', a play by Friedrich Schiller. There are also a lot of [[Shout -Out|shout outs]] to the works of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Alexander Pushkin, and Voltaire. Naturally, given the book's religious themes, [[The Bible]] is quoted very often.
* A recurring character in Robert Rankin's books is the "psychic youth and masturbator" Danbury Collins. This is based on Andy Collins, author of dubious New Age work ''The Knights of Danbury'' and a rival of Robert's.
* ''[[Mortal Engines]]'' has far too many shoutouts to name, a few of which are described on its page.
* ''[[The Sookie Stackhouse Mysteries]]'' have a [[Shout -Out]] to [[Anne Rice]]; her books are actually books one can buy and read in [[The Verse]] the series takes place in, and is why vampires are considered somewhat chic. There's also a shout out to Ann Landers.
** The short story "Bacon" from the anthology ''Strange Brew'' contains one for [[The Dresden Files|the Dresden Files]]:
{{quote| "Actually, a girl can't make a living at full-time sorcery anymore," Kathy [a witch] said with a brave smile. "Not with so many of the supernaturals trying to do things the official, human way. The only sorcerer who's gone public is in Chicago, and I hear he's struggling."}}
* ''[[Pale Fire]]'' by [[Vladimir Nabokov]] has a [[Shout -Out]] for all comers. The eponymous poem's third canto has a [[Shout -Out]] to ''[[The Brothers Karamazov]]''. The commentary to one of the lines mentions how a Hurricane [[Lolita]] has recently passed over New Wye. Charles Kinbote proposes calling the poem Solus Rex, a reference to one of Nabokov's short stories. There's a minor character named Pnin, which is also the name of one of Nabokov's other novels. Various authors and poets are mentioned, discussed, discarded at length by one of the novel's [[Unreliable Narrator|Unreliable Narrators]].
* In one of the ''[[Star Wars]]'' [[Expanded Universe]] novels, Han Solo points out "It's not the years, it's the parsecs." Not quite an [[Actor Allusion]] to [[Indiana Jones]], because it's a book and [[Harrison Ford]] can't say the line himself, but close.
** And of course, in the ''[[Star Wars]]'' novels, Han, and later Corran Horn, have used the fake identity "Jenos Idanian", an anagram of [[Indiana Jones]].
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* [[HP Lovecraft]] was ridiculously fond of shouting out to his other works to the point where most of the time it didn't really make any sense. The names just ''happened'' to be the same. Also, he and his circle of author friends absolutely ''loved'' shouting out at each other and shared several eldritch deities.
** The founder of the Pickman foundation is presumably NOT the Pickman of "Pickman's Model". Lovecraft's stories tend to take place in the same small part of New England, and often concern the same kind of ladies and gentlemen from old, old families (so they can have old, old secrets). Hence, the same surnames turning up again and again is actually fairly realistic: the oldest families have a fair number of members by now, and they are fairly important to local history as well.
* The [[Stephen King]] book ''Eyes of the Dragon'' has a minor [[Shout -Out]] to [[HP Lovecraft]] when the narrator mentions how Flagg's spellbook was bound in human skin, written on the Plains of Leng by the Mad Arab Abdul Alhazred, which is the exact description in most [[HP Lovecraft]] stories of his famous [[Tome of Eldritch Lore|Necronomicon]].
** ''Needful Things'' also has some shout outs to [[HP Lovecraft]]. The antagonist has cocaine which he claims comes from the Plains of Leng and there's some graffiti in a parking garage that reads "[[Cosmic Horror|Yog-Sothoth]] rules." Also, his name is Leland Gaunt; Night-Gaunts are a fictional race in Lovecraft's work.
* The ''[[Ciaphas Cain]]'' ([[Fake Ultimate Hero|HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!]]) novels are ''packed'' with references to other media. See that page for specific details.
