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This happens a lot. Heroes usually use the 'fist to face' variant of this, though a hero giving a villain a verbal beatdown is not unheard of. Often done by the more [[Combat Pragmatist|practical]] [[Anti-Hero]], who doesn't really care about philosophy, and just prefers to beat up anyone who has messed with the them or their stuff.
More heroes will often at least listen before coming up with a counterargument. When that fails due to the fact that the villain has rationalized their villainy with something truly depraved, the hero will often call the bad guy [[You're Insane!|insane]] before delivering the smackdown.
Doing this to ''[[Evil Versus Evil|another villain]]'' is even dumber, as they're likely to either not be big on listening, or have an outright conflicting ideology. But it still happens every now and then.
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'''Mustang:''' For the love of God, shut up, [[What an Idiot!|idiot]]. }}
** And Mustang keeps on shutting him up all through the battle with him while kicking his ass.
*** Mustang had two crowning moments when it came to this trope. The first was when he incinerated Envy's tongue ''mid-speech'' and the second was when Envy tried to go [[One-Winged Angel]] and, as Envy mockingly claimed he couldn't hold back, Mustang ''[[Eye Scream|incinerated his eyes]].''
** And the one who put nail on his coffin? ''Ed'', of all people, by giving [[World of Cardboard Speech|a heartwarming]] [[Kirk Summation|talk]] about Envy's motive.
** A little later on, as Ed fights [[Smug Snake|Pride]], the latter breaks out into a rant about how Ed isn't prepared to fight an enemy like himself. Ed's response? He ''headbutts'' him and precedes to [[Curb Stomp Battle|curb stomp]] him.
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{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Alma''': This torment will never end, and I want us to die together as friends.}}
{{spoiler|'''Kanda''': Sorry, Alma. You may be my only friend, but I want to live! * SLICE-SLICE-SLICE* }} }}
** Also chapter 204 (complete with a genuine [[Slasher Smile]] delivered by ''Allen'' himself:
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Allen''': I'm Cross Marian's pupil. It makes me wanna puke, the very thought of uniting with you!!!}}}}
* ''[[Twentieth Century Boys]]'' has a particularly epic one when {{spoiler|Kenji}} is confronted by a [[Card-Carrying Villain]] laughing about all the murders he's carried out. After he's done ranting, {{spoiler|Kenji}} spends two whole issues deconstructing the man's entire worldview, and leaves him weeping and suicidal.
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'''Alucard''': '''[[Shut UP, Hannibal|SILENCE!]]''' I'm a dog? [[I'm a Humanitarian|Then you're dog food.]] }}
* It happens in ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'', too. Just before the big fight towards the end of the first movie, Mewtwo is giving his big [[Motive Rant]] about how he and his genetically engineered Pokémon are going to exterminate all other life on the planet. Up comes Ash Ketchum, with a horde of "normal" Pokémon and spitefully declares, "[[Determinator|You can't do this.]] ''[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|I won't let you.]]''" He then tries to ''[[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|punch out Mewtwo]]''. {{spoiler|It doesn't go too well for Ash, and he actually ''dies''. But the [[Swiss Army Tears|tears and love]] from the Pokémon he led against Mewtwo revive him, and ''Mewtwo'' himself has a change of heart.}}
** Another example of this trope happens during episode 35 (never shown outside of Japan). While Team Rocket is in the middle of their motto, [[Character of the Day|Kaiser]] starts [[Trigger Happy|shooting at them repeatedly]] , leading to a [[Bullet Dancing|Bullet Dance]] performed by the trio.
