Shut UP, Hannibal: Difference between revisions

direct link GLaDOS
(direct link GLaDOS)
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{{quote|'''Stalkermon:''' I must say I am impressed; very few Digimon have managed to evade my Sniper Shot attack, much less several times in a row. You may well prove to be worthy prey yet.
'''Renamon:''' Shut up! I do not care about your damned hunt; I am only doing this for the sake of my tamer. }}
* In the ''[[Portal 2]]'' fanfic ''[ Test Of Humanity]'' has {{spoiler|Wheatley}} of all people doing this to {{spoiler|[[G La DOSGLaDOS]]}} by literally telling them to "shut up" and then punching them in the eye.
{{quote|{{spoiler|"Shut up."}}
{{spoiler|Glados looked down at Wheatley, "What did you say?"}}
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* "To the German Commander: NUTS!"
* [ During a speech] in his presidential campaign in San Diego, [[Ronald Reagan]] was being interrupted by a heckler insulting him. Reagan simply said "Oh, shut up!" and the crowd gave a standing ovation.
** Reagan was known for these. His first major moment in national politics was the debate between him and George Bush Sr. in New Hampshire during the primaries.
{{quote|'''Local newspaper editor''': Someone turn Reagan's microphone off!
'''Reagan''': I am ''paying'' for this microphone, Mr. Green.<ref>Due to accusations that the debate was actually an illegal campaign contribution because it did not include all seven primary candidates, Reagan settled the argument by covering the setup costs for the debate out of his own funds.</ref>}}
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** Also:
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Lizbeth''':}} * Rants and raves on how she'll gut him and suck the marrow from his bones*
'''Patrick''': * Lights her [[Undead|severed head]] on fire and tosses it off a cliff*
{{spoiler|'''Lizbeth''':}} The family will be reuniteeeeeeedddddddddd! * splash*
'''Patrick''': Yeh were sayin'? }}
* ''[[Rise of the Kasai|The Mark Of Kri]]'' ends on something of an anti-climax: as the [[Big Bad]] [[Necromancer]] makes his [[We Can Rule Together]] speech, Rau Utu politely listens for a moment, then reminds the speaker that he has [[An Axe to Grind]].[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|It's awesome.]]