* In ''Forests of the Night'' by S. Andrew Swann, the [[Private Detective|protagonist]] visits a bar owned by a biologically-uplifted rabbit. The name of the bar? ''[[Watership Down]]''. The bar also contains a framed picture of what are obviously [[Looney Tunes|Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd]].
* In P. D. James's ''Death of an Expert Witness'', there are several subtle references to the much earlier detective novels of [[Dorothy L Sayers]], the most prominent being a discussion of whether a man struck on the head could have regained consciousness and locked himself into a building before dying, as in ''Busman's Honeymoon'', and a character's saying "I'd rather make love with the public hangman", as in ''Murder Must Advertise''.
* ''[[House of Leaves]]'' has shout outs mostly to the works of French thinker [[Jacques Derrida]]. The structure of the novel is reminiscent of [[Vladimir Nabokov]]'s ''Pale Fire'', and colored text could be a subtle [[Shout -Out]] to Nabokov's synesthesia. There are also an unusual number of similarities between the {{color|blue|house}} and the House of Change from [[Michael Ende (Creator)|Michael Ende]]'s ''[[The Neverending Story (Literature)|The Neverending Story]]''. [[Jorge Luis Borges]], Sylvia Plath, and Franza Kafka are also paid tribute in various, small ways throughout the book.
* The ''[[Eisenhorn]] Trilogy'' ([[Warhammer 40000]]) features a scene where the titular Inquisitor recounts talking with a retired [[Humongous Mecha|Titan]] Princeps (commander) named Hekate during one of his travels. Princeps Hekate just happens to be the main character of the ''Titan'' series of graphic novels.
* [[Terry Pratchett]] loves these. For example, in ''[[Discworld|The Fifth Elephant]]'', Vimes encounters Three Sisters who are straight out of a [[Chekhov's Gun|Chekhov]] play of the same name. One of them want to tear down their Cherry Orchard (another famous Chekhov play). They give him the gloomy and purposeless trousers of ''[[Uncle Vanya]]'' (yet a third famous Chekhov play -- and "gloomy and purposeless" tends to be Chekhov's style).
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{{quote| "I was young and foolish then."<br />
"Well? You're old and foolish now." }}
* [[Kim Newman]] loves them even more than Pratchett. The ''[[Anno Dracula]]'' series is an extended [[Shout -Out]] to every work of fiction involving vampires, ever, and any other work of fiction he likes as well.
** Newman really does love these. His [[Warhammer Fantasy]] and [[Dark Future (Literature)|Dark Future]] novels are [[Reference Overdosed|crammed full of them.]]. Who else would make [[Iain Banks]] mayor of the Isle of Skye?
* The ''[[Mass Effect]]'' novel ''Ascension'' is one ''long'' shout out. Specifically, it involves a [[Firefly|mentally-ill girl with incredible mental powers being rescued from an Academy by a loving family member after being experimented on by a shadowy organization devoted to "improving" mankind, and takes refuge on a ship whose captain's nickname is Mal.]]
* The [[Dragaera]] page quote on the [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]] page is an alteration of an earlier quote said by Vlad about the House of Athyra. As their [[Planet of Hats|hat]] is being wizards, the original is likely a [[Shout -Out]] to a much-parodied quote from [[Lord of the Rings]], "Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger". This line also gets referenced in [[Discworld]] on a couple of occasions. Once, when Vlad is warned that a sorcerous adversary could [[Monty Python and The Holy Grail|turn him into a newt]], he replies, "I'd get better". Also, the most recent book, ''Jhegaala'' has a [[Shout -Out]] to [[Nero Wolfe]]- Vlad is bedridden and is using his familiar, Loiosh as his "legs". He comments that this could work well as an arrangement, leading Loiosh to comment that Vlad would soon end up several hundred pounds heavier.
* David Weber sometimes does these in a fairly explicit fashion.