** In one Diamond and Pearl episode, Paul cuts Team Rocket off mid-motto (to their outrage).
* In the Duelist Kingdom arc of ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'', Anzu comforts Yugi, who has just entered a [[Heroic BSOD]] after having just stopped Atemu from calling a game-winning attack that would have led to Kaiba to make good on a suicide threat if he were to lose, leading to the latter winning instead. She tells him that his grandfather would not have wanted to be saved that way. Kaiba then [[Break Them by Talking|interjects saying that Yugi should have went through with the attack.]] (In the manga, Kaiba even says that had the roles been reversed, Kaiba would have made the attack). Anzu retorts by saying that he showed him compassion by sparing his life. From here, it becomes a case of [[Alternative Character Interpretation]], when Anzu goes into [[The Power of Friendship|friendship rant mode]], and you also consider that Kaiba has been doing this to save his little brother Mokuba. Naturally, given [[The Scrappy|Anzu's reputation]], some people have sided with [[Draco in Leather Pants|Kaiba.]] Objectively though, it can be agreed that instead of taunting Yugi/Yami, Kaiba shouldn't have [[Can't Spit It Out|been so secretive there]] and that berating Yugi for sparing his life was a [[Ungrateful Bastard|dick move]]. To be fair, at that point Anzu did NOT know about Mokuba being a hostage, and neither did the rest. They only came to know that quite a while later, and Yugi even [[Tender Tears|cries]] when he sees this.
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** Ichigo gives one to Grimmjow after Orihime tells him tearfully not to get hurt anymore.
{{quote|Grimmjow attacks him, while Ichigo's back is turned, after a [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|Reason You Suck Speech]] and {{spoiler|Ichigo catches the Grimmjow's blade while still looking at Orihime, turning to Grimmjow to effectively say "You heard Inoue. I'm not supposed to get hurt anymore!"}}}}
** Aizen tries quite a few [[Hannibal Lecture|Hannibal Lectures]] in Fake Karakura Town. None of them seem to work.
*** Komomura indirectly gives a [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] to Aizen after he [[Break Them by Talking|lectured]] Ichigo.
{{quote|'''Komamura''': Don't let him get to you. Provocation is his speciality ... If you lose yourself, you'll lose your life. Rest easy. I know why the captains sent you straight down here from Hueco Mundo. You have not seen Aizen's shikai. We will fight to protect you. }}
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* [[Complete Monster|Joker]] became quite fond of [[Hannibal Lecture|Hannibal Lectures]] during [[ROD the TV]], and since most of his opponents are [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness|such sweet women who always want to see the best in everybody]], he always seems to make a lot of headway. Then, Anita makes a pretty clever realization: "Don't be tricked, you idiot! He's the ''bad guy!''"
* Haru does this in ''[[Rave Master]]'' when Lucia points out that, technically, they're both kings, and goes on to say they need no friends, only men with the mental capacity to kneel.
* In [[Muhyo and Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation]], as Teeki, confident in having won after Julio puts the heroes under a curse that will kill them if they move, goes on about how people [[You Can't Fight Fate|are unable to go against their fate]] and how Enchu learned that for himself when his mother died. Roji declares that it is a lie, states that Enchu couldn't bear his grief, and then dispels the curse.
* In ''[[Berserk]]'' {{spoiler|the man who tortures Griffith}} locks the door on Guts and company, then rants about how much he'll enjoy torturing them. Guts responds by stabbing him through the door, [[Improbable Use of a Weapon|causing it to explode.]] He then falls down a [[Bottomless Pits|bottomless pit.]]
** Guts also does this to the Godhand during the Eclipse. "I said shut up!"
* ''[[Utena]]'' does this several times per arc.
* ''[[Texhnolyze]]'': Ichise sharply disagrees with Kano's nihilism. {{spoiler|This is expressed by punching Kano's head clean off}}.
* ''[[Monster (manga)|Monster]]'': Lunge's response to {{spoiler|Roberto's speech about Johan's plan is to shove his gun right into Roberto's mouth}}.
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'''General Zod''': (''loses his temper and the perfectly calm demeanor he had the whole story'') I would have found a way! }}
* Done comically in ''[[Young Justice (comics)|Young Justice]]''. Robin, Superboy and Impulse have all been sent into manifestations of their greatest fears. Robin's is a direct spoof of [[The Silence of the Lambs]], with the Joker parodying Lecter ("[[Getting Crap Past the Radar|I can smell you, runt.]]") and lecturing Robin. The heroes discover that the best way to deal with these fears is for them to switch places. After Superboy and Impulse's fears have been dealt with, Robin realizes with horror that they left Impulse alone with the Joker. When they get there they find that Impulse has nearly driven Joker to (even more) madness by simply asking "Why?" over and over again.
