So Bad It's Horrible/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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* ''Air Control'', a "[[Blatant Lies|flight simulator]]" that came out on PC via Steam in 2014. It's also known as one of the worst, most ineptly produced games in recent memory. Whether it's the clearly [[Obvious Beta|unfinished gameplay elements and graphics]], recycled (and shoddily slapped-on) stock Unity models, [[Mind Screw|nonsensical scenes like an airplane being underwater]], the use of actual copyrighted airline material or a host of other issues, the game was so poorly received that it had to be pulled from Steam. Here's Markiplier in particular [ suffering through it].
* ''Infestation: Survivor Stories'' (originally titled ''The WarZ'') is a [[Survival Horror]] MMO from Hammerpoint Interactive/OP Productions that came out on PC in 2012 under its original title; the game was removed from Steam for a time until it reemerged under its present name. An attempt to [[Follow the Leader|cash in on the popularity]] of mods like ''DayZ'', it fails not only as a [[Mockbuster]] but also as a game in every conceivable way. Be it in its myriad bugs, missing content, unbalanced gameplay, shoddy online pay scheme and promotional material that outright ''lies'' about what's in the game, there's much to loathe. Which isn't helped at all by the creators' egotistical response to criticism and the fact that said developers were also responsible for dredge like ''[[Big Rigs Over the Road Racing]]''. [[Total Biscuit]], however, [ said it best].
* ''Vendetta: Curse of Raven's Cry'' (formerly ''Raven's Cry''), is a 2015 action-adventure RPG that came out on PC and the Xbox 360. Ostensibly following the exploits of Christopher Raven in the golden age of piracy, the game [[Follow the Leader|tries hard to invoke]] the likes of ''[[Assassin's Creed]] IV: Black Flag'' and ''[[Sid Meier's Pirates]]'', but falls far short of its erstwhile inspirations. Despite the effort put into creating the game, [[Obvious Beta|it comes across as horribly buggy and unpolished]] that even the [[Updated Rerelease]] shoved out months later ''had the same issues.'' Combined with some controversy involving the publishers rigging the game's Steam reviews with positive ratings,<ref>Which is suspected to be one of the reasons why Steam [ pulled out the game from sale for a time].</ref> the game simply does nothing to earn its price tag. Here's the [[Two Best Friends Play]] guys [ enduring it].
== Companies ==