** At one point, [[Honor Harrington (Literature)|Honor Harrington]] enjoys a [[Horatio Hornblower]] novel. Consider that the ''Honor Harrington'' series is best described as ''[[Horatio Hornblower]] [[Recycled in Space|IN SPACE]]''.
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** The protagonist of the ''Safehold'' series is named Nimue. When she has to get a sex change in order to fit into the patriarchal society of Safehold, she takes the name Merlin. Later, Merlin gives Prince Cayleb a sword that is made of advanced materials, which he names "Excalibur".
* In ''[[The Bell Jar]]'' by Sylvia Plath, Esther Greenwood says that she has to read ''Finnegan's Wake'' by James Joyce for one of her classes in her senior year of college.
* In John Barnes's ''[[One for The Morning Glory]]'', Deacon Dick Thunder is a [[Shout -Out]] to [[Robin Hood]]. Indeed, the prime minister Cedric explicitly says they can draw him into certain plans because he wouldn't miss the chance to play [[Robin Hood]].
** Also, the Riddling Beast's [[Riddle of the Sphinx]] ends "[[The Hobbit (Literature)|And what has it got in its pockets]]?"
* ''Sideways Arithmetic From [[Wayside School]]'', Wayside's think outside the box puzzle book, features in the first chapter a series of prototype algebra problems where numbers are substituted with letters. The first such problem is [[Lord of the Rings|ELF + TOOK = FOOL]].
* ''The Game'' by [[Diana Wynne Jones]] makes several shout outs to much of [[Greek Mythology]], [[Russian Mythology and Tales]], "[[Hansel and Gretel (Literature)|Hansel and Gretel]]", ''[[Lord of the Rings (Literature)|Lord of the Rings]]'', and many other fantasy stories from across the entire genre. She also makes a less obvious reference to the TARDIS from ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'', as the characters use it at one point in the book without naming it. (Nearly every other reference has at least a name you can associate with a book or myth, but the TARDIS shout out has no way to tell unless you know about [[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]].)
* In Dean Koontz's ''[[Odd Thomas]]'' novels, Odd says of his abilities, "[[I See Dead People|I see dead people]]," in a knowing nod to ''[[The Sixth Sense]]'', adding, "but then, by God, I do something."
* Zee Rose's ''The [[Princess]] 99'' makes several shout outs, usually through Skye who is {{spoiler|probably from our world}} though Professeur Sweet does make a ''Harry Potter'' shout out: "Unlike in the Non stories, besoms are not for riding. I repeat: do not try to ride a besom. I cannot tell you how many students have wound up with broken legs and arms because of this mistake."
* The ''[[Inheritance Cycle]]'' has a few, ranging from subtle: the name of the first ever bonded dragon, which is [[Dune|Muad'Dib]] spelled backwards, to just plain clumsy: Arya writing a ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' reference on the ground, with no explanation of any sort given. To make the second one even more ridiculous, Paolini's elves are extremely skeptical atheists, so it's really quite out of character for one of them to spontaneously come up with:
{{quote| ''Adrift upon the sea of time, the lonely god wanders from shore to distant shore, upholding the laws of the stars above''.}}
* [[Peter David]]'s ''[[Sir Apropos of Nothing]]'' contains a shout-out to ''[[The Last Unicorn (Literature)|The Last Unicorn]]'' by [[Peter S Beagle]]. When Apropos and Princess Entipy encounter a herd of unicorns, Entipy cautions Apropos, "You must never run from anything immortal, it attracts their attention." This is word for word what the Unicorn told Schmendrick to discourage him from running from a harpy.
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* In Henry Fieldings' ''[[Tom Jones (Literature)|Tom Jones]]'', Fielding drops in a shout-out to his sister's novel ''David Simple'', which Sophia Western reads in one scene.
* ''[[The Babysitters Club]]'' contains a plethora of shout-outs to ''[[I Love Lucy]]'', including Stacey's last name.