* Averted during the [[Mark Waid]] [[Flash]] run, there was a really epic storyline called "The Return of Barry Allen". It involved the Reverse Flash, Professor Zoom, being a lot faster than Wally. Zoom gives a [[Break Them by Talking]] , and Wally keeps trying to do this, but Zoom's so much faster he dodges/beats the crap out of Wally each time without breaking his lecture.
* This happened a ''lot'' during the [[Green Lantern]] Arc "Sinestro Corps War". Primarily between Hal Jordan and his [[Evil Counterpart]] [[Big Bad|Sinestro]].
** Most recently during the "Rage of the Red Lanterns" Arc. After killing Green Lantern {{spoiler|Laira, previously converted to the eponymous Red Lantern Corps}}, [[Big Bad|Sinestro]] barely finishes taunting GL Hal Jordan - 'Look at that Jordan, another broken promise.' - when the hero grabs Sinestro by the collar, flies them both to the top of the Red Lantern Power Battery, and using the ring straps him into an 'electric chair.' This act unsuprisingly {{spoiler|leads to his initiation into the Red Lanterns.}} Less than 3 pages afterwards, {{spoiler|he pulls the switch}}.
** ''[[Blackest Night]]'' is practically ''made'' of these. The zombie villains are all twisted evil versions of deceased friends and family of the heroes, saying whatever they can to manipulate the emotions of their prey before feeding on their hearts. Not that delivering a Shut Up, Hannibal does much good. In a particularly brilliant moment of [[Genre Savvy]], the Black Lanterns can feed off [[Heroic Willpower]] just as easily as fear or anger.
* At the end of ''[[The Authority]] Revolution'' the [[Big Bad]] of the Arc is bragging that his control over the world has made it a better place. The Midnighter [[Made of Plasticine|tears off his head, ripping out his spine in the process]], in a manner that would make ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'' envious, with the words:
{{quote|'''The Midnighter:''' Well then, I guess I just don't give a shit.}}
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* [[Supergirl]] was savagely beaten up and kidnapped by [[Domestic Abuser|Powerboy]]. He says a big speech about how much he loves her, that he knows best, and that the beating was her fault for making him angry. Supergirl [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|blasts him with heat vision, calls him out that he's an asshole and that no one should ever hit someone that they love, then drops his house on him]]. He tries to escape, while still ranting, but Supergirl catches up to him and [[Groin Attack|kicks him in the groin]].
* In Shotgun Opera, main character Sterling has a good response to a "you don't deserve her" speech: "F** K YOU. I'm not about to roll over and die!"
* [[Spider-Man]] gave a more literal [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] to Norman Osborn in [ The Siege storyline.] It's since become something of a [[Memetic Mutation|Meme]] in Comic Book Forums.
* In the last issue of ''[[The Punisher|The Punisher: Welcome Back, Frank]]'', Punisher kills the [[Big Bad]]'s [[The Dragon|Dragon]], [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here|scaring off her remaining henchmen]], and starts pouring gasoline through her house. Even then, she tries to [[Break Them by Talking|demoralize him]] about hypocritical his [[Pay Evil Unto Evil|"war on crime"]] is, how he's no better than her, etc. As Punisher starts leaving, she tells him he's damned. His response:
{{quote|"Tell me something I don't know." * chucks a grenade inside* }}
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'''John Preston''': No. Not without incident. (Cue lots of mooks getting shot) }}
* ''[[Star Trek]] VI'': He doesn't actually say it to the villain, but during the [[Big Bad]]'s [[Shakespeare]]-quoting speech, McCoy does seem unimpressed: "I'd give real money if he'd shut up."
* In ''[[Girl, Interrupted]]'' the antagonist Lisa, whom the others see as a something of a [[Badass]], stalks the heroine Susanna through the labyrinth beneath the mental institution. She gives an increasingly unstable speech about how free she is and how easy it is to push people's buttons.
