Social Services Does Not Exist: Difference between revisions

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* Genma Saotome, father of [[Ranma ½|Ranma Saotome,]] is quite possibly the king of this trope—a selfish and casually abusive father whose antics are [[Hilariously Abusive Childhood|played for humor]] despite having essentially ruined his son's life at every possible opportunity.That Ranma hasn't cracked and murdered his dad by now, or at least beaten some sense into him, makes him a possible candidate for sainthood. Of course, Ranma being a martial artist, he's ''tried'' [[Calling the Old Man Out|beating sense into Genma's thick head]], but it never seems to take.
** Soun Tendo of the same series, while not nearly as much of a bastard as Genma, does almost ''nothing'' for his family other than occasionally bursting into tears, leaving his eldest daughter to run things. [[Fridge Logic|However; at the time the series takes place, Kasumi probably could legally have her younger siblings in her care as she's a legal adult]]...but how does she make any money?
*** Soun Tendo is a member of Nerima's city council, a job that presumably includes a salary. Likewise, as he owns the land his dojo is built upon (and owning any land at all in Tokyo means you are ''have moneywealthy'', given the truly insane real estate prices there), he may own other property and collect rents.
** Principal Kuno would regularly shave off his son's hair on a whim (and in hair-trimmer vs. bokken duels) and generally humiliate him. The anime expands this by hinting at physical abuse (flashbacks from the episode where Kuno and the Principal's relationship is revealed include Kuno Senior taking Tatewaki's food while apparently berating him, forcing his head into a sink so he can shave him bald, and tying him up and dangling him from a tree). Already a fan of American culture, he also abandoned his family to live in Hawaii for several years. He came back even worse.
* Ryuunosuke and her father in ''[[Urusei Yatsura]]'', often considered the prototype for Ranma, although Ryuunosuke is an actual girl who was raised as a guy by a dad who refuses to recognize that she's a girl, mainly because he doesn't think a girl can take over his precious tea shop. This has left her with rather bad gender issues; she's fully aware she's a girl, and wants to be a "real" girl more than anything, but her father refuses to allow her to wear female clothes or even talk of herself as being a girl, nevermind try and get a boyfriend or try to act like a girl... in fact, because she's spent so long being brought up to act like a boy, she doesn't even know how to act like a girl.