* [[John Ringo]] tends to throw tons of [[Shout -Out|shout outs]] to various things his works, including but not limited to:
** In ''When The Devil Dances'' and ''Hell's Faire'', from his [[Posleen War Series]], there's not only "Bun-Bun", the name for a massive mobile artillery piece, from [[Sluggy Freelance]]'s [[Killer Rabbit]], but one of those sent to repair some battle damage is the spitting image of [[Mad Scientist|Riff]], not only in outfits ([[Badass Longcoat|long coat]] and [[Cool Shades]]), but in some of Riff's signature traits, including [[Catch Phrase|"Let me check my notes"]]... and getting [[Groin Attack|kicked in the crotch]] when saying something stupid to an attractive woman.
** Bun-Bun also makes an appearance in the [[Council Wars]] series, as one of the few remaining AIs after a long-ago global-scale civil war.
** ''[[Troy Rising (Literature)|Troy Rising]]'' uses a whole lot of them to other [[Science Fiction]] works, many of them intentional on the part of the characters using them.
* ''[[Lord Darcy (Literature)|Too Many Magicians]]'', by Randall Garrett, contains a [[Shout -Out]] to the [[Nero Wolfe]] novels by Rex Stout. The Marquis of London is clearly modelled after Wolfe, from physical appearance to his refusal to talk business over a meal. His assistant, Lord Bontriomphe, is an even clearer reference to Wolfe's assistant Archie Goodwin.
** On the other hand, while he's as smart as his cousin, Lord Darcy, he's a government official, not a detective, who when faced with a murder gets his cousin involved. This suggests another influence was Wolfe's alleged uncle, Mycroft Holmes, fitting in with Darcy's similarities to [[Sherlock Holmes|Sherlock]].
** In the same book the symbol of the King's Messengers is a lens of grey glass, which glows in the hand of the right man, created by the great magician Sir Edward Elmer; a [[Shout -Out]] to [[EE Doc Smith]] and the ''[[Lensman]]'' books.
** ''And'' there's a character called Tia Einzig, a defector from the Polish Hegemony whose Uncle Neapeler escaped with the help of a Manxman named Colin MacDavid and is now living on the Isle. "Einzig" is German for "only", so Neapeler Einzig, the uncle from Man, has a name that translates as [[The Man From UNCLE|Napoleon Solo]], while MacDavid's name is a simple rearrangement of David McCallum.
** The same book has this exchange, which is nearly identical to the "dog in the night-time" one from the [[Sherlock Holmes]] story ''Silver Blaze'':
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* [[JRR Tolkien (Creator)|JRR Tolkien]]'s unfinished novel ''The Notion Club Papers'' contains several shout-outs to ''[[The Space Trilogy]]'' by his friend, [[CS Lewis (Creator)|CS Lewis]].
** [[CS Lewis (Creator)|CS Lewis]] himself used various names which are alike or very similar to some Middle-earth names. The Space Trilogy main character, Ransom, is also a philologist and the Martian languages bear a certain similarity to Elvish.
** Tolkien made several self-Shout Outs in his work, arguably, quite apart from the myriad in-universe references to 'older' tales: not expecting his 'ancient histories' of Middle Earth (which often genuinely were written much earlier) to ever be published when he was writing ''[[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)|The Lord of the Rings]]'', he occasionally recycled names from his existing mythology into the latter. These would have remained private S.O.s, but for ''The Silmarillion'' appearing decades later and highlighting them - as well as throwing up odd inconsistencies such as a name migrating from one race to another (e.g. Denethor, Gothmog; some instances were [[Retcon|retconned]] in supplementary works as in-universe [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]] where the later users were said to have taken their names from heroes of old - or of the ''The Silmarillion'' character Glorfindel, whose First Age death was [[Retcon|retconned]] via a [[Deus Ex Machina|one-off offscreen miracle]] to retrospectively make him possibly/probably the same person as the ''LotR'' character of the same name.