{{quote|'''Lisa:''' You know, there are too many buttons in the world. There's too many and they're just... There's way too many just begging to be pressed. [....] And it makes me wonder. You know, it really makes me fuckin' wonder, why doesn't anybody ever press mine? Why am I so neglected? Why doesn't anybody reach in and rip out the truth and tell me that I'm a fuckin' whore, or that my parents wish I were dead?
'''Susanna:''' (whirls around) ''Because you're dead already, Lisa!'' No one cares if you die, Lisa, because you're dead already. Your heart is cold. That's why you keep coming back here. You're not free. You need this place. You need it to feel alive. It's pathetic. }}
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''(laughs triumphantly, then screams as Anna catches a silver stake and impales her through the chest)''
'''Anna Valerious:''' I think if you're going to kill somebody, kill them! Don't stand around talking about it! }}
* ''[[Taken (film)|Taken]]'' 's biggest [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] is just that. {{spoiler|At the end Bryan gets to the fat sheikh that has ''bought '' his kidnapped daughter as a sex slave. He puts a knife on the girl's neck and attempts to negotiate, but Bryan just shoots him in the head before he completes the third word.}}
* ''[[M]]'' has a villainous example, as Hans explains to his captors why they're no better than him and have no right to judge him, but they don't listen. This is, in fact, older than the [[Hannibal Lecture]] trope itself.
* In the movie ''[[Breakdown]]'', the [[Big Bad]] starts to threaten the hero and his wife (the latter having just been rescued from the [[Stuffed in The Fridge|chest freezer]] in which the villains left her to suffocate) only to be silenced nine words in when a severely stressed-out [[Kurt Russell]] screams "You FUCK!!!" and kicks him in the face.
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* ''[[Star Wars]]'' features one of these when Greedo encounters Han Solo in the Mos Eisley Cantina. Greedo's threat to take the Millennium Falcon over Han's dead body prompts Han to shoot and kill Greedo.
** ''[[The Dog Shot First|HAN SHOT FIRST!]]''
*** Musn't forget Vader putting Admiral Motti in his place.
{{quote|'''Motti''': Don't try to frighten us with your sorceror's ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up [[MacGuffin|the stolen datatapes]]. Or given you clairvoyance enough to find the Rebels' hidden fortre-<br />
''At that moment, Vader [[Finger-Poke of Doom|raises his hand]] and begins Force-choking Motti.''<br />
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'''Professor Henry Jones Sr.:''' (''through his teeth'') It tells me that goose-stepping morons like yourself should try ''reading'' books instead of ''burning'' them! }}
* [[Batman (film)|Batman]] does the same thing. Instead of a gun, he just punches the guy out.
* Might as well provide an actual Hannibal Lecter example: in ''[[Red Dragon]]'', Hannibal tries to pull a [[Hannibal Lecture]] on Will. Will simply wishes him goodnight and leaves the room.
** Which might be the only way to win (or at least have a draw) against the great Hannibal Lecter; he fancies himself being able to understand anyone, so simply ignoring him and his 'genius' is the best possible retort.
* ''[[X-Men (film)|X Men]]'':
{{quote|'''Wolverine''': You're so fulla [[Precision F-Strike|shit]]. *[[Beat]]* If you were really so righteous, it'd be you in that thing.}}
** ''X-Men: First Class'' has one of the more unique examples of this. {{spoiler|Magneto}} cuts off {{spoiler|Sebastian Shaw}}'s attempt at a [[Break Them by Talking]] ... {{spoiler|''by agreeing with him''...but then explaining that his [[We Can Rule Together]] offer is never going to happen because "Unfortunately, [[You Killed My Father|you killed my mother.]] He then kills him. Brutally.}}
* Played with in ''[[Mystery Team]]''; {{spoiler|Robert}} interrupts Jason's speech about why they are all going to survive by {{spoiler|SHOOTING HIM}}.
