Sighted Guns Are Low Tech: Difference between revisions

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== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' mostly averts this, as bolters have what seem to be iron sights. Strangely enough, heavy bolters have them too, even thoughSpace they'reMarine and Sororitas variants specifically designed to be fired from the hip.
** Only Space Marine variants. The Guard fire them from tripods, if they tried the hip method their arms'd fall off.
** Some Chaos Space Marines also have special bolters whose nozzles are redesigned to resemble the open jaws of a daemon. [[Awesome but Impractical|Cool]], but it really hampers with iron sights.
*** [[MST3K Mantra|They're]] [[The Legions of Hell|Chaos]] [[Super Soldier|Space]] [[Space Marine|Marines]]. And that gun probably ''is'' a daemon.
**** Bear in mind that both Space Marines and their Chaotic counterparts have the option to directly link their weapon with their helmet optics. Of course, with a heavy bolter, [[More Dakka|not much aiming is required in the first place]]... and won't help much in burst fire (it may have recoil compensation to avoid tumbling in zero-g, but unlike pure rocket gyrojet, is semi-self-propelled, thus could still shake like a jackhammer).
** Likewise, the [[Redshirt Army|Imperial Guard's]] [[Frickin' Laser Beams|lasguns]] have sights (and sometimes bayonets)- and so do the rifles of the highly advanced Eldar and Tau. Figures that the setting that [[Used Future|deliberately goes for outdated designs]] would get something right that nearly all settings don't.
*** Many troop types have systems linking their guns to their helmets to assist aim, but they keep the iron sights [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|just in case]].
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** Tyranid weapons don't have sights, they have [[Living Weapon|eyes]].
** The [[Our Elves Are Better|Eldar]] almost completely avert this, pretty much every weapon in their arsenal (down to the pistols...) is equipped with either an optical scope or a sense-link that allows the user's HUD to display a view of what the gun is looking at.
== Video Games ==