*** Don't forget all of LOTR's shout outs to ''[[Macbeth (Theatre)|Macbeth]]'', all taken from Act IV, Scene i, when the Witches tell Macbeth their prophecies of his death. First of all, the phrase "Crack of Doom" was coined by [[Shakespeare (Creator)|Shakespeare]] in this scene. The Ents' besiegement of Isengard and the Witch-King's defeat by Éowyn are references to two of the three prophecies—namely, that it will not happen until "Great Birnam Wood...shall come against him" and that "[[No Man of Woman Born|none of woman born]] shall harm" him. Of course, the trees do come to the castle when Macduff's army uses their branches as camoflauge, just as the Ents come to Isengard, and Macbeth is killed by a man who was not ''[[Exact Words|born]]'', but removed from his mother's womb, just as the Witch-King, who can be killed by "no living man," is killed by a woman.
* Tom Holt's ''Only Human'' features something of a [[Terry Pratchett]] [[Shout -Out]], in which a man sentenced to [[Ironic Hell]] for complaining to authors that their new stuff wasn't as good as their old stuff...was forced to read the same book over and over again for the rest of eternity. His final line was that he'd just gotten up to the part where "[[Discworld (Literature)/The Colour of Magic|the tourist has just met the wizard]]".
* In ''[[Sharpe]]'s Tiger'', Sharpe briefly sees (and is warned not to steal) the Moonstone from, well, ''[[The Moonstone]]''.
* In ''[[Young Wizards|High Wizardry]]'', a man apparently fitting the description of the fifth [[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor]] saves Dairine from the servants of the Lone Power chasing her.
* The ''[[Captain Underpants]]'' series of books is set at Jerome Horowitz Elementary School, who was Curly of the [[Three Stooges]].
* In the ''[[Star Trek]]'' [[Alternate Universe]] novella ''Seeds of Dissent'' by James Swallow, the deceased members of the ''Botany Bay'' crew are all named after ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' companions.
** A screen in a ''Next Generation'' episode showing a woman's descendants included the names of all the first seven actors to play the Doctor.
* In the first four books of [[Peter David]]'s [[Star Trek New Frontier]] series, he's able to sneak in the first and/or last names of all the actors who played the main characters of his TV Series ''[[Space Cases]]''.
** Later, he gives a more thorough one to Jewel Staite by putting a "Catalina City" on a moon of Saturn.
* A very subtle [[Shout -Out]] exists in David Gerrold's ''Blood and Fire''. While one group of characters is preparing to engage on a dangerous mission, the captain tells them "[[Catch Phrase|Let's be careful out there.]]" The protagonist mentally notes that it was a watchword on her previous ship, the ''Michael Conrad''. A shout out to [[Hill Street Blues]] and the actor who spoke the line.
* In Umberto Eco's ''[[The Name of the Rose (Literature)|The Name of the Rose]]'', [[Amateur Sleuth|William of Baskerville]] talks about his good friend William of Ockham.
** Whereas the "of Baskerville" suggests a connection to another [[Sherlock Holmes|asexual detective of analytical mind]].
* A trilogy of ''Warhammer40000'' novels are entitled ''Ravenor'', ''Ravenor Returned'' and ''Ravenor Rogue''; a rather highbrow nod to John Updike's equally [[Added Alliterative Appeal|alliterative]] "Rabbit" series (''Rabbit, Run'', ''Rabbit Redux'', ''Rabbit is Rich'', ''Rabbit at Rest'' and ''Rabbit Remembered'').
* The [[SMS.M. Stirling]] novel ''Conquistador'' features South African villains with the same names as the South African antagonists of the [[Harry Turtledove]] novel ''Guns of the South''. There is also a reference to a landholder named Morrison, like the titular hero of [[H. Beam Piper]]'s ''Lord Kalvin of Otherwhen''. Morrison's House motto is "Death to Styphon!," a reference to the "Gunpowder God" cult of the Kalvin stories.