* In ''[[Transformers: Dark of the Moon]]'', {{spoiler|Sam finds himself facing off against [[Complete Monster|Dylan Gould]], a human who has agreed [[The Quisling|to assist the Decepticons in their takeover of Earth]], provided that he is unharmed after the takeover (and possibly gets a fair share of the spoils; such as being leader of the human slaves). Sam tries to reason with Dylan, who ignores his pleas and turns on the final Pillar for the Space Bridge, warping Cybertron into Earth's atmosphere. Dylan then kicks Sam to the ground, telling him "You chose a side? You chose wrong!" Moments later, Sam appears with a metal bar in his hands, leading to this final conversation:}}
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* In the novelisation of ''[[Iron Man (film)|Iron Man]] 2'', Tony throws Ivan's words about being a thief and murderer back in the latter's face by pointing out that the latter has himself taken lives.
* In the [[Honor Harrington]] novels:
** Michael Oversteegen gives an absolutely brilliant one to the Mesan Navy commander in ''Crown of Slaves''.
{{quote|"At least, Sir, the uniform of the Queen of Manticore has never been sold t' the service of whoremasters, murderers, pedophiles, sadists, and perverts. I suppose, however, that those of you who choose t' serve in the navy of Mesa feel comfortable amid such company."}}
** Aivars Terekhov gets a similar one in ''The Shadow of Saganami''.
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'''O'Neill:''' I was thinkin' about it. (throws knife into Heru'ur's ribbon device) }}
* In the ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' episode "Lie to Me", Buffy's old friend is going to hand her and a bunch of innocent people over to Spike in exchange for being made a vampire. He gives Buffy a long speech about how he's dying and in pain. Buffy listens, and tells him she feels sorry for him... but if he goes through with it, she'll kill him herself. Commence ass-kicking.
** This is something of a speciality of Buffy's. Buffy's sass has won out over even the most carefully constructed [[Break Them by Talking]].
*** [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|"You have fruit punch mouth."]]
** Season Three, "Amends":
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== Theatre ==
* The play ''Custer'' concludes with an example that [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|Breaks The Fourth Wall]]. Set in Purgatory more than a century after the Battle of Little Big Horn, it mostly consists of the souls of George Armstrong Custer and his subordinates arguing over who was to blame for their utter defeat and annihilation at the hands of the Sioux. The characters have been fighting over relatively minor matters when, without skipping a beat, Custer looks out at the audience and declares that while it's easy to criticize him, [[You Bastard|the audience members are at that moment sitting on land that they have been able to safely inhabit thanks to the very "manifest destiny" doctrine that Custer died for]]. The implication is, if you don't like it, go live somewhere else, but otherwise, you have no right to criticize me.
== Toys ==
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{{quote|'''Riku:''' Wrong. The truth is... you just really stink.}}
** Done in Kingdom Hearts II twice, when Sephiroth tells Cloud to give in to the dark side and Cloud literally tells him "Shut up."
** Don't forget the first game, there Sora for the first time fights Maleficent. Before the battle she begins to rant about how nothing can stop her now from conquering the universe. Sora responded by telling her "We'll stop it! After comming this far, there's no way we're gonna let that happen!". Maleficent [[Villainous Breakdown|didn't take the challenge well]].
* In ''[[Assassin's Creed]]'', Majd Uddin attempts to give Altair a [[Not So Different]] speech about how it feels to hold the life or death of someone else in your hands. Altair's response is to say he's learned what happens to those who elevate themselves above others, and then stabs him in the neck.
** However, it's ''horribly'' inverted in the game. You ''must'' listen to every target's speech in an [[Unskippable Cutscene]] - both ''before'' and ''after'' the assassination.
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* Most of the boss battles in ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics]]'' consist of you shutting up the enemy via superior firepower, as they will at various points through the battle [[I Shall Taunt You|taunt you]] about their supposed superiority until you defeat them. One of the most satisfying deliveries of such a Shut Up Battle is against [[The Scrappy|Algus/Algrath]].
** Elmdor shuts up Barinten/Barringten by having his assassin toss him to his death when he confronts Rafa on the rooftops of Riovanes Castle.