* Malik's admission that he's a fan of both Sherlock Holmes and Spider-Man in [[Wandering Djinn]]
* The [[Emberverse|Novels of the Change]] are full of these, encompassing subjects as diverse as ''[[Monty Python]]'' and ''[[Dirty Harry]]''. ''[[Lord of the Rings (Literature)|Lord of the Rings]]'' gets so many shout-outs, even the toilet-humor National Lampoon parody figures heavily into the plot. And even though nobody in the novels has heard of ''[[Harry Potter]]'' (as only the first book came out before [[After the End|everything went to hell]]), the resident Wiccans still manage to get in a good laugh about the Sorting Hat.
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* ''[[Don Quixote (Literature)|Don Quixote]]'': Hundreds upon hundreds of them, although many would be unrecognizable to the modern reader because of [[Weird Al Effect]].
** Chapter I part I mentions [[Aristotle (Creator)|Aristotle]], philosopher widely regarded as the greatest abstract thinker of Occidental Civilization. Even he has no chance to make sense of the purple prose that plagued [[Chivalric Romance|Chivalry Books]]. Also in the Chapter III part II, Don Quixote's opinion about history and poetry reflects the theory exposed in Aristotle's ''[[Poetics (Literature)|Poetics]]''.
* In the short story [ "Same-Day Delivery"] by Desmond Warzel, the phrase "blue bolts from the heavens" appears twice; this is a direct [[Shout -Out]] to first-edition ''Advanced [[Dungeons and Dragons]]''; specifically, the ''Dungeon Master's Guide''.
* In the very first chapter of ''McClendon's Syndrome'' by Robert Frezza, there are bars called [[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)|the Prancing Pony]] and [[CallahansCallahan's Crosstime Saloon (Literature)|Callahan's]].
* In [[John C Wright]]'s ''[[The Golden Oecumene (Literature)|The Golden Age]]'', ''The Phoenix Exultant'', and ''The Golden Transcedence'', Heinlein's "An armed society is a polite society" is inverted into "An unarmed society is a rude society", and Harrier Sophotect's appearance is clearly modeled on [[Sherlock Holmes]]. Characters pose as figures from [[William Shakespeare (Creator)|William Shakespeare]]'s [[Hamlet (Theatre)|Hamlet]], [[Commedia Dell'Arte]], and [[John Milton]]'s ''Comus'' -- though enough explaination is given in story for them to be understood.
** In Daphne's [[Show Within a Show|dream universe]], a major character is a prince named Shining. While apparently she didn't intend it as a [[Shout -Out]], her husband, the protagonist, is named Phaethon -- which means "Shining."
* The [[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]] [[Virgin New Adventures|New Adventures]] novel ''The Also People'', in addition to being one long homage to [[The Culture]], also references [[Discworld (Literature)/Men At Arms|a cocktail called a Double Entendre]], [[Discworld (Literature)/Reaper Man|a suspicious yellow dip that always appears at parties]], [[Discworld (Literature)/The Colour of Magic|Time Lords having octagons in their eyes to see into the timestream]], and [[Discworld (Literature)/Guards Guards|a market trader named C!Mot]]. Ben Aaronovitch is clearly a [[Discworld]] fan.
** The [[Virgin New Adventures]] [[Sherlock Holmes]] crossover ''All-Consuming Fire'', as well as multiple Holmesian references, features an appearance by ''[[The Lost World (Literature)|The Lost World]]'''s Lord John Roxon, and references to Professor Challenger, [[Fu Manchu]], and [[Kim Newman]]'s Diogenes agent Charles Beauregard. It's also one of several New Adventures to have references to [[The Cthulhu Mythos]].
* The short story [ "The Black Sheep of Vaerlosi"] by Desmond Warzel makes reference to a mineral whose unrefined form is too sharp to handle safely. The mineral is called "costnerite"--because it's [[The Untouchables|untouchable]].
* The climax of Robert Frezza's novel ''The VMR Theory'' contains a string of [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]]. Among them:
** A flock of [[Dragonriders of Pern|genetically engineered dragons who enjoy going ''between'']]--though in this case, "between" refers to their delight in gliding between upright objects, slalom-style, and accidentally unseating their riders due to their poor spatial-reasoning skills.
** A final showdown in [[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)|the interior of a large volcano]], which a signpost has helpfully designated "[[The Dark Tower]]".
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** He included another blink-and-you'll-miss-it ''Firefly'' Reference in ''[[The Wise Mans Fear]]'' when a possibly-gay (actually bisexual) character is referred to as "Sly".
* ''[[Vorkosigan Saga|Cryoburn]]'' has two: Miles thinks to himself "Imperial Auditor Vorkosigan; Threat or Menace" (in Spider-Man, J.J.J.'s paper, ''The Daily Bugle'' often ran headlines "Spider-Man: Threat or Menace?"). And Armsman Roic quips to a local "Don't worry, I have a license to stun." The local responds "I thought that has a license to kill?" Both, of course refer to ''[[James Bond]]'''s 00 "License to Kill".
* "Macavity, the Mystery Cat" in [[TS Eliot]]'s ''[[Old Possums Book of Practical Cats (Literature)|Old Possums Book of Practical Cats]]'' is an extended [[Shout -Out]] to [[Sherlock Holmes|Professor Moriarty]].
* The [[Jakub Wedrowycz]] stories have quite a lot of references, mainly to pop culture: the protagonist [[Badass Grandpa]] villager has eaten stew from some octopus-like thing named [[Cthulhu Mythos|Ktulu]], stole a wand from some [[Harry Potter|snotty bespectacled brat with a lightning on his forehead]], and is said to have also eaten some yellow thing that wandered into his yard calling itself [[Pokémon|"Pikachu"]]. Another example is when he comes across a zeppelin, made from a metal lighter than air - his friend explains that it's an invention of one "professor Geist", a reference to the classic Polish novel ''[[The Doll]]''.
* [[Unda Vosari]] has a [[Unda Vosari/Shout Out|short page]] of [[Shout -Out|shout outs]] to various other works.
* In ''[[Peter Pan]]'' Captain Hook says he's "the only man whom Barbecue feared, and Flint himself feared Barbecue". Flint and Barbecue (better known as Long John Silver) are the leaders of the pirates in ''[[Treasure Island]]''.
* In the novel ''The Fires of Paratime'' by L. E. Modesitt, Jr. (published in 1982), the Immortals can travel nearly instantaneously in space and time, but they have no native technology and are forced to pilfer it from various technologically-advanced cultures throughout galactic history:
{{quote| Frey--Freyda's son by her fourth or fifth contract--was walking around the consoles twirling the [[Laser Blade|light saber]]. He'd picked that up from [[Star Wars|some obscure group of galactic-wide do-gooders]] from near the end of back-time limits.}}
* In the book ''Jeremy Fink And The Meaning Of Life'' by Wendy Mass, there seems to be either an accidental [[Shout -Out]] or simply a very subtle one, as [[The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy (Franchise)/Life, The Universe And Everything|life, the universe and everything]] are mentioned a few times in that exact phrasing.
* In the denouement of Matthew Stover's ''Jericho Moon'', Kheperu tells Barra several [[Blatant Lies]] about how he'd gotten himself, the MacGuffin, and her back to the city after she was knocked out. Among these obvious whoppers is one where they're scooped up and carried to safety in the nick of time by [[The Lord of the Rings (Literature)|giant eagles]].
* In George Zebrowski's 1998 novel ''Brute Orbits'', there's a description of life on an asteroid-borne penal colony: "You were [[A Christmas Story|either a bully, a toady, or one of the nameless rabble of victims]]."