* ''[[Dissidia Final Fantasy]]'' has several examples. Ultimecia in particular not only gets a good snarky one from the [[The Cape (trope)|Warrior of Light]] ([ "Are you finished talking?" ... "If you have no business with me, you should leave now. The world's time runs short. There is not a moment to waste with the likes of you."], she also gets an even more badass one from Squall after he defeats her in Shade Impulse: he responds to her preaching about time by [[Talk to the Fist|finishing her off with his gunblade,]] [[Killed Mid-Sentence|before she'd finished talking.]]
** Which of course is a reference to her [[Final Fantasy VIII|original game]] where she gives a similar speech during the final battle and gets struck down mid-sentence.
* Lightning in [[Final Fantasy XIII]] does this to {{spoiler|Orphan just before the [[Marathon Boss|final]] [[Anticlimax Boss|final]] boss fight.}}. He only manages a creepy laugh and three words before she gives him a lecture that lasts about a minute. But it is an awesome minute.
{{quote|"You don't believe in anything. You gave up on life before you were even born. Sat poisoning Cocoon from the inside, [[Death Seeker|waiting for someone to come and destroy you]]. Sure, you think the end of the world is salvation. All you care about is death's release. So take it, and leave the rest of us alone! We don't think like that. When we think there's no hope left, we keep looking until we find some. Maybe Cocoon is past saving, but it's our home, and we'll protect it or die trying! [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|We live to make the impossible possible... that is our Focus!]]"}}
* ''[[Clive Barker's Undying]]'': "You know what {{spoiler|Jeremiah}}? You talk too much." * slices off his head*
** Also:
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Lizbeth''':}} * Rants and raves on how she'll gut him and suck the marrow from his bones*
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* In ''[[Portal 2]]'', {{spoiler|Wheatly is telling you to do yourself a favor and just commit suicide to avoid having him kill you. In response, you can make a portal network that chucks a mine at his monitor.}}
* At the end of [[Sly Cooper|Sly 3]], {{spoiler|Dr. M tries to convince Bentley that the cooper family are a bunch of self-centered greedy attention grubbers, and that he and Bentley are the same due to them both being the [[The Smart Guy|technical minded]] members of the team, Bentley responds saying that they are all brothers, and that's why he and Murray are going to stop him.}}
* The sci-fi submarine combat game ''[[Aquanox]]'' has a pretty funny one. Towards the end of the game, the hero Flint confronts the leader of the Crawlers, the setting's [[The Usual Adversaries|Usual Adversaries]]. The Crawler Leader gives a big, incredibly melodramatic speech about how he's going to wipe out human civilization and eat everybody. In response Flint simply quips "Soooo... you write your own material?".
* Before the penultimate story battle in ''[[Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice]]'', {{spoiler|Super Hero Aurum}} goes on about how a hero only exists when there is evil to fight, and is useless otherwise. Mao, having sat in the back and listened to the rebuttals of the others this whole time, has finally decided that he has had enough crap.
{{quote|'''Mao''': ...Hmph. I stay quiet and listen, and you continue to blab. It was only you alone that wanted any of this. Was a hero such a dinky existence that you couldn't shine without an enemy? Were you so pitiful that you had to watch out for what the people thought, and be afraid of being forgotten? Is it a hero's job to raise an enemy just to make yourself look greater? Did you want praise for your efforts?
'''{{spoiler|Aurum}}''': You... ! You dare insult me, the Super Hero?!
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* In ''[[Ninja Gaiden]]'' 3: The Dark Sword of Chaos, Ryu Hayabusa gives one to {{spoiler|Clancy}} after the latter offers him the chance to join him in the destruction of the human race, saying that he just wants to protect the Earth from the damage that human's cause. Ryu's response?
{{quote|'''Ryu''': No reason can ever excuse the destruction and slaughter of mankind. The only thing that's going to get destroyed is you and this dimensional warship!}}
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess]]'' has Zant claiming that he should have been the rightful ruler of the Twili instead of {{spoiler|Midna and her "useless, do-nothing royal family".}} One ass kicking at the hands of Link later, Midna tells Zant that the reason the Twili didn't go along with him was because they knew he was a power hungry psychopath.
* ''[[Persona 3]]'' saw Junpei cutting Takaya short, as he rants on about how death and the Fall are the light to guide humanity out of the darkness:
{{quote|'''Junpei Iori''': “I'm not dying so you can have a friggin' night-light!”}}
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** And of course, leave us not forget Rikk's earlier and more spot-on example of this trope, during his climactic confrontation with Keith Feddyg before the [[Time Skip]].
** Rikk is good at these. During the Order arc at the end of book 6, he and Marc confronted Hus, one of the Order's mages, who was attempting to take over Egypt in the wake of spell that literally destroyed the concept of written communication. After Hus gave Rikk a [[Reason You Suck Speech]], Rikk and Marc effectively shut him up:
{{quote|'''Rikk''': First off, I got sucker-punched by Captain America. That's like giving Michael Phelps a headstart. Secondly, I've spent the last five years with [[OT 3OT3|two remarkable women.]] One of them's one of the toughest, cleverest fighters I've ever seen anywhere. [[Bait and Switch Comparison|The other is Rumiko Tanaka Oberf.]] We work hard, but we do make time for each other. And when we're not vegging or sharing a bed...we like to spar. Marc and I aren't here to impress you, Hus. We're here to bring you to justice.<br />
'''Marc''': Bully needs a beatdown! ([[Beat]]) Yours was way more wootworthy.<br />
'''Rikk''': No, you gave a good closing statement. }}
* Subverted in ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]''. [[Dumb Muscle|Fighter]] ''thought'' he was giving one of these to a giant who was talking to his party members after squishing Black Mage. In actuality the giant was giving the Light Warriors a [[Glurge]]-filled speech about the [[Disproportionate Reward]] he was about to give. Red Mage and Thief were very upset at losing the opportunity to commandeer an army of loyal giants.
** Also played straight in the confrontation against Sarda, because Black Mage "never knew it was possible to care less about time travel."
** [ "Damn, but you goth freaks love to hear yourselves talk."]
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== Web Original ==
* In [[The Angry Video Game Nerd]] episode about ''[[Nightmare On Elm Street]]'', Freddy Krueger says that nobody is ''forcing'' the Nerd to play bad games but {{spoiler|[[Tomato in the Mirror|himself]]}}, making the Nerd [[Not So Different]], but the Nerd just cuts Freddie off with a gut bustingly hilarious reply of "Go yank your cock through your ass ya fucking butt mongrel!" and showing off his {{spoiler|Power Glove, which he uses to destroy Freddy. [[A Winner Is You|The nightmare is ended]], but [[Promotional Powerless Piece of Garbage|the real battle had just begun]]}}.
* [[Atop the Fourth Wall|Linkara]] does not use words to shut up any "Hannibals" out there. [[Talk to the Fist|He punches 'em in the gut]] while screaming '''[[Memetic Mutation|"I AM A MAN!!!"]]'''.
* In episode 15 of the [[That Guy With The Glasses]] segment "Ask That Guy"... well, ''something'' like this happens. (For bonus points, this comes in the wake of a particularly lengthy and disturbing rant about starving a [[Furby]] to death.) That Guy responds to a question down the vein of "how do I know I'm real, and not a product of my own imagination?" with unusual vitriol, until it descends into a self-serving rant about himself and his own twisted villainy.
{{quote|'''That Guy''': ...I don't say this often, but you are wrong, and I am right. I mean, suppose I ''was'' the figment of someone else's dream and that the dreamer out there was actually a good, rational person with -- eugh! -- a conscience. I mean, wouldn't he have gotten rid of me a long time ago? I mean, wouldn't he have the decency to get rid of such ''concentrated'' evil like me? No! ''No!'' There ''is'' no dreamer, and evil. Always. ''Wins.'' Thus showing that there ''is'' no good in the world, and evil is ''always'' rewarded. That's the way it ''is'', and that's the way I always {{spoiler|(poof)}}}}